
AITA for putting blue hair dye in my shampoo without letting my family know?

'The result isn't pretty': Teenager uses sister's shampoo without permission, discovers there was blue hair dye in it

AITA for sending my niece to go live with her other uncle?

'I told her to go pack a bag': Uncle kicks niece out of his house for a week to stay with her other uncle, gets roasted in the comments

'He's blatantly lying and making me out to be the bad guy': Shady Older Brother Sabotages His Sibling's New Relationship, Betraying His Family and Keeping Secrets From His Own Wife

'He's blatantly lying and making me out to be the bad guy': Shady Older Brother Sabotages His Sibling's New Relationship, Betraying His Family and Keeping Secrets From His Own Wife

AITA for saying my sister doesn't have to dictate what I do in my own home after she insisted on setting the table for dinner?

'That was insanely disrespectful of you': Woman gets annoyed at sister who made family dinner

AITA for telling my BIL to get over himself and to quit holding a 10 year old grudge?

'You and your family sound massively entitled': Guy tells BIL to 'get over' his 10-year grudge so their families can vacation together

Top Trending Entitled Moms of the Week (February 2, 2023)

Top Trending Entitled Moms of the Week (February 2, 2023)

AITA wasting money on a bathroom and not helping my brother.

'You aren't his ATM': Dude refuses to lend money to overspending brother, but their mother disagrees

Top 25+ Pointless Stories of the Week (February 1, 2023)

Top 25+ Pointless Stories of the Week (February 1, 2023)

30 Memes about Italy for cannoli connoisseurs and spaghetti stans

30 Memes about Italy for cannoli connoisseurs and spaghetti stans

'Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked. I hated it so much that I wanted to cry': 35 Terrible movies that people regret seeing in theaters

'Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked. I hated it so much that I wanted to cry': 35 Terrible movies that people regret seeing in theaters

AITA for forbidding my sister to meet my child and telling my wife to butt out of the situation?

'You all sound unhappy and miserable': Guy discovers his wife has been communicating with his estranged sister, now threatens divorce

family drama aita family stories drama reddit story story family Reddit - 19132421

'AITA for not letting my sister's boyfriend use hot sauce?': Boyfriend storms out when Italian family forbids usage of hot sauce

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'I accidentally married my cousin': Pregnant Utah woman and her husband discover that they're actually related, while searching for familial baby names online

'She has always tried to one-up me': Update! Bride changes party dress code to humiliate overdressed half-sister

'She has always tried to one-up me': Update! Bride changes party dress code to humiliate overdressed half-sister

'She's now moved me from the nice room to put her other two bridesmaids in there': Divisive bridezilla splits family up over expensive rooms

'She's now moved me from the nice room to put her other two bridesmaids in there': Divisive bridezilla splits family up over expensive rooms

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'AITA for insulting my sister’s wacky baby names?': Woman disagrees with sister's "stripper" baby names and causes dispute