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Apartment dweller gets terrible neighbor evicted, putting an effective end to his business: 'Pure bliss watching him pack up his car and leave for the last time'

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‘He traded his parents for you’: Gen X couple takes drastic action after the entitled runaway teenager renting a room upstairs refuses to wash his dishes

'I reported him to his bosses': Man reports girlfriend's plan to use property employee to get roommates removed from lease, leading to employee getting fired

'I reported him to his bosses': Man reports girlfriend's plan to use property employee to get roommates removed from lease, leading to employee getting fired

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'Kicking me out was the kindest thing she ever did': 18-year-old gets evicted by his deadbeat mom; gets petty payback with a stink-bomb and moves on to greener pastures

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'It’s my fault that my landlord didn’t renew my neighbor's lease': Renter gets unintentional revenge on her 2 rudenoxious neighbors, feels bad but the internet has her back

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'I got a hold of their landlord': Dude buys trashy renting neighbor's house just to evict them after they won't stop throwing trash over the fence

'You can't claim residence when you don't pay rent': Karen tenant refuses to pay rent, roommate submits paperwork to get her evicted

'You can't claim residence when you don't pay rent': Karen tenant refuses to pay rent, roommate submits paperwork to get her evicted

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'I got my neighbor evicted': Grad student snitches on his noisy neighbor to the HOA, getting him evicted as revenge for ruining his peace

‘You’re evicted, effective immediately': RV resident gets himself evicted after refusing to move his truck from neighbor's driveway

‘You’re evicted, effective immediately': RV resident gets himself evicted after refusing to move his truck from neighbor's driveway

'I'm not feeling safe in my own apartment': Cheapskate landlord gets fined $10,000 for jerry-rigging electrical instead of replacing a faulty stove after endangered tenant reported it to the fire department

'I'm not feeling safe in my own apartment': Cheapskate landlord gets fined $10,000 for jerry-rigging electrical instead of replacing a faulty stove after endangered tenant reported it to the fire department

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'I repeat, landlords are scum!': Woman strikes back after being lied to about the reasoning behind her eviction, sparking debate