entitled people

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‘I've been employed here 17 years… Ok Karen': Blue collar and white collar employees share a laugh at a tantrum-throwing Karen who's demanding they pay her $150-$250 parking ticket

'Oh, okay. So you own the street?': Entitled Karen says woman's dog isn't allowed to bark on the street, woman films Karen

'Oh, okay. So you own the street?': Entitled Karen says woman's dog isn't allowed to bark on the street

baby sibling rivalry siblings petty wedding advice wedding dress entitled pregnant sister reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 22674437

'I questioned her moral choice to pick fabric over a baby': Entitled sister makes outrageous threats after sibling would not loan her a wedding dress

'You, sir, are a Karen': Guy wants to speak to grocery story manager for food bank partnership, employees assume he is a Karen, gets thrown out of the store

'You, sir, are a Karen': Guy wants to speak to grocery story manager for food bank partnership, employees assume he is a Karen, gets thrown out of the store

'It was my personal bag and it wasn't for sale': Shoplifting Karen claims employee's handbag is hers after employee tells her she cannot purchase it

'It was my personal bag and it wasn't for sale': Shoplifting Karen claims employee's handbag is hers after employee tells her she cannot purchase it

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'GET OFF OUR PROPERTY AND NEVER COME BACK': Couple buys a house from an entitled Karen who refuses to leave them alone, haunting their property and trespassing for years after the sale

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'You can't count to five': Grocery store Karen gets shut down whilst going through express checkout with too many items

'We quickly picked up the car end by end': High school kids prank selfish guy for stealing old lady's parking space

'We quickly picked up the car end by end': High school kids prank selfish guy for stealing old lady's parking space

epic bank petty revenge petty bank teller entitled reddit thread Reddit payback funny karen entitled people - 22655749

'Everyone here knows me!'': Entitled Karen throws a fit after trying to withdrawal $5,000 without an ID, bank responds by closing her accounts

'I just want to make sure I do my job correctly, ma'am': Video store clerk makes customer wait while they scan 50 DVDs

'I just want to make sure I do my job correctly, ma'am': Video store clerk makes impatient customer wait while they scan 50 DVDs

'Just figure it out!': Bridezilla demands sister risks losing her job and house to make it to her destination wedding

'Just figure it out!': Bridezilla demands sister risks losing her job and house to make it to her destination wedding

epic airport petty revenge travelling petty entitled reddit thread Reddit funny luggage airplane entitled people - 22624261

'[He] came back to get his carry on and realized it was missing': Man gets petty revenge on entitled passenger who tries to claim the overhead bin for himself

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'I ordered first': Guy buys the last cake in the bakery for his pregnant wife; gets accosted by a mother behind him in line for 'stealing the last cake' from her child

'Don't want to sit inside even though a storm is coming? Okay': Diners ignore waitress' weather warning, get drenched in a storm after restaurant won't serve them indoors

'Don't want to sit inside even though a storm is coming? Okay': Entitled diners ignore waitress' weather warning, get drenched in a storm after restaurant refuses to serve them indoors

'Get out!': Influencer gets owned after trying to prank video game store employee

'Get out!': Influencer gets owned after trying to prank video game store employee

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'She listed things down to the dime of what we owed her!': Entitled friend invites couple to visit her, gives them an itemized bill at the end of their week-long trip