
entitled people karma

'Knock ‘em down a peg!’: Estimator for a niche construction manufacturing company puts his micromanaging managers in place with one ‘car-less’ mistake

'Knock ‘em down a peg!’: Estimator for a niche construction manufacturing company puts his micromanaging managers in place with one ‘car-less’ mistake

If you're going to be a micromanaging kind of manager, then you should at least do it with correct grammar…
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'Last warning...': Aisle passenger disrespects man's personal space the entire flight and keeps closing the window to bother him, man settles the score once they land

'Last warning...': Aisle passenger disrespects man's personal space the entire flight and keeps closing the window to bother him, man settles the score once they land

It's crucial to learn flight etiquette before boarding an airplane. Proper flight etiquette comprises three distinct components, namely aisle and window manners, light on/off timing, and toilet passage. The story that follows is an account of a frustrated passenger. In order to enjoy the short cross-country flight, the Original Poster (OP) specifically reserved a window seat. But the aisle passenger continued to close the window shades, going against the wishes of OP and, in a way, depriving hi…
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'Oh, it must be nice to just sit at the register': Karen manager taunts employee and tells him not to do any work, so he doesn't

'Oh, it must be nice to just sit at the register': Karen manager taunts employee and tells him not to do any work, so he doesn't

Let this serve as a friendly reminder that sarcasm doesn't function well in the workplace. Every so often, maybe twice a year, this Karen manager decides to lose her mind and accuse everyone of doing everything wrong. She runs a small but always moderately busy convenience store. Well, the other day, she decided it was time for her tantrum. Her employee had just finished restocking and cleaning the store and had returned to the register when his Karen boss came storming and sardonically told hi…
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'I can give as good as I get...': Man confronts Karen and demands that she stop handing out his number to random people, Karen refuses to comply, leading to a full-blown virtual dispute

'I can give as good as I get...': Man confronts Karen and demands that she stop handing out his number to random people, Karen refuses to comply, leading to a full-blown virtual dispute

People frequently switch their phone numbers. They might change it because of an impending move, work-related concerns, or any number of other good reasons. The problem arises, though, when that person continues to give out their old phone number even though they aren't the legitimate owner. The story that follows introduces us to a frustrated individual who has been pushed to the brink of hopelessness. The Original Poster (OP) purchased a new phone number two years ago. Ever since he activated…
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'An especially egregious occurrence:' Handicap driver reports truck blocking 8 handicap parking spots, truck driver hits a pole mid-complaint while trying to make his getaway

'An especially egregious occurrence:' Handicap driver reports truck blocking 8 handicap parking spots, truck driver hits a pole mid-complaint while trying to make his getaway

Watching karma in action.
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Tenant increased apartment value by tending to neglected garden, landlord attempts to ‘kick’ tenant out to profit from the fruits of his labor

Tenant increased apartment value by tending to neglected garden, landlord attempts to ‘kick’ tenant out to profit from the fruits of his labor

Landlords could end up being your best friend or, in contrast, your biggest enemy. However, how would you respond if your landlord attempted to profit from the fruits of your labor? Would you silently submit or fight for what's right? The story that follows is the story of a clever tenant. After residing in his apartment for some time, the Original Poster (OP) decided to remodel his yard in an effort to make his house feel more like a home. The garden was finally finished, with stunning foliage…
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‘Is this some kind of joke?!’: Undervalued employee demoted to workstation near restroom as an office is ‘above her pay grade’

‘Is this some kind of joke?!’: Undervalued employee demoted to workstation near restroom as an office is ‘above her pay grade’

In the realm of business, there will always be those at the top and bottom of the corporate ladder. It's your responsibility to gradually establish your position at the top. But let us not fool ourselves; the only reason they are there instead of you is because they had the audacity to be born ten years ahead of you. The employee who was left speechless and booted from her office as it was 'above her pay grade' is recounted in the story below. To put things in perspective, the Original Poster (…
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‘The head of the HOA was fuming’: Guy drives HOA board members crazy over the color of his house

‘The head of the HOA was fuming’: Guy drives HOA board members crazy over the color of his house

If HOAs want to enforce pointless rules, then they better be prepared for people to expose just how pointless said rules are. Here, we have a guy who just wanted to paint his house a light green color but did not realize that the HOA had to approve the color. When the head of the HOA came by to discuss the paint job, he purposely left out this reminder so that the resident could later be fined for not complying. That’s when the resident decided to get petty in return. He proceeded to submit doz…
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boss work stories toxic-workplace work week work malicious-compliance-reddit reddit story petty revenge entitled people karma company work hours work hours work hours - 25193477

Employees outraged over company causally announcing shifting to a 42.5-hour workweek: 'They actually tried to spin this as a way to promote equity'

No one wants to work more hours per week. For more money, maybe, but what about working more hours per week for the same amount of money? No thanks. Nowadays, a four-day workweek is becoming increasingly popular, with studies showing that employees are actually more productive when the workweek is reduced by a day. And it makes sense because an extra day off can help prevent burnout and improve overall work-life balance. In fact, a shorter work week could motivate employees to complete their wo…
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‘One minute more and would have been time theft, right?': Employee hangs up a work call in the middle of his own sentence to teach petty manager a lesson

‘One minute more and would have been time theft, right?': Employee hangs up a work call in the middle of his own sentence to teach petty manager a lesson

Are you an employee at a job that works you to the bone with lousy pay? Then maybe you could benefit from this beautiful thing called “malicious compliance”—check it out!
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'Oh, the look she gave me': Entitled bartender gets her comeuppance, salty customer tosses pennies on the floor

'Oh, the look she gave me': Entitled bartender gets her comeuppance, salty customer tosses pennies on the floor

99.99% of bartenders do not deserve this treatment, but this one will be satisfying for those of you who have ever encountered that 0.01% of folks who deserve their comeuppance. As someone who has often been mistreated by bartenders at noisy establishments that favor a more alpha male presence, I certainly enjoyed hearing about an entitled bartender getting called out for treating an innocent customer like a complete and total nuisance. This person was on the clock on a quiet night and was spea…
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Resident hides neighbor’s trash can to prevent sanitation workers from having to empty it as 'punishment' for taking out the trash after hours, neighborly dispute ensues

Resident hides neighbor’s trash can to prevent sanitation workers from having to empty it as 'punishment' for taking out the trash after hours, neighborly dispute ensues

A neighborly dispute might develop into a vicious rivalry or just harmless fun. Whatever the situation, though, nobody can deny that it makes for a fantastic story in the end. The story that follows is an account of a frustrated neighbor. The Original Poster (OP) relays the time that his neighbor unintentionally sparked a neighborhood conflict over a trash can. In other words, the neighbors, who served as the community's ‘garbage police’, decided when every single resident of the street had to…
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'You will respect me': 47-year-old Nurse Karen throws tantrum at younger coworker, embarrasses herself in front of a patient

'You will respect me': 47-year-old Nurse Karen throws tantrum at younger coworker, embarrasses herself in front of a patient

Having a Karen coworker feels like going into battle every single day of the work week. You have to walk into your place of work ready and prepared to be lectured, condescended to, and poorly treated. If the Karen in question is your equal, don't worry: she'll still talk down to you no matter what. Having a Karen for a coworker is largely about picking and choosing when to defend yourself and when to be the bigger person and let her nonsense go in one ear and out the other. Generally, you want…
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'This isn't a paid gig': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (March 25, 2024)

'This isn't a paid gig': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (March 25, 2024)

People seem to be asking for a lot more than they can give these days. We understand that sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures, but most of these instances really just come down to entitled people with a whole lot of audacity. Hopefully, they can read the comments and see what the sane folks on the internet are telling them because that's the only way choosing beggars will come to learn that they are acting like choosing beggars. Otherwise, they will simply resume their “ignora…
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Mother gets back at childless ex-husband who pressured her to have kids early: 'I want to send him a "Happy Birthday" message from me & my son'

Mother gets back at childless ex-husband who pressured her to have kids early: 'I want to send him a "Happy Birthday" message from me & my son'

This might have been a situation where the higher road was worth taking. As tempting as it is to twist the knife and be your fullest, pettiest self, there is a limit to how far one should go. It's easy to roll your eyes at the concept, but happiness is the best form of revenge at the end of the day. This mother of a now toddler realized that her ex-husband's 30th birthday was approaching. They hadn't seen each other in two years since their divorce was officially finalized. Their marriage fell…
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'His face went white when he saw me': Wannabe slumlord finally gets his comeuppance 10 years later from a tenant he never thought he'd see again

'His face went white when he saw me': Wannabe slumlord finally gets his comeuppance 10 years later from a tenant he never thought he'd see again

Isn't it great when karma gives you a front seat?
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