entitled people karma

Retail worker forced to deal with entitled mom and her 4 screaming children: '[She] let them loose to play tag/Marco Polo in the aisles'

Retail worker forced to deal with entitled mom and her 4 screaming children: '[She] let them loose to play tag/Marco Polo in the aisles'

concert concerts entitled people entitled people karma gen z concert trends live show shows teens teenagers

Tall 16-year-old girl harassed by older concert-attendees over her height in the crowd: 'They asked me to move behind them as I was blocking the way

'Entitled neighbor poisons our lawn': Residents get back at grass-obsessed neighbor for damaging their lawn after mowing it without permission

'Entitled neighbor poisons our lawn': Residents get back at grass-obsessed neighbor for damaging their lawn after mowing it without permission

Employee discovers micromanaging boss planted secret cameras to eavesdrop on conversations with coworkers: 'You know I can see and hear you, right?'

Employee discovers micromanaging boss planted secret cameras to eavesdrop on conversations with coworkers: 'You know I can see and hear you, right?'

36-year-old woman's mother breaks into her house to compulsively clean her kitchen: 'Coming into my house to nitpick everything is just unacceptable'

36-year-old woman's helicopter mother breaks into her house to compulsively clean her kitchen: 'Coming into my house to nitpick everything is just unacceptable'

Woman gets accidental revenge when ex-best friend unknowingly books a birthday dinner at the restaurant she works at: ‘[I] didn’t have to do a thing except exist LOL’

Woman gets accidental revenge when ex-best friend unknowingly books a birthday dinner at the restaurant she works at: ‘[I] didn’t have to do a thing except exist LOL’

Step-father steals money from 13-year-old's piggy bank, kid gets even by "borrowing" $200: 'I hid it in my sock drawer'

Step-father steals money from 13-year-old's piggy bank, kid gets even by "borrowing" $200: 'I hid it in my sock drawer'

25-year-old storms out of sister's wedding after being called "Miss Buzzkill" in the bride's speech: 'I felt humiliated in front of 200 guests'

25-year-old storms out of sister's wedding after being called "Miss Buzzkill" in the bride's speech: 'I felt humiliated in front of 200 guests'

Guy's entitled neighbor catcalls his wife and litters on his lawn, so he hoses down his car in below freezing weather pinning it to the driveway: 'I watered his car from 10pm to 5am'

Guy's entitled neighbor catcalls his wife and litters on his lawn, so he hoses down his car in below freezing weather pinning it to the driveway: 'I watered his car from 10pm to 5am'

‘She spent over $300 JUST on decorations…': Well-off manager throws last-minute retirement party, requests staff reimburse her even though half weren't even able to attend

‘She spent over $300 JUST on decorations…': Well-off manager throws last-minute retirement party, requests staff reimburse her even though half weren't even able to attend

Entitled customer drops water company for competitor, then comes back begging for their far better service: '[My] boss's face turned red'

Entitled customer drops water company for competitor, then comes back begging for their far better service: '[My] boss's face turned red'

Step-father trying to connect with step-daughter overhears her calling him ‘pathetic,’ so he resells the car he bought her: ‘I told her how much her words hurt, she rolled her eyes’

Step-father trying to connect with step-daughter overhears her calling him ‘pathetic,’ so he resells the car he bought her: ‘I told her how much her words hurt, she rolled her eyes’

'Do you know who I am?': Entitled lady gets called out on subway for using husband's credentials as an excuse for her poor behavior

'Do you know who I am?': Entitled lady gets called out on subway for using husband's credentials as an excuse for her poor behavior

Helicopter parents pressure 35-year-old son to stay home and turn down a better job offer: '[It pays] $23k more than my last job'

Helicopter parents pressure 35-year-old son to stay home and turn down a better job offer: '[It pays] $23k more than my last job'

82-year-old grandmother invites new boyfriend to dinner, family disapproves causing daughter to go no contact: '[He] wants to be called grandpa'

82-year-old grandmother invites new boyfriend to dinner, family disapproves causing daughter to go no contact: '[He] wants to be called grandpa'

‘I just couldn’t believe the whole situation': Man who purchases first-class window seat is forced to move when man flying with dog gives him strife, flight attendants side with dog

‘I just couldn’t believe the whole situation': Man who purchases first class window seat is forced to move when man flying with a dog gives him strife, flight attendants side with the dog