

'As a naturally petty person, I obviously did not let it slide': Woman goes into detective mode to expose annoying bully in her Facebook group, satisfaction achieved

'As a naturally petty person, I obviously did not let it slide': Woman goes into detective mode to expose annoying bully in her Facebook group, satisfaction achieved

Ooooh baby, if you're in need of a satisfying petty revenge story, then you have come to the right place! There is nothing like a little DIY karma to really get the blood pumping. The OP here took down a Facebook group troll and man, was it *chef's kiss*! The Facebook group that OP is talking about is not mentioned, but she says that there is a man in the group claiming to be a professional “religious educator,” however all he does in the group is spread hate. The woman, having actually gone to…
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failblog epic-karma karen-roast entitled-karen Reddit karen-justice roasted karma entitled people - 20467461

'[Everyone] beside me bursts into laughter': Witty woman epically roasts grocery store Karen

If you have ever encountered a Karen throwing a tantrum, we are truly sorry for you. It is annoying and usually absolutely mind-boggling. The reasoning of Karens never makes any sense and the amount of entitlement and audacity is insane. So when you witness a Karen mid-tantrum get roasted it is more than satisfying, it is witnessing karmic energy at work. One Redditor shared their own story of when they witnessed an epic burn happen to a Karen in a grocery store in Australia. Apparently there y…
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epic-karma karen-neighbor revenge Justice-served neighbor-from-hell petty revenge worst-neighbor karens in the wild natural-revenge toxic-neighbor toxic-landlord karma karen - 19581189

Squirrels helps get revenge on Karen neighbor: 'This whole event caused her to toss the entire roast she had been making [ ] out the window'

Nothing like nature taking its natural course and weeding out the evil ones. This story below is a perfect example of humanity and nature coming together to annoy the evil ones aka Karens. Yes, even nature hates Karens. The story begins inside a simple city apartment. The Karen neighbor is on the top floor and the squirrel allies are below her. This particular Karen neighbor has many instances where she throws tantrums and treats everyone below her like… well, like they are beneath her, if you…
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