

'I won't leave this store until I get my refund': Customer faced with strict returns policy finds a way to get full refund

'I won't leave this store until I get my refund': Customer faced with strict returns policy, finds a way to get full refund

Anyone who ever worked in retail knows how frustrating it is to have to explain to a customer the policy of the store and what they can or cannot do if they want to return an item. I once had a 30-minute conversation with a guy who wanted to return an item that was bought in a completely different store, and he simply did not accept ‘no’ for an answer. Being on the other side of the counter is no fun either. I can't tell you how much accumulated random stuff I have in my house simply because a…
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'Au revoir Shoshana': Top 20+ movie openings of all time, according to FAIL Blog Fans

'Au revoir Shoshana': Top 20+ movie openings of all time, according to FAIL Blog Fans

Gladiator , Star Wars: A New Hope , The Lord of the Rings , and… did I mention Gladiator ? It seems like a lot of our readers here at FAIL Blog have the exact same cinematic library. When we asked all of you to share your favorite movie openings of all time via Facebook , it seemed like you all could not get enough of the same few movies. But look, some movies are worth repeating because they are just that good. Personally, I can't tell you exactly what the opening of Gladiator was like so many…
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Man considers canceling engagement after fiancée's sister destroys all his lego sculptures

Reddit Review 'AITA': Man Kicks Out Fiancée's "Troubled Teen" Sister From Their Home After She Purposefully Destroys Two of His Lego Sculptures

When you ask someone to marry them, you are also asking to be 100% part of their life. That means through the ups AND the downs. But sometimes those downs could be more than you bargained for...
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FAIL Blog ask reddit toxic-workplace failbook interviews workplace Reddit job interview interview employment toxic-work-environment - 19383301

30+ Subtle Red Flags From Employers That You Might Not Immediately Catch

Some things stand out to you immediately as being out of place—like feeling the skin suddenly crawling on the back of your neck when you're walking through the park at night. We're primally—well… ‘primed’ for picking out when things are potentially dangerous; that innate survival instinct works wonders for picking up when things aren't quite what they seem. However, some people are cunning and practiced in their duplicity, and chances are you might miss the subtle hints that things really aren'…
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funniest memes we found this week for country folk

A Rootin' Tootin' Cowboy Dump of YeeHaw Memes from This Week That'll Have You Hootin' and Hollerin'

Well yeehaw and call your grandma, it's another week of the rootinest tootinest memes that grazed our fields. We ain't talkin' bout your mama's memes, we're talking about memes only for the funniest cowboys and cowgirls out there. If you're thinking this town ain't big enough for the both of us, well partner, you're wrong! It's the internet. It's abilities are more infinite than a rodeo star. Speaking of rodeo, this ain't our first—we've been ropin' in the memes for decades. You think you've se…
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woman gets petty revenge years later on classmate who screwed her over while in shool

'Now you want a job? I don't think so:' Woman gets tricked by classmate in grad school and fails project, years later she gets satisfying revenge when nefarious peer applies to her company

Revenge never goes stale.
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girl gets fine line tattoo from TikTok artist, they come out so bad she cries the entire way home, is able to get them to fade by scrubbing them with salt and oil all week and then gets them expertly fixed by another tattoo artist

Major Tattoo Fail Sends Girl Home in Tears, Spends Proceeding Weeks Trying to Scrub Them Off, Works Enough to Get Them Expertly Fixed

If you didn't know this already, tattoos are permanent… As parents like to remind their tatted up children quite often. So what do you do if you get a bad tattoo or it comes out messed up somehow? Well, usually you either wait until it's healed and spend thousands of dollars getting it removed by a professional. Or you talk with another tattoo artist, preferably one you trust, and see how you can transform it or cover it up to look better. Others however take a riskier route and try to hinder t…
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Toxic boss says he can replace employee in an hour after they enquired about a small raise, employee told him to start the timer and epically walked out on the job, this story prompted other Redditors to share their satisfying defying-management stories

'My supervisor told me today that he could have another person ready to take my job...So I said “start the timer” and I left': Employees Share Their Most Epic Quitting Stories

Name one thing better than being able to epically quit your soul-sucking job and shove it in your toxic boss' face with an epic one liner exit? Seriously, how freaking satisfying. Recently, a welder went to Reddit to share their epic “mic drop” moment when quitting. It all started when they went to their supervisor to enquire about a small raise they had previously discussed as a potential prior. Apparently, this manager decide to respond with toxicity and Karen-level tantrum. While the employe…
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Service industry employee has to call out for being sick on her first day of work serving, fears she might get fired, managers milk scare tactic, but just mark it as a "red flag"

'Called in sick on first day... [Now I'm] paranoid my boss secretly hates me': Server fears being let go for missing first day of work, managers say it's just a "red flag"

You know that nervous, but excited feeling you get in the pit of your stomach the night before starting your first day at a new job? Well, imagine if that feeling was actually you getting sick and now you have to call out with a sick day before you even officially have done any work. Sounds like a sticky situation. Well, one server reached out to managers on Reddit to get their opinion on the situation after they had to do just that. They already have asthma and then got Strep Throat, which mak…
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employee get wrongfully accused of stealing, turns out to be their entitled karen coworker, innocent working feels vindicated

Wrongfully Accused Worker Gets Satisfying Justice After Catching Entitled Karen Employee Stealing on Camera

Nothing is worse than working somewhere where the manager distrust you for no real reason . This Redditor shared the story about when they were wrongfully accused of stealing while working at a movie theater. They didn't even work at the register at the time, but apparently their manager was convinced it was them. However, justice was satisfyingly served once the truth came out. The Redditor not only got to clear their name, they also got to see their entitled Karen co-worker get caught stealin…
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What do you call the end piece of bread?

30+ People share different culture's names for that 'end piece of the bread', a surprising amount of cultures have the same idea

If you needed proof that all cultures have something in common: This is it. As it turns out, that end piece of crusty bread is regarded in a similar, if not identical, way in each culture. Forever an outcast, or as the Scottish put it: an outsider, that end piece of bread is regarded by all to be an inferior or unwanted portion, earning names like 'The Mother-in-Law,' the 'Butt' 'Boss,' 'Heel,' 'Nob'; all terms being derogatory, unwanted, and utterly dreadful, dirty things. This is a topic that…
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35 pick up lines that only exist because of modern technology

35 Pickup Lines That Won't Fail to Make You Give Up on Modern Romance

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Via AlmightyDiapahbetusGarlicGerbil

Nobody Needs All Their Bones Anyway

Via WhistlePigger
a daily collection of memes from fail blog

The Daily FAIL: 25 to Start the Day off Right

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FAIL Blog FAIL - 1949957

A Handful of Witty One-Liners That Will Have You Gripping Your Sides

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