

An entitled boomer learns they can't keep up with a service job. | lot them probably wouldn't last at job Last year had an internship at fancy office during day, and food service job at night. One ladies at office told she needed part-time job some extra cash, and let her know about an opening my food service job, described would be expected, all

Entitled Boomer Learns They Can't Handle Service Job

They got humbled real quick.
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A collection of the year's most entitled bridezillas | KAREN Big wedding announcement noticed lot who have RSVP'd have not sent gift or signed up my registry s pathetic and sad after all l've given others at their weddings. Don't even show up without gift spent my life savings on this wedding and 's disrespectful AF not give gift have one week send gift or l'm taking off Guest list. If need my address PM

Most Entitled Bridezillas Of 2020

Hopefully next year is better.
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A co-worker expects a free dinner after an operation from two weeks ago | Are getting dinner today? M isn't so 's just and Not today brought mine cos skint til Friday haha Fuck sake am supposed do then don't know, perhaps go get dinner by yourself?

Co-Worker Expects Free Dinner Two Weeks After Operation

Oh, come on now.
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Entitled Karen wants musician to lower rates, gets rejected, makes threats | Well want authentic ukulele music reception, so probably few hours. Two at very least. Is too much s also gonna be big reception holding at wedding place and looking at around 200 guests minimum

Entitled Karen Wants Lower Rate From Musician, Gets Rejected, Pitches Fit

She had the nerve to make threats.
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A girl ends up getting extra choosey about her biology notes | Today 12:58 AM Do have bio notes Yeah do need them? Thank god hahaa only one who's up this late swear Quick question tho did write them?

Girl Gets Choosey About Biology Notes

She failed miserably.
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Karen demands that delivery driver check her groceries out | r/MaliciousCompliance Join u/[deleted 2y Lady demanded delivery man, check her groceries out. So complied with my package scanner. L Originally posted this over on O r/idontworkherelady and they suggested this sub would appreciate Hope guys like Had quite an amusing encounter over this past winter break.

Karen Demands Delivery Driver Checks Her Groceries Out, Driver Complies

Karen got exactly what she asked for.
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A choosing beggar's nanny requirements are pure insanity | Nanny. Must be responsible wide range domestic duties. Most time schedule will be Monday-Friday 11 am 7pm. However, full days are required during summer 9 am 6 pm. Also need full days if kids are on holiday breaks OR home school sick need someone who can be flexible with work schedule due our jobs require us travel occasionally nanny will be assisting mom with two kids, who are 8 and 13. Driving is big part this position. Candidate must

Choosing Beggar's Nanny Requirements Are Insanity

Straight up delusional.
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Choosing beggar claims that knife has wrong energy, and tries to return it | Hello. Hope are well am afraid would like return knife and get full refund. Thank Hello Daniela! Can please tell exactly is wrong with knife? Just want know did wrong.

Choosing Beggar Claims Knife Has Wrong Energy, Tries To Return It

Nice try, but no.
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An entitled influencer expects to get free lodging, and the hotel owner harshly shuts her down | Hi there hope this email finds well emailing regards possible collaboration on social media my name is work as social media influencer, mainly lifestyle, beauty travel based have over 87.000 YouTube subscribers here: as well as 76 000 Instagram followers

Entitled Influencer Expects Free Lodging, Owner Shuts Her Down

She needed the reality check.
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Entitled coworker gets humbled and learns lesson on Christmas Day. | r/ProRevenge u/MorganLeFatal 2y Join Merry Christmas quit. Quite few years ago moved into house with few my best friends. One my friends got job with her at local gas station within walking distance our house and thought pretty set with my new arrangement living with my best friends, able walk work and job should have been one easiest positions ever held is, until met my coworker Jane worked nights didn't get too many customers

Entitled Coworker Learns Lesson On Christmas Day

Merry Christmas, Jane.
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A choosing beggar takes lowballing to a whole new extreme | Hey is sofa set still available? Hi, yes 's available is condition firm are seats?

Choosing Beggar Takes Lowballing To New Extreme

No, no, get out of here with that.
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A choosing beggar offers up cool vibes in exchange for a free place | Hi my name isl Es young, independent photographer/insta baddie looking move cosy place long term with couple house mates. My job is between busy patches so naturally wouldn't be able pay rent. But more than make up this with doing dishes, cleaning house, and providing everyone with fun cool vibe couple rules:

Choosing Beggar Offers Rad Vibes For Free Place

Nah, not gonna work, my dude.
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Karen customer demands to get a tip back, and the waitress refuses | AITA refusing return tip AND telling couple dont have time play mediator? Not hole 22 year old, female waitress at Texas Roadhouse. This is one my two jobs put myself through college. Most days are fine but other days are living hell. Yesterday assigned table had husband, wife and appeared be teenage daughter (maybe 17 Everything going smooth at first and wife ordered margarita husband then tried ordering beer wife instantly

Karen Customer Wants Tip Back, Waitress Refuses

That's not how it works, Karen.
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An entitled Karen pesters a woman for speaking Welsh | r/entitledparents u/FutureButterscotch9 "Where did learn speak English Um England L This story took place 5 months ago, so won't be exactly word word, but remembered enough event recite blah blah blah all have heard before So my stepmom is British. Welsh be exact those who don't know, Wales is little hump west England and North Cornwall s beautiful place known sheep, alcohol, and mistakes involving sheep and alcohol.

Entitled Karen Pesters Woman For Speaking Welsh

Step mom handled it well.
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A choosing beggar asks a man to drive hundreds of miles to look at soil | hello would need talk about seeds please hello saw accept invitation are ready talk Hi mate s up? C sent seeds on reddit post but doesnt grow oh right, did remember add soil and water and time?

Choosing Beggar Asks Man To Drive Hundreds Of Miles To Assess Soil

It really be like that.
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A choosing beggar tries to offer exposure instead of payment |  Exposed Hey Hi Sup can skip small talk lol looking some background dancers music video at well known artists house make or female/ F and with exotic looks. Do know anyone who'd be interested

Choosing Beggar Offers Exposure Instead Of Payment

It'd be a shocker if anyone fell for this.
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