
Top 10 Choosing Beggars of the Week (February 6, 2023)

Top 10 Choosing Beggars of the Week (February 6, 2023)

That's a hard no. And again, still no. Yeah, no. Not giving you this one, either. I'll let you leave, though.

'I want something classy that isn't embarrassing to be seen at': Cranky hotel guest throws a fit over a campfire, swiftly regrets it

AITA for saying my sister doesn't have to dictate what I do in my own home after she insisted on setting the table for dinner?

'That was insanely disrespectful of you': Woman gets annoyed at sister who made family dinner

employee get wrongfully accused of stealing, turns out to be their entitled karen coworker, innocent working feels vindicated

Wrongfully Accused Worker Gets Satisfying Justice After Catching Entitled Karen Employee Stealing on Camera

Karen told me to hang up, so I did

'If you continue to speak to me in such a manner, I will terminate this call': Karen goes off on customer service rep, gets her comeuppance

Top Trending Entitled Moms of the Week (February 2, 2023)

Top Trending Entitled Moms of the Week (February 2, 2023)

‘You Get What You Pay for’ : Company Dodges Corporate Client’s Gaslighting/Manipulation via Malicious Compliance, Leading To Project’s Ultimate Demise

‘You Get What You Pay for’ : Company Dodges Corporate Client’s Gaslighting/Manipulation via Malicious Compliance, Leading To Project’s Ultimate Demise

'She decided to drop her threat to change companies': Difficult customer severs ties with company, comes back begging for service

Difficult customer severs ties with company, comes back begging for service

terrible coworkers antiwork employee coworkers dickhead co-workers awesome co-workers not workplace coworker employment workplace-stories choosing beggars entitled entitled people choosing beggar

Coworker calls woman a "nasty girl" after throwing trash in her candy bowl

aita reddit story story entitled red flags stories red flag entitled people - 19122437

20+ People Share the Subtle Signs That Someone is an A-Hole

Top 25 Most Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (January 27, 2023)

Top 25 Most Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (January 27, 2023)

idiot coworker coworkers entitled coworker terrible-coworker workplace-stories fired malicious compliance revenge story - 19119877

'Why are you talking?': Incompetent idiot coworker left helpless after rude response, gets fired

nsane entitled parents mother terrible-parrent parenting entitled Parenting Fail entitled people parenting-stories

'Get a better job': Terrible mother borrows car from son and shames him when he wants to drive it to work

swindler, scammer, justice served, revenge, petty revenge, entitled, bad dealership, entitled, malicious compliance, funny

'Scammers Scammed By Uncle and Granny' : Backyard Dealership Scams Two Innocent Old Ladies with Defunct Cars, Uncle Takes the Ultimate Revenge and Tricks Swindler Into Taking the Loss On $10,000

AITA for getting into a dispute with the daycare staff over my child's nap schedule?

'Your expectations are not realistic': Entitled Karen Mom fights with daycare stuff over nap time

karens facebook-drama entitled parents drama neighborhood neighborhood-drama karens in the wild story entitled Bad Neighbor karen Valentines day - 19119621

Karen tries to get "excluding" adults only Valentine's Day neighborhood event cancelled because her kids can't come