
Entitled Child destroys property and threatens to evict my family

Update: Entitled Children Threaten to Kick Neighbors Out of Their Apartment

AITA for asking my son to give me his boss's number?

'I found this reaction horrific': Entitled Karen Mom demands that her son give her his boss's phone number

Imagine getting mad at an EUROPEAN product for being “anti American” — a product that is only being sold in America to address a critical formula shortage

'The description and instructions are anti-American': Insane Karen leaves stupid 1-star review for 'Anti-American' imported baby formula that uses metric measurements, gets blasted in viral thread

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'He showed up at my house threatening to burn it down': 20+ Insane neighbors who took neighborly disputes to another level

comeback memes for your know-it-all besties

Best Memes to Send to Your Snooty Know-It-All Friends to Take Them Down a Peg

Young Karen got me fired!

Young Karen in the Making Gets Her Boss Fired Because She’s Friends With the Hotel Owner’s Daughter

Aunt shows up at my house, with all her stuff, **TELLS ME** she's going to be living with me for a while.

'My Aunt cut the lock off my front gate': Crazy Aunt Karen drives across the country, trespasses, and demands to stay in nephew's guest room

AITA for telling my stepdaughter she’s lucky I treat her as my own?

"My stepdaughter has become a burden": Entitled stepmother wants to kick out "bonus daughter"

Karen neighbour made plans for her guests to use my driveway over Christmas | I came home to find a note of Karen neighbour, hand posted into my letter box. It wasn’t in an envelope.

'She tried to tow my car out of my own driveway': Karen arranges for her guests to park in dude's driveway, tells him to park on the street

AITA for having my daughter first birthday the same day as my step sisters wedding?

Petty Mother Schedules Her Kid's First Birthday Party on the Day of Her Stepsister's Wedding, Fails to Get Anyone to Show Up

choosing beggar FAILS karens FAIL entitled Reddit karen entitled people image - 18361349

'Looking for a free horse': 20+ Entitled trending 'Choosing Beggars' who had unreasonable expectations from others

Entitled Woman tried to steal my tip jar because I’m “Satan’s Wh***.”

Entitled Karen doesn't like her Tarot card reading, so she steals the tip jar and runs away

Entitled Karens With More Audacity in Their Freshly Painted Fingernails Than the Average Human Possesses in a Lifetime

Entitled Karens With More Audacity in Their Freshly Painted Fingernails Than the Average Human Possesses in a Lifetime

Lady Screamed at Me For Not Cutting Her Fabric.. I Don’t Work at Jo Ann’s

Old lady accosts woman at fabric store and demands she cut her fabric... She doesn't work there

My teacher cut the tube for my insulin pump because we couldn’t have headphones in class

Deranged teacher takes 'No Headphones' too far, cuts diabetic kid's insulin pump tube

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30+ Trashy People and Cringe-Inducing Fails That Make Us Want To Leave This Dang Planet Forever