entitled people

karens mobility karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people disability - 23364357

'He actually needed it': Disabled dude confronted by stranger demanding his mobility scooter

reddit, r-AITA, AITA, NTA, YTA, grinch, office-grinch, employee-grinch, co-worker-grinch, holiday-workplace, IT-holiday-work

'Am I the [office Grinch] who stole Xmas?': New hire of only 4 months wants senior IT employee to cover his holiday shift since he doesn't celebrate Christmas, gets a big ‘NO’

family drama marriage entitled parents kids askreddit entitled family reddit thread Reddit toxic relationship children entitled people - 23374341

'All my money is mine': 20+ people share their 'I'm so glad I don't have kids' moments

karens games talesfromretail holiday season grandkaren retail demanding video game holiday karens in the wild entitled grandparents video games tales-from-retail karen story wii karen holidays entitled people - 23376901

'Then came the Karens': Video game store offers too-good-to-be-true offer on gaming console, store floods with confused customers

'The audacity to complain about a $500 gift':Choosing beggar throws tantrum at coworker over a $500 holiday gift card

'The audacity to complain about a $500 gift': Choosing beggar throws tantrum at coworker over a $500 holiday gift card

'[Cop] wrote all those drivers tickets': Top 10+ Tales of Instant Karma

'[Cop] wrote all those drivers tickets': Top 10+ Tales of Instant Karma

'[Neighbors] insisted on us getting a fine': Neighbor gets petty after Karens make him pay a $50 fine because his chicken ended up on their property

'[Neighbors] insisted on us getting a fine': Neighbor gets petty after Karens make him pay a $50 fine because his chicken ended up on their property

'Karen [said] I had no right to do that': Karen throws fit over neighbor's new fence, turns out she was 10 feet over the property line

'Karen [said] I had no right to do that': Karen throws fit over neighbor's new fence, turns out she was 10 feet over the property line

'[HOA] want[s] to sue us': Residents purchase home before HOA was reinstated, then HOA threatened to take them to court

'[HOA] want[s] to sue us': Residents purchase home before HOA was reinstated, then HOA threatened to take them to court

reddit, failblog, r-entitledpeople, entitled-boomer-couple, privleged-boomer-hippies, bookstore-probs, bookstore-problems, seasonal-bookstore-employees

'Dude, you just loiter': Older couple waltz around bookstore like they own the place never spending a dime, owner pulls a fast one on them by removing all chairs

'I'll take a free upgrade, thanks': Entitled Karen books a hotel room that's too small for her family, management denies her demands for an upgrade

'I'll take a free upgrade, thanks': Entitled Karen books a hotel room that's too small for her family, management denies her demands for an upgrade

chicken-egg-story, eggsperts, funny-eggs, egg-selling-story, chicken-egg-farm, selling-chicken-eggs, store-bought-eggs, farm-fresh-eggs, pawn-star-meme

'It's hilarious and irritating': Egg-monger sells eggspensive eggs but demands customers agree to returning them for no refund if needed, eggsperts chime in

reddit, failblog, entitled-people, r-idontworkherelady, I-dont-work-here-lady, grocery-store-clerk, grocery-store-karen

‘I don’t work here': Grocery store Karen grabs electrician by the collar demanding ‘clean up in aisle 10,' he almost actually does it due to sheer craziness-levels

'I'm going to eat during my [...] lunch break, not give you a free manicure': Coworker demands free manicure, employee shuts her down

'I'm going to eat during my [...] lunch break, not give you a free manicure': Coworker demands free manicure, employee shuts her down

reddit, failblog, r-maliciouscompliance, malicious-compliance, reddit-work-story, blue-collar-worker-story, working-hard, construction, garage-repair

'[He] was not the brightest': Manager gets cheap, so career garage door repairman finagles himself and crew a 2-3 hour lunch and 7+ hours a person in overtime pay

hoa workplace-stories employee trash malicious compliance work park karens in the wild reddit thread Reddit garbage truck karen entitled people - 23256581

'Karen accuses me of trespassing and littering at my job': Entitled woman calls cops on worker cleaning up trash in the park