
entitled people karma

Hospitality employee bests ‘Bessie the Breakfast Boomer’ after he refuses to do her job for her, resulting in a classic boomer meltdown

‘Bessie the Breakfast Boomer’ has a classic meltdown and gets fired after employee refuses to do her job for her

"After that every morning when Bessie comes in she throws her tantrum screaming about how lazy young people are, no one wants to work, all the usual boomer greatest hits."
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'You didn't wait two hours. Our wait never hit more than 35 minutes': 15+ restaurant reviews from entitled Karens, plus rebuttals from the restaurant owners

'You didn't wait two hours. Our wait never hit more than 35 minutes': 15+ restaurant reviews from entitled Karens, plus rebuttals from the restaurant owners

The only thing more satisfying than reading a funny restaurant review online is reading a savage response from the owner. Here, we have several entitled Karen customers, who clearly left out plenty of important details regarding their dining experiences. It's the power of narrative, folks, as well as the power of main character syndrome. These Karen customers seemed to all genuinely believe that they were the innocent victims of their stories. That self-belief extended to the ways in which they…
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Technicians scolded by boss for inefficient machinery, they maliciously comply and cause corporate profits to plummet

Technicians scolded by micromanaging boss for using inefficient machinery, they maliciously comply and cause corporate profits to plummet

Micromanagers who continue to enforce unrealistic expectations are likely to experience disappointment and pushback. After all, there are only so many hours in the day. Frequently, these individuals believe in antiquated ideas like paying your dues. They also love to enforce rules and procedures that they themselves do not follow. Perhaps they feel that they have earned the right to be this way, but the reality of the situation is that their warped sense of authority is only going to make thing…
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'He's the biggest leech I ever met': Student keeps ordering pizzas to neighbor's apartment, neighbor gets even and messes with their internet

'He's the biggest leech I ever met': Student keeps ordering pizzas to neighbor's apartment, neighbor gets even and messes with their internet

Starting a feud with one's neighbors is never a good idea. This tenant started receiving pizza deliveries intended for his neighbor, who was a college student. It was an innocent mistake until the tenant discovered that this was not a one-time occurrence. It happened repeatedly and incessantly. To make matters worse, the tenant later learned that this same dude was also using his internet instead of paying for his own service. This epiphany would lay the groundwork for some much-needed petty re…
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Employee faces unfair treatment when he is being singled out by his shift scheduler, leading him to find work elsewhere

Employee faces unfair reprimands made by disrespectful schedule manager, is informed that scheduler has ‘been trying since day one’ to get him fired

“Apparently, she tried to use me leaving early a lot as a reason that I should be fired, BUT SHE WAS THE ONE WHO WAS TELLING ME TO LEAVE EVERY DAY.”
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'People were driving along the shoulder in order to get ahead of the traffic': Top Tales of Instant Karma

'People were driving along the shoulder in order to get ahead of the traffic': Top Tales of Instant Karma

Jojo Siwa, Chappell Road, and Taylor Swift sure have plenty to say about karma, but don't we all? The funny thing about karma is that you really can't predict when it's going to strike. For instance, how many times have we all witnessed someone driving recklessly on the road without any legitimate consequences for their actions? Because of this fact, we have to embrace when karma does come back around to haunt the entitled people of this world. So the next time you see a selfish driver avoiding…
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'It would never cross my mind to behave like this...':  Entitled hotel guests devour every last bite of the buffet spread, leaving other guests hungry and furious

'It would never cross my mind to behave like this...': Entitled hotel guests devour every last bite of the buffet spread, leaving other guests hungry and furious

The entitlement of some people continues to bewilder innocent onlookers who are just trying to go about their daily lives. We have distinguished two traits that characterize entitled persons. They are, first and foremost, fierce and tremendously confident in their own righteousness. The story below is an account of a frustrated hotel guest. The original poster (OP) had just returned from a luxurious vacation. One of the hotel amenities available to OP is the buffet. One evening as he looked ove…
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Entitled boomer customer flips out at employee over having to print a return label for a refund, months of telecommunication come to a head

Boomer becomes enraged after being told he has to print a shipping return label in order to get a refund, harasses employee for months because of his ‘vendetta against technology’

"That was two months ago and he never replied to that email. Today, he called back."
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‘To my horror… My credit has dropped to 590’: Parents open a credit card in son's name without him knowing, run up $8,000 in debt and say they will write him out of their will if he reports it

‘To my horror… My credit has dropped to 590’: Parents open a credit card in son's name without him knowing, run up $8,000 in debt and say they will write him out of their will if he reports it

“What could possibly be in their will of any value if they needed to run up debt in your name?”
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‘He was a kid so it is what it is, [but] the mom…': Uninvited mom keeps allowing her kid to steal candy from a private 1-year-old's birthday party, parent's slam door in her face

‘He was a kid so it is what it is, [but] the mom…': Uninvited mom keeps allowing her kid to steal candy from a private 1-year-old's birthday party, parent's slam door in her face

You're cruisin' for a bruisin' when you allow a 3-year-old that much freedom…
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'We're low on money. I'd love a treat [...] I've been kinda wanting chocolate chip cookies': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (August 17, 2024)

'We're low on money. I'd love a treat [...] I've been kinda wanting chocolate chip cookies': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (August 17, 2024)

Who among us hadn't had a friend who demands just a bit too much of you? Sure, it's easy to spot the choosing beggars in your life on social media, but what about the ones that text you last minute to watch your pets all the time? Maybe once or twice you mentioned that you'd happily help and that it wasn't an issue. Unfortunately, statements like these are dangerous for the choosing beggars of the world because they will interpret them as permission to use every bit of you like that they can. T…
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'Enjoy the stress!': Minimum wage worker finds herself scheduled even though her vacation days were approved a month prior, leaves them high and dry

'Enjoy the stress!': Minimum wage worker finds herself scheduled even though her vacation days were approved a month prior, leaves them high and dry

What's the point of having vacation days if you're not allowed to use them?
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truckie boomer meltdown ensues after gen x truck driver gets to a distributor first, boomer claims he was first and they switch spots in line and faces entitled people karma

Gen X truck driver faces off with ‘boomer truckie’ at a distributor claiming ‘[he] was [there] first’ in a true boomer meltdown, gets sweet karmic revenge

“Mate, during this whole interaction you not once said ‘please’, I guarantee if I give you this spot you will not even think of saying ‘thank you’.”
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'Saved probably... $300 per year?': Homeowners confess their sneakiest ways around their HOA's most useless rules

'Saved probably... $300 per year?': Homeowners confess their sneakiest ways around their HOA's most useless rules

Nothing is worse than living somewhere with arbitrary rules about your own property.
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Woman gets $1.25/gallon off fuel by mooching off of discount from husband's ex-wife: 'It took about two years for her to realize'

Woman gets $1.25/gallon off fuel by mooching off of discount from husband's ex-wife: 'It took about two years for her to realize'

Using an ex's discount for two entire years without their knowledge is perhaps the best kind of revenge. Firstly, it's quiet. Secondly, no one is getting hurt. Finally, not only are you getting the emotional fulfillment and satisfaction of achieving payback, but you're also spending less money in the process. If that's not a two-for-one situation, I don't know what is. Here , we have a lady who frequently drives her step-kids to and from her husband's ex-wife's town to take them to school. The…
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'His neighbor [...] started hosting loud parties into the night': Engineer rigs apparatus to sabotage neighbor's incessant pool parties

'His neighbor [...] started hosting loud parties into the night': Engineer rigs apparatus to sabotage neighbor's incessant pool parties

Never mess with an engineer! Having an engineer for a neighbor can be very useful in the right circumstances, but if you manage to frustrate them, things can backfire in unexpected ways. Here, we have a retired father who confessed to his kid about all the acts of petty revenge he has enacted on his difficult, noisy neighbors next door after they started hosting loud pool parties on weeknights regularly. Some of this pettiness ranges from launching debris over the property line to planting tree…
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