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'[He] wants my 1963 Fender': Musician refuses to give her $3,000 vintage guitar to her teenaged stepson; stands her ground even when accosted by family

Kids don't understand the value of things. It may sound old school, but the only way to really know what something is worth, is to work really hard to acquire it. And just like we learned when watching Antiques Roadshow at 2AM, when it comes to vintage, classic, or collector's valuables, there's more than just the monetary value to something– that lazy-eyed clown doll may seem worthless, but to the clown collecting bag lady, it's priceless.
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Cardboard and Cable Ties

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Fender Fail

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Fender + Flashlight + Duct Tape = WIN

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You Know Ground Effects? Well Here Are Some Earthquake Effects

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Duct Tape! You've Failed Me!

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