
entitled people

Update: Entitled 'Crypto bro' brother demands free catering for his wedding after squandering small fortune

Update: Entitled 'crypto bro' brother demands free catering for his wedding after squandering a small fortune of inheritance

Some people have more money than common sense, and some people have so little common sense that they lose all of their money. Imagine being born on third base and getting caught out trying to steal second; that's the level of competency we're talking about in this thread. This Reddit user describes the situation at hand: Their entitled brother has decided that he wants to get married after squandering his inheritance on bad crypto investments. Because he's never had to work for anything himself…
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AITA for taking a ‘nepotism baby’ joke too personally?

'He's a Nepo Baby': Son of successful entrepreneur gets defensive over awkward family dinner

This Holiday season, it seems that families were arguing about nepotism!
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Entitled Boomer upset neighborhood children won't shovel his drive in -4 degree freezing temperatures, gets roasted

'You're crazy': Entitled Boomer upset neighborhood children won't shovel his drive in -4 degree freezing temperatures, gets roasted

Back in his day, kids used to walk to school uphill both ways — backward, with their legs tied together and while balancing a razor-sharp scimitar atop their head. Apparently, these entrepreneurial youths also used to knock on people's doors during blizzards and sub-zero temperatures in order to offer their shoveling services for a fiver… Next, they'll be telling us that Minecraft is evidence that the children yearn for the mines . It might be frightfully cold out, but that didn't stop this ent…
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20 Entitled People, Karens, and Choosing Beggars Who Wanted Everything For Nothing

20 Entitled People, Karens, and Choosing Beggars Who Wanted Everything For Nothing

Interacting with strangers is a curious thing: Two people with a lifetime of experiences… thoughts, ideals, goals, and passions; colliding together for a single moment (or mere moments), resulting in each person forming the static two-dimensional projection that is their impression of the other person. How was that person in that moment? There are so many ways to define or categorize this: Were they amiable or antagonistic? If antagonistic, was that born from a lack of understanding — or a conf…
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Patient was aggressive over nothing, he gets a nice lonnng wait to sit by himself in time out :)

'I ask the SLOWEST coworker possible': Nurse gets petty revenge on entitled patient by making him wait over an hour

If everyone's difficult, you're probably the difficult one!
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Karen goes to a tattoo shop

'There was so much damage': Raging Karen trashes tattoo parlor, gets arrested

There is no shortage of entitled people in this world, but some people take normal entitlement and turn it up to 11. These ‘Super Karens’ have a power level of over 9000, and there's no stopping them in their tirade against the world. Anyone who has worked in customer service, or any role where you deal with the public, has, unfortunately, come into contact with at least one of these people, and each one leaves the mental scarring of an experience that you won't soon forget. This Karen somehow…
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Someone called the police because I didn't work there.

'One of them called the cops': Repairman gets mistaken by entitled Karen for store employee, Karen calls the police after getting denied service

Think about how much money you could make from selling "I Don't Work Here Lady" shirts!
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'I threw her money back at her': Walmart Karen tries to barter for guy's new grill in the parking lot, won't take no for an answer

'I threw her money back at her': Walmart Karen tries to barter for guy's new grill in the parking lot, won't take no for an answer

Remember that kid on the playground that would come up and take your toy just because they were envious that you had one and they didn't? Yeah, some people never mature past that point. These are the same people who try and confront you while you're loading your recently-acquired loot into your car at Walmart and demand that you give it to them because they need it more than you . Like the kid on the playground, they might not have even wanted it if they didn't see it in your hands, but — becau…
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AITA for letting my son get fast food and bring it into a wedding reception?

'Stop enabling your adult son': Mom lets entitled son bring fast food into cousin's wedding reception

There are times when you shouldn't let your McDonald's craving get the better of you.
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AITA for telling my coworker to stop baking me stuff?

'Stop baking me stuff': Entitled guy demands coworker bake him cookies, returns dirty tupperware

Who doesn't know the tupperware rule?
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AITA for letting my dog poop in someone else's yard?

Update! 'I'm the a**hole': Dog owner lets pet "go" in neighbor's yard, wonders if they're wrong, internet sets them straight

An excellent sign of an obliviously entitled person is someone who refuses to control their pet. Fido might be your best friend, but that doesn't mean you should be letting it roam endlessly onto other people's property or taking off the leash at an explicitly leashed park. It's not often that people actually return to take accountability for their actions on the internet. We're so set in our ways, polarized in our beliefs, and utterly convinced we're right that we tend to struggle to take othe…
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Created a point-of-interest on Google Maps to piss off wealthy Karen neighbors

Guy pettily trolls rich neighbor Karen who is mad about a new road joining her neighborhood to a 'poor' one

We're often told in life that we should always do the right thing, but what is one to do when the right thing is also wrong? Perhaps, this quandary is the best way to consider the situation at hand in this story. This guy has taken to pettily trolling his rich Karen neighbor, who is infuriated by the fact that public works have just completed a project that has added a road connecting her upscale neighborhood to a poorer one. It's pretty safe to assume that this Karen is probably just one of th…
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The Karen of my building told me her keycard isn't working. Demanded I fixed her keycard. So I did...

'I changed all of her permissions': Raging Karen complains to facilities manager that her keycard isn't working, he revokes her access

Imagine complaining about your keycard as a pitiful means to get attention… When the facilities manager, u/ImThe1Wh0 , had to deal with this raging Karen and her "Karen-in-Training" he was careful to comply with their every demand. "Karen-in-Training" had issues with her key card access after u/ImThe1Wh0 deleted her unassigned card while completing a key card audit. Raging Karen decided that she also wanted to complain and have problems with her (perfectly fine) card too. Because who wouldn't w…
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AITA for asking my sister to modify our vacation plans to accommodate my pregnant wife?

'It's really upsetting': Entitled couple gets all expenses paid trip to France for niece's graduation, wants it rescheduled so pregnant wife can ski, gets roasted and deletes their account

“Never look a gift horse in the mouth”… I'm certain there has never been a more appropriate time to use this expression. In this case, this entitled a-hole and his wife killed and dissected the entire damn horse and are now complaining that it's not winning any races.
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A designer bag... Really

'Must be Jimmy Choo or Louboutin ONLY': Entitled choosing beggar makes wish list while she waits for her first paycheck

The line between entitled Karens and satire is so thin these days.
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A collecting of trending and viral screenshots of Entitled People, Karens, and Choosing Beggars

20+ Entitled People, Karens, and Choosing Beggars Who Wanted the World Handed to Them on a Silver Platter

Some people want everything for nothing, and you'd better not dare stand in the way of that ideal. These entitled people, Karens, and choosing beggars, wanted the world to be handed to them on a silver platter. Their shared ultimate superpower of narcissism is fueled by an undying sense of entitlement and a complete and utter lack of even a shred of self-awareness. Keep reading for this hearty helping of fresh trending entitled people; consider yourself lucky if you don't run into them in real…
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