

‘Surgeon smiled and told me not to worry’: Surgeon grants patient 18 months' worth of business-class flights, amounting to $20,000 in company expenses

‘Surgeon smiled and told me not to worry’: Surgeon grants patient 18 months' worth of business-class flights, amounting to $20,000 in company expenses

If you comply with company rules, then you're all set and good to go, right? Well, not always. Sometimes your circumstances change, and what I mean by that is there can be a metamorphosis, a transformation, from old, to new, to ugly. In even simpler terms, new authority sucks. One person got a set of instructions, hot off the press, that didn't resemble the instructions they were used to in the past, and those instructions led to a whole lot of cash being extracted from company expenses. u/Impo…
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'She cost the company $300+ for all work trips': Frugal employee turns business trips into lavish vacations after his boss nitpicks his expense reports

Executives will argue that business trips are important because they're maintaining relationships with their clients, but if you ask me, it's because they just want to get an all-expenses-paid vacation.
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