

‘You can have as much overtime as you want, just do your job’: Factory worker turns off production machines after being instructed to ‘wash windows’, leading to a holdup in entire factory's production

‘You can have as much overtime as you want, just do your job’: Factory worker turns off production machines after being instructed to ‘wash windows’, leading to a holdup in entire factory's production

People often ponder what ‘being cheap’ looks like in a company, and it is strongly apparent that those particular people do not work in cheap companies. In too many places, bosses love to assign their employees extra work, giving them multiple jobs to do that don't necessarily fit their job description, and cheap out on hiring somebody else to do what needs to be done. Most of the time, they get away with it. But every so often, an employee shows them who is boss, by maliciously complying to a…
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factory worker quits during the first argument with his new boss who was reprimanding him for no reason and being extremely disrespectful, epically walks out and immediately find a new job with better hours and pay and closer to home

‘I quit on the spot and found a better job:’ Toxic Boss Disrespects Employee for the First and Last Time After Employee Epically Quits and Walks Out with No Regrets Mid-Reprimand

It's 2023, y'all, it's time to not take any crap from your employers. Oh, they're yelling at you and gaslighting you and making everything your fault even though they have been nothing but unhelpful, disrespectful, and just right out a jerk? Well, you stand up and GTFO of there. Stand tall, say your goodbyes, and walk on out with your head held high. You deserve better than selling your soul to a person who sees you as gum under their shoe. Sometimes it's better to work at a Chipotle with cowor…
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manager malicious compliance revenge coworkers factory-worker factory workplace Horrible Bosses employment - 18471429

'Under his command the company need[ed] extra 2000 manhours when for over 10 years it never did': New boss sets stupid new rules for factory shut down, the predictable occurs

It's incredible how often new managers and owners fail to learn not to touch things until they understand them. Except, they're usually so wrapped up and embroiled in their own egos that they're blinded to logic or reason. Desperate to prove themselves and their competence — they proceed to make the most incompetent and inconceivable changes to things that should have been left well enough alone. From there, the predictable happens: The workplace and/or budgets spiral out of control, and the bo…
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