entitled people

hoa workplace-stories employee trash malicious compliance work park karens in the wild reddit thread Reddit garbage truck karen entitled people - 23256581

'Karen accuses me of trespassing and littering at my job': Entitled woman calls cops on worker cleaning up trash in the park

'The administrative tasks piled up, not that Karen noticed': Assistant manager insists employee 'print an MP4' file, employee spends hours completing her task

'The administrative tasks piled up, not that Karen noticed': Assistant manager insists employee 'print an MP4' file, employee spends hours completing her task

'My cousin gave me a picture of herself for Christmas': 15 folks share the worst gifts they have ever received

'My cousin gave me a picture of herself for Christmas': 15 folks share the worst gifts they have ever received

karens aita entitled parents karen-customer karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people aunt - 23182853

'AITA for telling a pregnant woman to sit on the ground': Aunt brings her own chair, random pregnant woman demands to sit in it

'Oh, that was nine months ago…': Karen demands for hotel front desk agent to find her lost charger from nine months ago, writes scathing online review

'Oh, that was nine months ago…': Karen demands for hotel to find her lost phone charger, writes scathing online review

antiwork workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace manager thanksgiving teenagers work movie theater petty toxic-boss overworked-employees workplace reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 23191557

'They decided that a 16-year-old should work 30 hours in 4 days': Understaffed employer gaslights teen into working all Thanksgiving weekend

'Say goodbye to your parking spot': Guy gets even with grumpy neighbor after he yells at guy's mother for violating his made up parking rule

'Say goodbye to your parking spot': Guy gets even with grumpy neighbor after he yells at guy's mother for violating his made up parking rule

'We aren't the problem': Family members accused of always being late, insist they will be on time, malicious compliance ensues

'We aren't the problem': Family members accused of always being late, insist they will be on time, malicious compliance ensues

'Why don't you just parent your child?': Mother lets child loose during father's medical school graduation, so crowd begins to parent them

'Why don't you just parent your child?': Mother lets child loose during father's medical school graduation, so crowd begins to parent them

reviews customer service karens entitled parents amazon reviews karen-customer customers 1-star-review karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 23154949

'Replaced them with shredded kale': Karen leaves 2-star review for "nasty" carrot cake recipe after replacing carrot with kale

'Give me the actual burrito I ordered!': Top Karens of the Week (November 26, 2023)

'Give me the actual burrito I ordered!': Top Karens of the Week (November 24, 2023)

deep-reddit, reddit-story, failblog, r-AITA, r-entitledpeople, reddit-comment, reddit-response

'I can't tell you how much leeway they all gave me after that': Childless employee granted year of 'essential bliss' by HR after boss and co-worker bully him to give up his holiday break for employees with kids

'Below is my list for Christmas': Choosing beggars pretend to be a kid in Santa Wish List letter to nonprofit, asking for pricey, luxurious gifts

'Below is my list for Christmas': Choosing beggars pretend to be a kid in Santa Wish List letter to nonprofit, asking for pricey, luxurious gifts

'Am I in the wrong here?': Top Roommate Stories of the Week (November 23, 2023)

'Am I in the wrong here?': Top Roommate Stories of the Week (November 23, 2023)

company-boss, entitled-management, retired, rich-people, entitled-rich-people, the-bourgeoisie

'What a joke': Retired 55-year-old millionaire claiming he made all of his riches entirely on his own gets called out for what he truly is, a nepo-baby

r-amithejerk, reddit-post, sisters, sibling-squabble, sibling-fight, sibling-argument, family, siblings, older-sister, younger-sister, sisters

'[She] got served a massive tray of humble pie': Older sister thinks younger sister's graduation is beneath her, so younger sister gets karma with a classic 'uno-reverse' move