
entitled people

Karen leaves 1-star review after hailing the workers as heroes

'We are deeply saddened': Complete Karen leaves 1-star review after telling staff that they were "heroes," gets wrecked by the owner

Being hailed as a hero only to be slandered from a safe distance: what a quintessential retail experience… While the people who won't hesitate to yell in your face are always the first ones who come to mind, there is a second type of person who has a deep anger buried deep inside of themselves, yet they remain so conflict averse that they will happily greet you with a smile to your face. It's only once your back is turned that they drive the knife in deep and twist. When I worked retail, we had…
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'Sorry, Ma'am. I can't overrule my boss': Entitled patient insists on ignoring supervisor

'Sorry, Ma'am. I can't overrule my boss': Entitled patient insists on ignoring supervisor

Imagine making your own doctor visit longer on purpose. Some people get so convinced that they're right that they just turn off their ears and refuse to hear otherwise! This person shared their story to r/TalesfromRetail, though it does take place at the doctor's office where the OP and their supervisor worked. The OP shared that their supervisor is quite young, which some patients take to mean that she's not actually a supervisor. In the comments, people applauded the petty nature of the story…
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parking ticket revenge petty revenge entitled reddit thread Reddit parking entitled people - 20122629

'He got five tickets': Dude parks boat across all handicapped parking spaces at restaurant, diner gets revenge

Some parking rules are ridiculous, but this guy very much got what he deserved.
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customer support customer service karens retail revenge karen-customer customers petty revenge customer customer-service-stories retail-stories karen entitled people - 20179461

'I work for my dad': Customer tries to name-drop owner to strong-arm cashier, cashier is owner's son

Anyone who has worked retail or otherwise dealt with customers knows all too well that customers generally will try anything and everything to get their way. This includes (but is not limited to) quoting irrelevant pieces of legislation, being generally aggressive, hurling insults, demanding a manager, and name-dropping the owner (or some other executive.) In the case of name-dropping, if you actually bother to bother the person whose name is being dropped, they'll usually have no idea who the…
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Top Wholesome 'I Don't Work Here Lady' Stories This Week (April 17, 2023)

Top Wholesome 'I Don't Work Here Lady' Stories This Week (April 17, 2023)

When you're mistaken for an employee at a store, nine times out of ten, you're probably dealing with a Karen. But every so often, it's an honest mistake and the story wraps up with a wholesome ending.
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neighbors drama neighbor-stories neighborhood neighborhood-drama Bad Neighbor entitled people neighbor - 20109317

'Your heat is too low': Guy's upstairs neighbor demands he turn up his thermostat to heat her apartment.

Living next to a bad neighbor will surely cause you a terrible existence. And when you're living in densely inhabited accommodation like an apartment building, you're rolling the dice many more times, resulting in a far greater chance of ending up near a complete psycho or entitled individual. Redditor u/SilentJoe1986 shared this story to Reddit's r/EntitledPeople subreddit, telling of how their neighbor had insisted that they turn up their own thermostat so that the rising heat would heat the…
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instant karma entitled parents entitled entitled-story karma karen entitled people - 20109573

Entitled family takes theatre seats, gets karmic reward

Taking something that isn't yours—or is otherwise claimed or being used by another party—is generally a bad move. If you've ever considered doing this, maybe you should reconsider… or just go home and rethink your life. ( You don't want to sell me death sticks…) This family's behavior is eerily similar to that annoying child who would take your seat in class when you got up to do something and would refuse to move since you didn't call “dibs” or “tap-tap seat back." I think it's safe to say tha…
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customer service server restaurant reddit thread Reddit tales from your server karen entitled people - 20104965

Top Tales From Your Server This Week (April 16, 2023)

It's hard out here for a restaurant worker!
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landlord neighbors malicious compliance temperature reddit thread Reddit roommates entitled people - 20099589

'I know this is petty': Roommates share thermostat with neighbors, neighbors keep setting it to wild temperatures, cue revenge

I can't imagine having to share a thermostat with crazy neighbors.
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customer service entitled customer server servers retail customers talesfromyourserver entitled tales from your server entitled people service industry - 20097541

'We closed [three] hours ago': Server lets couple on first date stay late, learns the hard way that they're woefully entitlted

Every retail or service person has learned the hard way why you don't make exceptions for customers and guests. It's always the customer you think is level-headed, sane, and “gets it” who ends up being a woefully entitled complainer, review bomber, and exceptionalist. These people will go feral on you and make your life a verifiable living hell for a few weeks until they've done the damage they're seeking and disappear into the void of their miserable existence to ruin someone else's day. The c…
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karens neighbors karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 20087301

'The kids confessed to throwing the trash': Neighborhood kids enact trashy revenge on local Karen

Rule number one of living in any neighborhood: don't become the enemy of all the town children!
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karens entitled parents choosing beggars karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people choosing beggar - 20109829

'You'll get paid in garlic': 10+ Top Entitled People, Karens, and Choosing Beggars Who Wanted Everything For Nothing

This world is jam-packed with all sorts of wonderful people: people who are empathetic and honest, generous and fair, responsible and humble. Unfortunately, the yin to that yang comes in the form of an onslaught of entitled, cruel and selfish people who want everything for nothing and everything for themselves. They care not about anyone or their negative impact on the society that they benefit from—like a leech that's had more than its fill, growing fat unnoticed on a swimmer's leg. This is a…
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FAILS kids parenting Memes tweets funny entitled people Parenting FAILS - 20091141

'You knew what you were getting into': 20+ Cringeworthy Parenting Fails

Something tells me these parents absolutely did NOT ask for this craziness! Look, I am the last person to talk to when it comes to parenting advice. That being said, I know enough to know that most parents simply cannot anticipate what the experience will actually be like. No matter what kind of parent you are, there always seems to be a period of disillusionment from a picture-perfect vision of what having a family will look like versus what it actually looks like. If you thought it was going…
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neighbors neighbor-stories neighborhood neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories entitled Bad Neighbor entitled people neighbor - 20128005

'They were trying to scam us': Neighbor mows woman's lawn without asking, demands payment

Lawns are often a great attraction and target for entitled neighbors. It's almost like they have a magnetic pull, resulting in an obsessive fixation—one single blade of grass overgrown or out of place sending the neighbor over the edge. But let's be real, living close to people can be maddening—being that they're a constant presence in your everyday life that you had no choice or control over. We can choose our partner, our friends—even whether or not we want to see certain family members—but n…
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FAIL karen entitled roasted entitled parents karens entitled people karens in the wild mildlyinfuriating - 20097029

'[I] don't need them anymore': Entitled Karen asks for a refund for her wedding photos when she gets divorced years later

It never ceases to amaze me the ends that entitled people will go to and the mental hoops they will jump through in order to justify their behavior… “Hi! It's your old pal from Kindergarten here. I don't know if you still remember me, but I'd like my Pokemon cards back that I traded you for your cookie since I'm not using the cookie anymore, and the fat cells it gave me have long since gone away!” With that logic, anyone could ask for a refund for anything—at any time.
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karens books karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 20073477

'THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS': Karen complains about the prices in the bookstore, has a meltdown when asked if she wants to pay for a bag

How are these people wired to think that yelling at an underpaid teenager is going to change anything?
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