
‘You’re Toast!’ : Entitled Nepo-Baby Employee Fired for Negligence, Reports Boss for Fraud Out of Spite, Legal Department Revokes His Financial Support as Revenge

‘You’re Toast!’ : Entitled Nepo-Baby Employee Fired for Negligence, Reports Boss for Fraud Out of Spite, Legal Department Revokes His Financial Support as Revenge

Posted my CB encounter earlier until the good people of Reddit told me I’d accidentally doxxed myself. here it is again in all it’s glory..

'I want my bed back': Entitled choosing beggar refuses to pick up free bed on time in unhinged text exchange

pet ownership aita entitled Reddit pet owners karen entitled people - 19432709

'AITA for taking my dog into the grocery store?' Pet owner berated by fellow shopper and again online for taking their dog into a grocery store

Mom wants me to sign over 250k beneficiary check

'My mom says that it was a mistake': Entitled Mom tries to cheat daughter out of her father's inheritance

reviews karens review funny reviews 1-star-review entitled idiots idiot roasted karen entitled people - 19431941

'I would like to get my refund': Absolute Karen gets roasted by business owner after leaving 1-star review for SNORKELING tour because they couldn't swim

Top Karens of the Week (February 19, 2023)

Top Karens of the Week (February 19, 2023)

Can't you just unload around me?

'Her face go[es] to shock as she realized she just did all of that in front of a police officer': Rude Karen dismisses construction workers, proceeds to ruin her own life in one afternoon

MIL shows up announced EARLY in the morning on a weekend

'Her response was he doesn't love his family': Entitled MIL angered when son won't have unexpected early-morning visit with her

AITA for not getting up from a massage chair when someone wanted to use it?

'They asked me to get off the chair': Pregnant woman eats ice cream on massage chair in a mall, refuses to leave when customers request massages

customer service jobs malicious compliance interviews service-desk entitled reception job interview employment - 19346437

'Call the cops? If you insist': Guy makes a scene at the reception of job interview, leaves in handcuffs

Smoking in a nonsmoking restaurant

'In comes this entitled man': Grown man gets confronted by teenage employee for smoking in a non-smoking restaurant

Entitled boomer curses me out at work for not saying “thank you”

'He was angry and upset because I didn’t say thank you': Woman gets cursed out and threatened by entitled boomer at work

‘You Messed With the Wrong Cosplayer’ : Entitled Lady Insults Cosplayer on Online Fandom, He Plays Ultimate Long Game of Revenge, Leading To Her Losing $25,000 Prize in Social Media Contest

‘You Messed With the Wrong Cosplayer’ : Entitled Lady Insults Cosplayer on Online Fandom, He Plays Ultimate Long Game of Revenge, Leading To Her Losing $25,000 Prize in Social Media Contest

customers restaurant workplace dining fast food karen entitled - 19278341

'I want a manager, I demand compensation!': Karen flips out on restaurant that forgot her rangoons

'We need drinks!'... 'And I need tips': Bartender Gets $500 Tip After Epically Calling Out Entitled Celebrity Who Tries to Tip with an Autographed $5 Bill

'We need drinks!'... 'And I need tips': Bartender Gets $500 Tip After Epically Calling Out Entitled Celebrity Who Tries to Tip with an Autographed $5 Bill

When your friend blocks you because you didn’t give her money after your mom died.

'Did you really unfriend me?': Grief stricken friend gets blocked by entitled person for not sending money to baby registry