
boss work stories workplace entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 19902981

'Hire me and then I’ll leave': Entitled Karen barges into office and demands job, security guards take her away

‘My car was hit by your car, I'm just stating the facts': Entitled executive hits employee's car; denial leads to petty revenge

‘My car was hit by your car, I'm just stating the facts': Entitled executive hits employee's car; denial leads to petty revenge

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Top 5 Karens of the Week (March 28, 2023)

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'I live here!': Karen parks in family's driveway and tries to pretend it's her house

Upper class Karen disrespected my family, then tried to attack me when I retaliated

Entitled Karen Goes Into Full Rage Mode at Movie Theater, Guy Dumps His Water Bottle on Her

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'My grandma says I can': Waterpark Karen and entitled teen throw temper tantrum at lifeguard

AITA/am I entitled for wanting to be reimbursed?

'Good luck getting her to pay': Couple asks if MIL should pay them back after she suddenly changed her mind

'I unloaded all the rubbish right back on to his driveway' : Customer refuses to pay full amount for rubbish collection, cue petty revenge

'I unloaded all the rubbish right back on to his driveway' : Contractor takes petty revenge on entitled customer in breach of price agreement

AITA for not knowing the chocolate was spoiled?

'That's karma': Niece demands $50 from aunt after eating 'spoiled' food

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'A week after I left, my boss fell into burnout': Employee quits after doing her boss's job for her, boss can't keep up with her own tasks, gets fired

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'Fainting doesn't look like that': Entitled Karen gets caught using accessible parking space, lies about condition and faints in front of police

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'They were trying to scam us into paying': Entitled dude mows neighbor's lawn without permission then charges them for it

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'He instructed his daughter to kick my seat': Flight attendants share the most entitled behaviors they've ever witnessed on planes

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'JUST DO THE TEST': Entitled customer gets into fight with technician and goes against advice, fiery compliance ensues

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'AITA for making an insurance claim': Internet torn over guy's decision to press charges against good samaritan who broke a window on his vehicle

'She demanded my manager fire me on the spot' : Entitled customer karen has meltdown and calls corporate following barista's savage confession

'She demanded my manager fire me on the spot' : Entitled customer Karen has meltdown and calls corporate following barista's savage confession