

20 People who had an especially bad day thanks to these explosively messy fails

'Well, that sucks': 20 People who had an especially bad day thanks to these explosively messy fails

These people each had a big snag in their day - from explosive food to expensive furniture mishaps. I'm sure they had some choice words about their situations. After all, when you have a plate of food and drop it, you find yourself angry and hungry (aka hangry). Plus, now there's a giant mess to clean up! People gather to commiserate on the subreddit r/Wellthatsucks because misery loves company! Click here for more interesting stories.
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Tunnel Explosion Produces Impressive Visible Shockwaves

Who brought earplugs?
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IT guy responds to ticket, a machine is stuck on and the gas inside could explode | Posted by u/Rusty99Arabian 1 day ago 2 34 Explosive Gas story Short Or one time had Priority 1 (multiple lives threatened) support ticket worked at number universities, where pay is bad and clients have unusually weird problems. One day ticket came at 4 PM on Friday, stating user's monitor wasn't working our furthest building, which due bus route inefficiencies, would be 3 mile round trip walk. And, our boss had

IT Guy Learns Machine Is Stuck On In "Explode" Setting

Is there any way of preventing this?
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Underwater Atomic Test Has Some Serious "Nope" Energy

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Making a Steel Sphere with an Explosion

Yeah that's awesome.
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What Happens When A Water Bottle Hits Molten Steel

It's not nice.
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Microwaved Egg Proves Why It Shan't Be Played With

And that's the way of the egg.
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Making A Batch of Metal Spheres With Explosives

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Guy Smashing a Heated Ball With a Hammer is Some Inadvisable Thor Action

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"Disney Channel Intro" Goes Wrong

Hey... this isn't the Disney Channel.
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Truckers react to paper mill exploding in front of them.

Truckers Reacting to Exploding Mill

It's Pulp Friction.
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Video of guys experiencing a shockwave coming up a pipe they're in.

Shockwave Coming Up A Pipe Is Incredible

Might wanna turn the sound down for this one.
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Quora user get answer to question of if cutting a tomato could split an atom | If cooking, and cut tomato, is there chance knife would split an atom while slices into tomato cause nuclear explosion?

Quora User Explains Why Cutting a Tomato Won't Cause an Explosion

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29 Terrifying Signs That Scarier Than They Ought to Be

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Lockpicking Lawyer Attempts To Break Into Bike Lock And Causes Small Explosion

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The Exact Moment The Machines Turned on Us

Via ImaginingDragon
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