

‘This is your job now': Car dealership manager sends worker to deliver paperwork, despite lack of approval by higher-ups; customer CCs whole department on matter

‘This is your job now': Car dealership manager sends worker to deliver paperwork, despite lack of approval by higher-ups; customer CCs whole department on matter

Customers rarely have our backs, but when you find a way to get them to complain without exposing what is happening in the background work-wise, you have struck gold. Just because somebody is working, does not mean they want to work. Moreover, it would probably be best if they didn't work at all, seeing as they can't even do one simple job right. Who am I going on about? Well, let's call him Jim. Jim was the OP's coworker, who happened to be a manager at the car dealership OP worked at. Jim was…
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Karen manager demands employee print a video and gets fired | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/deeba_ 11 hours ago No problem print video And while at might have fired as well. oc L Hi all, This is my first submission sub and hope enjoy There's tl:dr at bottom. Context: This happened few years ago 18 and working as receptionist community nursing service. As youngest team by long shot average age employees being around 55-60 usually one responsible Computer Stuff mostly just simple things

Karen Manager Orders Employee to Print a Video File, Gets Fired

She insisted.
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