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30 Fresh Design Fails and Things That People Didn't Quite Get Right (March 24, 2023)

Whenever you're presented with a problem, you have three options: Research the tried and true solution Hire or ask someone who has the correct experience. Improvise. It's always tempting to go for the third option, and you might find yourself going this route more often than you care to admit. Sometimes this will work out for you… sometimes your creation will end up in a collection of images like this one. But—hey, there's no harm in trying! These individuals gave it their best shot and in a lo…
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30+ Moments of Mind-Melting Cringe From People Who Failed to Exercise Proper Judgement

What a horrible day to have eyes. It's no secret that we, as human beings, are all very different from one another and that individuality and identity defines the true beauty of mankind. Our ability to innovate and try new things makes us unique in this world and has ensured our success as a species, but it has also put us squarely on a path toward our own destruction. For every brilliant idea the human race puts forth, dozens should have never existed. For every amazing place we have ventured…
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30 Classic Fail Images to Tickle Your Pickle

This dump of classic fail images was originally posted as a “dump” to Imgur by user Iamjustherefornothingclearly, where it has earned 18k upvotes to date. What's your favorite image in this dump? Be sure to let us know in the comments.
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