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'I didn't realize how greedy he was': Lottery winner tries to share their winnings of $500/day (for life) with their indignant teenage son, revokes the money after the son gets greedy

$500 per day for life? That kid could have been going places...
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'Hugh is a bully': Teenage girl humiliates her balding brother-in-law as retaliation for constantly saying she's 'gained weight'

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‘Give my baby to my sister?’: Parents pressure their pregnant daughter to give her newborn baby to her infertile twin sister, insane ultimatum shocks everyone

Infertile? There are many ways to have a son or daughter that never involve pregnancy: you can adopt, you can foster, or you can steal your sister's baby before it's ever born...
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'Never overstay your welcome': Couple reverse guilt-trips their inconsiderate family when they refuse to host another messy family gathering

Once the family got a little too comfortable in their host's home, things got stickier than the kid's table mac and cheese spilled on their opulent Berber rug
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