
faith in humanity restored


‘A breath of fresh air’: Heartless Karen throws tantrum about homeless man who ‘stinks,’ kind hotel employee pretends he's a guest and gives him free room with a hot shower

What a world we live in where kindness is something we have to “sneak” into our place of employment. It takes a truly caring person to risk their job in order to do the kind thing—especially when it comes to the U.S. and its homeless population. Most of the rules and regulations go against helping a houseless person. You constantly see employees “shooing” away homeless people from their property as if they were nothing less than a rodent who wandered in. It's heartbreaking. But what are you sup…
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good-customer-story, wholesome-customer-story, good-life-lesson, how-to-tip, good-tip, tipping-culture, happy-ending, faith-in-humanity

'I needed to clear my conscience': Server is miffed by 3% tip, gets a holiday miracle the next day when customer comes back to give additional 50% tip and an apology

HOLY MOLY, a human was decent. Alert the news! Sound the sirens! Everybody hold hands and enjoy this moment of faith being restored in humanity. It's quit uncommon to find a store on the internet that does just that. Usually, it's people venting about some horrible incident with a Karen or incompetent manager that makes life feel unbearable. But, hey, it's the holiday season ! Some wholesomeness and empathy is called for. This Redditor recalls an embarrassing moment in his life that he will nev…
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man getting robbed, ends up instead helping a father in need

'That was a desperate dad, willing to do a bad thing for his child': Man shares heartbreaking story of how he turned getting robbed into helping a father in need

Being approached by a stranger in a dark parking lot is already intimidating. You were just trying to mind your own business, and now you might be in a very scary and dangerous situation. However, sometimes these situations, when shed on by a different light, turn out to be okay. For instance, Bryan Minerly recently shared a story on his social media about how he somehow changed his fate from him getting robbed, to him helping a father in need.
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Thief Steals a Car That's So Crappy He Returns it Thoroughly Cleaned with New Rims, Tires, Kill Switch, and a an Inspirational Note

Thief Steals a Car That's So Crappy He Returns it Thoroughly Cleaned with New Rims, Tires, Kill Switch, and a an Inspirational Note

This guy is a professional car thief, but saw how hard this person worked for his car and decided to fix it up and return it.
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nice wholesome moments

Wholesome Moments To Regain Some Faith In Humanity

It's a nice reminder.
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halloween faith in humanity restored Video win - 107491585

Girl On Halloween Leaves Her Candy For Other Kids

Faith in humanity temporarily restored.
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A guy's former landlord decides to pay all of his old tenants years later.

Man's Former Landlord Pulls Saintly Gesture For Him

There are real life heroes out there.
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Daughter's viral Twitter thread ends up securing her dad a new job at Costco.

Daughter's Twitter Thread Secures Dad New Job At Costco

The internet can accomplish some good for this world.
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nature awesome faith in humanity restored kayak moose Video win - 106962177

Heroic Kayakers Rescue Moose Calf From River In Canada

Job well done, lads.
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Guy assumes that his classmate's stealing his seat every day, but he learns otherwise.

Twitter Thread: Guy Assumes Classmate's Stealing His Seat, Learns Otherwise

Best to give people the benefit of the doubt.
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railroad awesome faith in humanity restored train Video win - 106749953

Heroic Railway Employee Rescues Child From Oncoming Train

A real life hero.
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People describe the nicest celebrities they ever met.

People Describe Nicest Celebrities They Met

Some celebs are genuine gems.
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A funny Tumblr thread about some very helpful frat boys.

Tumblr Story: Frat Boys Unite To Conquer Pressing Task

Hm, a little faith in humanity has been restored.
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awesome faith in humanity restored archer Video win - 106468865

Archer Chooses Not To Shoot Arrow After Opponents Equipment Malfunctions

He wanted to win by skill and definitely not a technicality.
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A collection of the wholesome secrets that people have been keeping.

Wholesome Secrets People Have Been Keeping

Human beings can be amazing.
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confronting an internet bully revenge scammer

Modern Hero Confronts The World's Worst Scammer

Way to go, Jim.
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