

worker forklift workplace-stories entertainment amusing employee job work factory factory line workplace blue collar funny - 25881093

Factory worker shares infuriating work stories from the assembly line: 'Always make sure the truck is hitched'

Everyone has infuriating days at work. Whether you're in the office and the technology is not doing what it's supposed to be doing, or if you are a construction worker battling the scorching summer heat, we all have rough days on the job. But what about factory workers? It's a whole different ballgame. From employees working the assembly line to drivers trying to steer the forklifts, there's a lot that can go wrong, and if someone messes up, it can be a big deal that throws off production and...
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace electricity electrician factory manufacturing blue collar - 25366021

'Don't touch anything electrical if you're not an electrician': Frustrated foundry workers maliciously comply with electrician's order

There are some things in life that just make sense… and not messing with the spicy death wires when you don't know what you're doing with them is one of them. It makes perfectly logical sense that, rather than playing “Operation” where instead of a startling buzzer sound and a light-up nose the penalty for failure is your own untimely fiery demise, you should just let the guys who know what they're doing do it. Sure, electricians get flack for being grosly overpaid for what they're actually doi…
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boss forklift employee satisfying malicious compliance revenge factory petty Reddit blue collar entitled people - 24016133

'I put the BMW on a stack of pallets': Entitled man refuses to move his car, forklift driver maliciously takes matters into his own hands

If there's anything to learn from this story (and the comments), it's not to mess with a forklift driver. The OP was doing his usual day-to-day job of stacking pallets with a forklift. In enters an entitled sales rep, who parked his BMW on the loading dock. It was the OP's job to make sure that the dock was clear, so he chased down the representative to politely ask him to move his car to the car park. But the entitled guy was not having it. He made a snarky comment, essentially saying he was...
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'This... is going to cost the company millions': Factory employee lets frozen products turn to "boiled mush" per their boss's orders

'This... is going to cost the company millions': Factory employee lets frozen products turn to "boiled mush" per their boss's orders

This employee is just following directions. If their boss's directions happen to be flawed, well, that's not their problem. You've got to act your wage sometimes. Quality Assurance is one of those processes that separates great products from those that are okay or poor. If you've ever bought a frozen dinner and found a hair in it, and then vowed to never buy from that brand again, you know how important this step is. There are some brands that you know you'll have a positive experience with eve…
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'I'm not working a minute of overtime!': Supervisor targets top performing mechanic due to five minute hold up; supervisor gets fired

'I'm not working a minute of overtime!': Supervisor targets top-performing mechanic due to five minute hold up; supervisor gets fired

For the rest of our lives, we can work ourselves to the bone every day and never receive credit for our commitment and hard work. Nobody can argue, though, that there is nothing better in the world than that moment of triumph when we are finally acknowledged and validated. The story below is of a hardworking and underappreciated CNC mechanic. OP, also known as Bobby, is the highest-producing mechanic in the company. However, it is important to note that his outstanding performance is a product…
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‘Fine, I'll direct all managers to you’: Freshly hired factory worker complies with senior employee, leading to factory losing thousands of dollars; senior employee then gets fired

‘Fine, I'll direct all managers to you’: Freshly hired factory worker complies with senior employee, leading to factory losing thousands of dollars; senior employee then gets fired

Just because your coworker has the same job as you does not mean that they will put in an equal work effort, and that can, at the very least, lead to very complicated and nuanced situations that will keep you up at night, staring at the cracks in your ceiling — OR, if you are lucky, it can also lead to them getting fired. People like to take credit, but they don't like to work. And this case is no different… One lady was working as a senior employee at a factory, barking orders at her coworker,…
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shipping boss workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance bosses work malicious-compliance-reddit workplace malicious compliance reddit factory machine - 23310597

'This is literally hundreds of different customers orders': Nightmare boss tells factory worker to only run machines, worker decides to stop shipping orders for a whole week

This is such a satisfying story (for workers, not bosses). One employee shared this story from a company they used to love, but which quickly went sour after a merger . Despite what managers or HR want to tell you, mergers aren't often positive developments for the current employees. U/allgoodnamestaken98 writes that at the factory they were working at, a merger caused a great workplace to tank, all because three different managers were each trying to prove they were the best. This boss told hi…
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reddit reddit-thread thread malicious-compliance malicious-compliance-reddit boss manager supervisor fired fire firing hiring program programming

'The factory chief laughed in my face': Irreplaceable employee creates a program to aid factory operations, gets fired and takes his intellectual property with him

Innovation is never rewarded in the workplace. For some reason, bosses, managers, and supervisors feel entitled to the intellectual property of their employees when they're on the clock, but when an irreplaceable worker creates something invaluable to the company, suddenly it's like we're on the recess blacktop again and the school bully is trying to steal your jump rope because 'they saw it first'...
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‘Strike when the time is right’: Factory's lawyer plays long-game, outsmarting new company's big shot attorneys and their claim to pipe color ‘green’ by finding a clause in their own contract

‘Strike when the time is right’: Factory's lawyer plays long-game, outsmarting new company's big shot attorneys and their claim to pipe color ‘green’ by finding a clause in their own contract

One retired lawyer spilled the beans to u/necronboy and some other factory workers back in the 90s, about 30 years ago, at a ‘End of the year break-up party’, as OP called it. This corporate lawyer recounted his most memorable case in all his years of working, and it had everyone listening with bated breath, impressed at his unique storytelling skills (hey, he is a lawyer, after all). According to OP, this was the greyest man you had ever seen, from his suit, to his hair, to his skin, and the y…
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‘You can have as much overtime as you want, just do your job’: Factory worker turns off production machines after being instructed to ‘wash windows’, leading to a holdup in entire factory's production

‘You can have as much overtime as you want, just do your job’: Factory worker turns off production machines after being instructed to ‘wash windows’, leading to a holdup in entire factory's production

People often ponder what ‘being cheap’ looks like in a company, and it is strongly apparent that those particular people do not work in cheap companies. In too many places, bosses love to assign their employees extra work, giving them multiple jobs to do that don't necessarily fit their job description, and cheap out on hiring somebody else to do what needs to be done. Most of the time, they get away with it. But every so often, an employee shows them who is boss, by maliciously complying to a…
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'Not a single pair of glasses were made with the correct prescription': Factory worker tells boss machines need to be recalibrated, boss ignores him and leaves for two weeks

'Not a single pair of glasses were made with the correct prescription': Factory worker tells boss machines need to be recalibrated, boss ignores him and leaves for two weeks

When the boss was out for two weeks, this company didn't make a single pair of glasses the right way. It all could have been avoided if this supervisor would just listen to his employees! Even though c-suite executives make the big bucks, they're rarely as in tune with the company as other employees. Especially in a place like a factory , the employee who works on the machines each day knows way more about the current state of things than a supervisor who lounges in a room alone all day. Even s…
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malicious-compliance reddit thread story quality-control qc factory manufacturing manufacturer employee boss work

Boss Loses €5,000 After He Tells His Quality Control Officer to Lower Standards to Boost Productivity; Catches Backlash From All Major Clients

The entire point of a quality control officer in a manufacturing plant is to ensure that the products aren't defective. Literally, the only reason this checkpoint exists is to weed out terrible products and prevent them from going to the client. So what is a QC employee supposed to do when their boss tells them to stop doing their job? Maliciously comply of course.
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ambulance heat-stroke heat hot summer work employee coworker reddit factory workplace toxic manager boss osha clocked-in break dramatic emergency water water-break

'I woke up in an ambulance': Employee barely survives maliciously complying with overly strict water break rules; after heat-stroking, he inflicts epic OSHA revenge on his manager

'You gotta risk it to get the biscuit' may be one of the greatest tropes of all time for risk-takers, go-getters, and people who are known for absolutely sending it. Like the football legends of yore, skydivers on their first solo flight, or the self-proclaimed ‘disruptors’ of the world, this phrase is a basically a commandment. However, what is the proverbial 'biscuit' even worth these days? Is it worth your life?
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factory worker quits during the first argument with his new boss who was reprimanding him for no reason and being extremely disrespectful, epically walks out and immediately find a new job with better hours and pay and closer to home

‘I quit on the spot and found a better job:’ Toxic Boss Disrespects Employee for the First and Last Time After Employee Epically Quits and Walks Out with No Regrets Mid-Reprimand

It's 2023, y'all, it's time to not take any crap from your employers. Oh, they're yelling at you and gaslighting you and making everything your fault even though they have been nothing but unhelpful, disrespectful, and just right out a jerk? Well, you stand up and GTFO of there. Stand tall, say your goodbyes, and walk on out with your head held high. You deserve better than selling your soul to a person who sees you as gum under their shoe. Sometimes it's better to work at a Chipotle with cowor…
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manager malicious compliance revenge coworkers factory-worker factory workplace Horrible Bosses employment - 18471429

'Under his command the company need[ed] extra 2000 manhours when for over 10 years it never did': New boss sets stupid new rules for factory shut down, the predictable occurs

It's incredible how often new managers and owners fail to learn not to touch things until they understand them. Except, they're usually so wrapped up and embroiled in their own egos that they're blinded to logic or reason. Desperate to prove themselves and their competence — they proceed to make the most incompetent and inconceivable changes to things that should have been left well enough alone. From there, the predictable happens: The workplace and/or budgets spiral out of control, and the bo…
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Employee gets fired from company and takes program with them | Posted by u/Wintertodt 2 days ago Buy my program fire No? Okay. oc M Long story short employed at rather large factory which is one largest plant based companies world, recently bought by an investment firm not so long ago. Anyways developed program which used at factory could tell whenever any machines were not running, even if due manual stop or anything else. My program knew reason why machine idling. This program made so much eas

Employee Gets Fired, Takes Essential Program with Them

And just like that, management shot itself in the foot.
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