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'She wants to use you': Estranged uncle has no interest in meeting his sister's kids after being guilted into providing free childcare for weeks

Being estranged from a family member can be tough, but if they're the toxic, narcissist type, for some folks, being away from their family is actually a huge relief. Distancing yourself from that sort of dynamic is the best thing to do, but when rotten family members come out of the woodwork in order to get something from you, it smells like trouble from a mile away. In this case, one man who was alienated from his family gets roped back into the drama
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Irredeemable Schism Forms as Dad Gives Grandma's House to Step-Son While She's Still Breathing, She Disinherits Him

An estranged father. A grandmother whose home had been wrongfully gifted. These two pieces set the stage.
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