
fan theory

Tumblr | silverhawk honestly tho scene incredibles where mr. incredible sees names all old super heroes used be his friends he knew Back Day and every one them has been killed by syndrome is such chilling scene so many reasons like one, everyone he knew is dead at this point and has been killed on same island he's at now and two, its heartbreaking bc means almost every hero wanted try out being hero again despite laws against and wanted try and help someone out and relive their glory days, only

Tumblr Thread: A Deep Look At The Incredibles

This is what the internet is for.
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Tumblr user calls BS on popular spirited away fan theory | don't want don't need petrichoriousparalian this scene is even more creepy realize Spirited Away metaphor sex industry Japan | eren-jaegars-butt oh vivvav OH FUCK'S SAKE! NO WASN'T JACKASSES Totoro's about dead girls Spirited Away is about sex know hear? Spirited Away made some friends Miyazaki's. Specifically ten-year-old daughters some friends he invited stay at his vacation home s fairly common Miyazaki decide he's going make movies

Tumblr User Calls BS On Sinister Subtext of "Spirited Away"

It's a pretty popular theory.
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Tumblr thread explains Darth Vader from Star Wars as comically over-dramatic | sohaliatalitha okay but Vader literally turned off lights on his chest panel make an impression on Rebels whole emerging darkness by light his saber thing intentional dramatic effect drama king. Leia got away because he wasted 30 seconds scaring crap outta those poor rebel mooks.

Tumblr Describes Darth Vader as Being Way Too Extra

Make way for the Sith Lord of Drama
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crazy Game of Thrones fan theory TV ridiculous television Daenerys Targaryen - 8368133

Absolutely Insane Game Of Thrones Theory On Daenerys Targaryen's Scaly Fate

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Ten times fan theories were way too good.

10 Times Fan Theories Were Way Too Good to Ignore

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twitter news fan theory ridiculous viral rapper - 5197573

T-Pain Puts An End To The Viral Centaur Theory On Twitter

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These fan theories that connect Stranger Things and Stephen King's It are crazy.

Crazy Fan Theories Connecting Stranger Things To Stephen King's, It, Are SCARY Good

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Guy's tweet about Big Bird is blowing everyone's mind and going viral for best reasons possible.

Dude's Tweet About Big Bird On Sesame Street Is Blowing Everyone's Mind

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Twisted fan theory on Twitter about the origins of the Powerpuff Girls is pure nightmare fuel.

This Super Twisted Fan Theory About Origins of the Powerpuff Girls Will Give You Terrible Cringe Chills

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fan theory bob ross ridiculous - 1853701

12 People Pass Around Their Most Outlandish Fan Theories and These Are Instant Greatness

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childhood cannibalism movies fan theory wall.e robots future pixar - 83775489

Holy Childhood-Ruiner, Was There Cannibalism in WALL-E?!

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