
My entitled neighbor was mad that I took my shirt off of in my own house

'I came over [...] to tell your daughter to cover up': Entitled Karen tells neighbor to put a shirt on in her own house

Couple decided to steal a deeded parking space | I work in a place with a deeded parking garage - each spaced is owned by a resident. But we only have 75 spots, and 300 units. If you don't have a spot, ya gotta permit park your car on the street or find a parking garage in the neighborhood.

'Granny told them it would be $150 bucks': Entitled couple steals deeded parking space, has their car trapped... and faces the wrath of "Granny"

Entitled Dude Expects Girlfriend to Make an Extravagant Breakfast for Him Every Morning Because He 'Isn’t a Morning Person'

Entitled Dude Expects Girlfriend to Make an Extravagant Breakfast for Him Every Morning Because He 'Isn’t a Morning Person'

Angry Kevin gets himself banned from Gas Station

'I want to make a complaint:' Aggressive Kevin berates gas station manager until she bans him

Karen complaining about the TV station interrupting her programs to cover news about… the station's own news helicopter crashing, k*lling two colleagues. I feel sorry for the social media manager having to deal with stuff like this while mourning two friends

'IT'S AT THE APEX OF A STORYLINE': Insensitive Karen enraged when soap operas are paused for a breaking news event

Top Trending Mildly Infuriating Moments This Week (November 27, 2022)

Top Trending Mildly Infuriating Moments This Week (November 27, 2022)

aita entitled parents mother parenting entitled entitled people celeb - 18502917

'Your entitlement is clouding your judgment': Mother calls celebrity rude for refusing to take a photo with her daughter, gets put in her place by the internet

Entitled Bridezilla Refuses To Reimburse Her Friend After Unexpectedly Doubling Budget for Bachelorette Party, Then Promptly Blocks Her

Entitled Bridezilla Refuses To Reimburse Her Friend After Unexpectedly Doubling Budget for Bachelorette Party, Then Promptly Blocks Her

‘Is Your Server a Dog?’ Guy Berates Rude Entitled Customer for Whistling at Hardworking Waitress

‘Is Your Server a Dog?’ Guy Berates Rude Entitled Customer for Whistling at Hardworking Waitress

Karens always wanted free stuff

'Do I have legal ground to sue?': Karen accuses neighbor's bees of trespassing and stealing from her flowers

Family member wants everyone to buy a $30 chair to have a seat at Thanksgiving

'This is a mandatory family contribution!': Demanding family member tells guests to buy their own expensive Thanksgiving chair AND cover food costs

He complains there's bones in his daughters calzone, manager looks at me and I say "I confirmed twice she wanted chicken wings", and the dad says "you know what she meant, like chicken meat".

'The kitchen guys are actually chuckling while they put this thing together': Obstinate customer demands whole chicken wings in their calzone, worker complies, gets fired

Karen straight up wants to call the cops because of a Facebook post 🙄

'You're scamming [...] I'll be contacting the police too': Facebook Karen gets upset that someone's post got more likes, threatens to report her

karens students teachers teacher entitled Terrible Teacher karen entitled people - 18447877

'Yes, her car was being towed!': Bad school administrator is rude to retail-working students and parks in handicapped spots, gets towed

No Karen, I didn't buy a seat for your bag.

'My seat was playing host to Karen's bag': Karen tries to take up two seats on the train, passenger gets petty revenge

A fresh collection of trending choosing beggars and entitled people

'You are charging way too much': 20+ Choosing beggars whose entitled ends know no bounds