
Man is asked by overseas family members to donate money to his recently unemployed step-cousin because of a failed $2.8 million mortgage: ‘I warned them’

‘I warned them’: Man's step-family begs him to loan distant cousin money despite man's big spending warnings years earlier

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'She paid insurance and taxes for years': Couple discovers after 40 years they were scammed, realizing they only own half their land and have been paying to maintain neighbor's property

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Mother mad at scientist husband for secretly naming their daughter after an insect: 'She said I had taken advantage of her trust'

‘I can’t stand them anymore': Parents who aren't even contributing $1 to daughter's wedding refuse to attend unless given complete control over planning, couple has enough

‘I can’t stand them anymore': Parents who aren't even contributing $1 to daughter's wedding refuse to attend unless given complete control over planning, couple has enough

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'Who [hasn't] donated $500 to the honeymoon?': Imperious bridezilla shocks her bridal party with delusional demands, gets put in her place

'He offered me $10 each—take it or leave it': Concertgoer outsmarts ticket reseller

'He offered me $10 each—take it or leave it': Concertgoer outsmarts ticket reseller

‘There's more to life than money’: Overworked employee accepts job offer that is $70K lower than current salary, leading to a heated discussion about work-life balance

‘There's more to life than money’: Overworked employee accepts job offer that is $70K lower than current salary, leading to a heated discussion about work-life balance

Devoted worker pushed to the brink after PTO revocation just weeks before long-awaited family vacation

Devoted worker pushed to the brink after PTO revocation just weeks before long-awaited family vacation

'What was his plan?!': Coffee shop customer defends daughter against theft accusation, cameras prove his involvement

'What was his plan?!': Coffee shop customer defends daughter against theft accusation, cameras prove his involvement

‘Rip the bandaid off’: Husband denies scandalous offer from sister-in-law but doesn't know how to tell his pregnant wife about her sibling's betrayal, internet provides helpful advice

‘Rip the bandaid off’: Husband denies scandalous offer from sister-in-law but doesn't know how to tell his pregnant wife about her sibling's betrayal, internet provides helpful advice

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Man's decision to name his son after his late mother causes family tension: 'I was told my actions were deliberately cruel and intended to humiliate my stepmother'

'Fine, I will water ALL the plants': Teenager gets back at parent who asked them to do chores

'Fine, I will water ALL the plants': Resentful teenager gets back at parent who asked them to do chores

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18-year-old abandons parents leaving them marooned on an island when they're late back to their Caribbean cruise: 'They would not head back to the ship when I said it was time to go'

'Entitled Aunt Karen vs. southern Grandma': Greedy aunt stuns grandparents by telling them everything she wants included in their will

'Entitled Aunt Karen vs. southern Grandma': Greedy aunt stuns grandparents by telling them everything she wants included in their will

'My husband wants to start a "restaurant for magicians"': Woman tries to convince husband not to sink money into his new restaurant idea

'My husband wants to start a "restaurant for magicians"': Woman tries to convince husband not to sink money into his new restaurant idea

Dad accuses son of losing wrench he lost himself, son buys him new wrench as a gift for every event for the rest of his life: 'This Father's Day will be wrench number 55!'

Dad accuses son of losing wrench he lost himself, son buys him new wrench as a gift for every event for the rest of his life: 'This Father's Day will be wrench number 55!'