

karens instant karma parking lot driving entitled karma karen parking entitled people traffic parking-drama driver-drama traffic-and-parking-stories entitled-people-stories - 20459525

'[She] ended up hitting the cruiser': Driver trying to cut up the shoulder in traffic runs into a conveniently placed police cruiser

This Karen thought that she could use the shoulder to skip a queue of traffic on the motorway, but when a semi-driver decided that he was going to have none of that and intervened, he caused her to crash into a conveniently placed police cruiser. The story was witnessed and shared to r/MaliciousCompliance by a truck driver, Redditor u/fmintar1. They shared this story to the popular subreddit to share how they got one up on this queue-dodging cretin. The types of people that do things like this…
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pro revenge karens entitled parents revenge karen-customer customers chef chefs service entitled karen entitled people service industry karen-stories entitled-people-stories - 20278021

'Maybe not too much for you.' Hibachi chef and family team up to defeat an unruly Karen

If you read the original poster's title as ‘Hitachi Fun’ instead of ‘Hibachi Fun,’ like me, you were expecting a very different thread.
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aita karen-stories entitled-people-stories karens amitheahole entitled customer super market entitled parents drama customers customer entitled entitled people - 20304645

'I'm a big fan of Gatorade': Entitled dude buys every bottle of red Gatorade from a shop and refuses to relinquish a single ounce

Taking everything and leaving nothing—that's generally a good sign that you're in the wrong. Operating at extreme ends of social behavior and acting in ways that speak to these extremes is going to rub a lot of people the wrong way—regardless of your belief or justification. As has been said a hundred times: We're all the heroes of our own stories. Everyone has a justification for their actions in their mind for why they've done or said something, even if everyone else is telling them that they…
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