
fail stories

diet dieting FAIL doctor FAILS funny funny stories nutrition stories tifu fail stories - 25667077

Misguided guy claims to have eaten 400 Tic-Tacs a day and gained 40 lbs: '[I] didn't realize that Tic-Tacs weren't actually 0 calories'

There's something to be learned here about not taking things at face value and using a little common sense to draw a more logical conclusion. Often in life, things are simplified for us in order to cater to the lowest common denominator and, in the process, obfuscate the actual point of the information that was supposed to be communicated in the first place. An extreme example of this is our entire understanding of chemistry; we're taught from our days in middle school chem class—clear through…
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ask reddit FAIL human experience mistakes were made fail stories mistakes getting older - 23533573

'Getting involved with a coworker...': Mistakes people still made over the age of 30 that led to disaster

Life, in its simplest form, is a series of choices, choices made within the limits of our perspective and affected by outside influences and authorities that hold sway. Sometimes, these decisions are small and relatively inconsequential, but they can still snowball into something far bigger down the road. Other times, the decisions themself are large, so large that we find it nearly impossible to take the necessary step forward down one of the paths. In these instances, it's no surprise that we…
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