
entitled people

Guy gets payback on entitled Karen driver by making her late after incessant honking:  'All I could think to do was just laugh and clap'

Guy gets payback on entitled Karen driver by making her late after incessant honking: 'All I could think to do was just laugh and clap'

There's nothing like a nice, peaceful drive on the road being upended by another annoying, entitled driver who thinks that their busy schedule is more significant than everyone else's. It's these unique individuals that can make one of the more solitary and restful activities for some folks unbearable. Personally speaking, I am not one of the individuals who thinks driving is a peaceful activity, nor am I one of the individuals who enjoys engaging in aggressive behavior on the road. My conflict…
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'I honestly don't work here': Karen refuses to believe total stranger isn't her grandmother's nurse, starts ordering her around

'I honestly don't work here': Karen refuses to believe total stranger isn't her grandmother's nurse, keeps ordering her around

Hospitals can be tense environments for anyone, but this entitled Karen took way too much of her stress out on an innocent bystander. The Karen was looking for her grandmother's nurse so she could get a sponge and a cup of water, but she was clearly so desperate that she ended up convincing herself that a complete and total stranger was the nurse assigned to her grandmother all this time. Ah, what the mind can do to an anxious individual! The stranger tried to reason with the Karen and explain…
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‘We fired… A customer!’: Arts and crafts store employees share times they had to ban customers who were regular Karens

‘We fired… A customer!’: Arts and crafts store employees share times they had to ban customers who were regular Karens

Arts & Craft stores seem to attract a lot of Karens…
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'[They] were just abhorrent': Raucous family of Karens makes server cry at restaurant, kind customers come to her defense

'[They] were just abhorrent': Raucous family of Karens makes server cry at restaurant, kind customers come to her defense

There is nothing worse than watching an unruly customer take their unnecessary frustrations out on an innocent server, as if it's part of their job to deal with abhorrent individuals. In short, it shouldn't be, and nine times out of ten, if you're a bystander in this situation, you can do more than stay out of the fray. Here, we have a kind Midwestern family who went out to a nice dinner at a local steakhouse. Their meal was practically ruined as a result of the family of Karens nearby, who mad…
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'My HOA is threatening to tow my car': HOA fines resident for not having registration sticker on his car while it's being shipped in the mail

'My HOA is threatening to tow my car': HOA fines resident for not having registration sticker on his car while it's being shipped in the mail

It's no secret that HOAs can be nothing more than an invasive nuisance 90% of the time. This Redditor's story serves as yet another example of how a neighborhood HOA made an already stressful process worse. The Original Poster (OP) was in the process of going through a move and had not yet received his proof of registration sticker for his car. For the record, he had already gotten his car officially registered online and was simply waiting for the sticker to be shipped in the mail. Yet somehow…
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entitled airplane Karen causes seating fiasco when woman's assigned seat is between Karen and her husband, gets accusatory and downright nasty as a result

Airplane Karen complains through entire 5-hour flight because woman was sat between her and her husband, accuses woman of 'cheap[ing] out’ on flight tickets

I'm sorry, I didn't know you owned the plane!
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‘The whole car burst out laughing!’: Man forcing train riders to listen to bible verses gets put in his place by a ‘Lord of the Rings’ nerd

‘The whole car burst out laughing!’: Man forcing train riders to listen to bible verses gets put in his place by a ‘Lord of the Rings’ nerd

In Gandolf we trust.
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Entitled Karen tries to steal neighbor's 80 lb bag of sand: 'She says it’s free and I say it’s not'

Entitled Karen tries to steal neighbor's 80 lb bag of sand: 'She says it’s free and I say it’s not'

Nosy neighbors are known to be envious of lots of items belonging to other folks in the neighborhood, but sand is not typically one of those items. This Redditor and her husband kept an 80 lb bag of sand on their parking strip and had been meaning to move it for quite some time now but hadn't gotten around to it just yet. Still, it shouldn't have been an issue considering the fact that it was still very much on their own property. Cut to one random morning when the Redditor's husband noticed so…
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boss jobs employee job work coworkers overworked-employees Horrible Bosses entitled bad bosses Reddit company entitled people employment in the workplace - 36153349

'Last year was the best year in all our 30 years of business': Company announces record breaking profits, then slashes employees' 401k in same meeting

If you're an employee putting in extra work at your company to excel, typically, you're going to expect some kind of reward for your efforts. We're not talking about some boring pizza party or a jeans pass for the office; we're talking about a raise, a bonus, or some other monetary value that shows that our company values our efforts. That's how you create employee retention. Well, this entitled boss seems to think otherwise. This employee worked at a Fortune 200 company and was one day in a co…
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'I'm finished with you': Choosing beggar tries to get out of paying for personal trainer's fitness plan, results in heated text exchange

'I'm finished with you': Choosing beggar tries to get out of paying for personal trainer's fitness plan, results in heated text exchange

This dude really thought he could get a professionally curated meal and exercise plan for free. First of all, the choosing beggar contacted this fitness trainer directly after seeing the positive impact he had on a friend of his. The scammer wanted to get in better shape before an upcoming wedding. Now, his friend must have explained the estimated cost of working with this trainer beforehand, yet somehow the choosing beggar had the audacity to try to get free labor out of this guy. Luckily, the…
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retail employee is subjected to chaos when management reverses staff roles, clueless supervisors find out for themselves that their ideas are better on paper than in practice

‘Short staffed? No problem’: Management implements major changes to tourist attraction employee roles, chaos ensues when staff is unaware of standard procedures

Some ideas are better in theory than in reality.
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entitled ex wife demands her husband to pay her back for money that isn't hers, he claps back at family bbq for a total entitled people karma moment

‘You're either greedy, entitled, or delusional!’: Man's entitled ex-wife antagonizes him because he didn't spend entire $1280 cash gift on her and her new husband's home

She's demanding he pays her for the remaining $256, even though it was never her money to begin with: “So let me get this straight: I owe me my money?”
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reddit landlord landlords tenant tenants renters renter renting deposit money sued karma karmic entitled court courtroom payback revenge

'[They thought] we were bluffing': Tenants sue ex-landlords for $2,700+ in damages when they unlawfully keep their deposit, resulting in satisfying courtroom karma

Never underestimate your opponent
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'Careful what you ask for': Entitled home buyers demand seller clean out all the 'garbage' they left, seller complies, removing thousands of dollars in renovations

'Careful what you ask for': Entitled home buyers demand seller clean out all the 'garbage' they left, seller complies, removing thousands of dollars in renovations

Sometimes people need to just keep their mouth shut. This might sound harsh, but it is seriously tiring to hear and read of people constantly complaining about things that they actually should be grateful for. Complaining is not the only option, and if people were simply civil toward each other, they would honestly get a lot farther in life. What there wouldn't be if people were nicer, are stories like this one. OP (original poster) sold his parents' home to these fussy buyers who complained ab…
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‘[One] was just my beard…’: Employee uses annoying company policy as a chance to troll managers with ‘stupid’ pictures, gets exempted from policy

‘[One] was just my beard…’: Employee uses annoying company policy as a chance to troll managers with ‘stupid’ pictures, gets exempted from policy

“I still see everyone else taking pictures when they come in, but for some strange reason I’ve been exempted…”
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entitled construction workers not abiding by neighborhood code results in man getting fined 200 euros so he bites back with a delicious petty revenge

Man gets fined $216, bites back at entitled construction workers after they failed to follow neighborhood codes: ‘Traffic Enforcement number is on my speed dial’

Illegally reserving parking spots using heavy cinderblocks is one way to make a neighborhood enemy
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