
entitled people

Terrifically Entitled People Who Made The World An "Exciting" Place

mother in law lies about having allergies because she is a picky eater

Mother-In-Law Lies About Allergies For Years, Gets Called Out When She Steals Mousse

entitled parent brings baby to wedding, doesn't see why they're in the wrong

Parent Brings Disruptive Baby To Child-Free Wedding, Doesn't Understand Why They're In The Wrong

neighbors entitled neighbor - 17180165

Neighbor Harvests Woman's Entire Herb Garden After She Kindly Offers Some

customer is mistaken about discount, proves themselves wrong with receipt

Customer Throws Tantrum Over Discount Mix-up, Proves Himself Wrong

revenge petty revenge entitled - 17149701

Entitled Idiot Won't Let Guy In Elevator, Gives Him Longest Elevator Ride of His Life

client hates video and gets refund but still tries to use it

Unhinged Client Gets Refund For Video, Still Thinks They Can Use It, Gets Shut Down

entitled people

Entitled People And Their Fantastically Bold Moves

entitled mom tries stealing iPad using kid as excuse

Entitled Mom Steals iPad, Caught When It Starts Dinging In Her Purse

flight entitled couple - 17037829

Large Gal Buys Herself Second Seat on Flight For Comfort, Entitled Couple Decides It's Their's

parenting entitledparents entitled - 17011717

Parents Cancel Kid's Birthday For His Entitled Brother, He Tells His Entire School

Roommate ID card revenge

Entitled Thief Roommate Inspires Expensive ID Card Revenge

entitled people

Entitled People With Their Laughable Demands

soiled daughter wants money for trip, gets denied

Dude Wants Partner To Foot The $30K Bill For His Spoiled Daughter's Trip, Gets Denied

wife thinks nurse is wrong for advocating for her husband's care and privacy

Nurse Asks Entitled Wife's Family To Leave While She Changes Husband's Catheter, Wife Thinks Nurse Is Wrong

Entitled people and their demands

Entitled People Who Made Everyone's Day Worse