
entitled people karma

'Why don't people like you?': 20+ cringeworthy questions people were asked in mixed company

'Why don't people like you?': 20+ cringeworthy questions people were asked in mixed company

There are some questions you just don't ask people in public. But then again, some people have absolutely no filter and don't necessarily take social cues into account when assessing whether or not it's appropriate to inquire about what's on their minds. In theory, these people are unapologetic and entertaining; in practice, they are just extremely uncomfortable to be around, whether it's at a family dinner, on the street, or in a workplace environment. If you ask any of the people on this r/As…
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'I still giggle about it years later': Entitled boss makes his kid's photo the centerpiece of the office, employee hilariously photoshops it and never gets caught

Revenge is a dish best served petty. To pull a silly harmless little prank that makes everyone laugh AND serves as a cute little karma kick to an entitled target is a double whammy in our books. This person really hit a homerun with this petty revenge prank—and never got caught! This employee had an incompetent and entitled nepo-baby boss. It's unfortunate but it happens often in our capitalistic society. There's little you can do aside from quit and try and find a decent place of employment. B…
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‘I’m very busy and very important’: 20+ adult temper tantrums from entitled Karens, neighbors, and coworkers

‘I’m very busy and very important’: 20+ adult temper tantrums from entitled Karens, neighbors, and coworkers

Just like Peter Pan, some folks will never grow up. Sure, the idea of what it means to be a grown-up is mainly shaped by societal expectations. For instance, what do you mean I can’t have Pop-Tarts for breakfast or Pop-Tarts for dinner or Pop-Tarts at all times? Since I am technically an adult somehow, shouldn’t I be allowed to do whatever I want at this point? Clearly, many of us suffer from some form of arrested development. However, when these folks did not get what they wanted, they really…
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‘We got a 2nd refund’: Third-party booking service and hotel screw guy out of $600 and makes his party sleep in the basement, ends up getting double the refund

Sometimes something very very annoying has to happen to you so you can get rewarded with something very very awesome. For instance, when a huge multi-billion company finagles hundreds of extra dollars out of your hardworking hands, but then due to them being entitled and impolite, you end up getting thousands of dollars in return. It's called karma and it tastes so so sweet. Take for instance, this commenter on a Reddit post about a guy trying to get a Priceline refund. The post was about a guy…
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‘A breath of fresh air’: Heartless Karen throws tantrum about homeless man who ‘stinks,’ kind hotel employee pretends he's a guest and gives him free room with a hot shower

What a world we live in where kindness is something we have to “sneak” into our place of employment. It takes a truly caring person to risk their job in order to do the kind thing—especially when it comes to the U.S. and its homeless population. Most of the rules and regulations go against helping a houseless person. You constantly see employees “shooing” away homeless people from their property as if they were nothing less than a rodent who wandered in. It's heartbreaking. But what are you sup…
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‘College-Educated Tightwad’ Neighbor Tries to Outsmart His Way for Paying His Half of Shared Fence, Hoodwinks Himself Into a Higher Cost of Living

If you're going to poke the bear, expect the claws—or whatever that saying is. Basically, if you are going to try and pull something shady off, you should always be prepared for it to backfire. Karma does not taste so sweet when you're on the receiving end. Take, for instance, this know-it-all neighbor trying to finagle his way out of responsibilities. Apparently, this guy was renting a house that shared a fence with its neighboring house. Unbeknownst to the landlord, this guy was notoriously n…
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'I stood in blizzard conditions ': Guy abandons his girlfriend in a snowstorm, refuses to pick her up from work

'I stood in blizzard conditions': Guy abandons his girlfriend in a snowstorm, refuses to pick her up from work

Being someone's boyfriend does not necessarily mean picking them up from work during a snowstorm. There are certain times in life when it's every person for themselves, and this was clearly one of those times. The funniest part of the story here is that the girlfriend, who shared this post via Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit, showed her cards when she mentioned that there was near zero visibility during the storm. So honestly, was she really expecting him to drive in the middle of that? Sorr…
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'Needless to say, they didn't get their deposits back': 30+ terrible tenants, according to their landlords

It's customary to blame the landlord in most rental apartment disputes, but every so often, you come across a story where the tenant is so outrageous and so out-of-line that you find yourself shockingly siding with the landlord. This is a rare phenomenon, one that I have rarely come across in my own life. Occasionally, you hear stories of people who impulsively paint their walls against their landlord's wishes, but you rarely hear about the tenants who cause $80K in property damage because they…
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 ‘Pretty sure you’re not in the right place’: Entitled customer storms into a random store to complain about the Postal Service then returns a week later to file an 'official' complaint

‘Pretty sure you’re not in the right place’: Entitled customer storms into a random store to complain about the Postal Service then returns a week later to file an 'official' complaint

Some like to complain, while others take pleasure in solving problems. However, for a strange reason, we always encounter the 50% of the population who get their kicks from criticizing and complaining about those around them. The account that follows is the story of an innocent bystander who was the target of an irate customer who was attempting to mail an item through the postal office. At this point, you probably think this is just another typical event. Unfortunately, it probably is. But thi…
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Dad Insults Mom's Cooking, Mom Serves Dad Rotten Beans and Divorce Papers: 'Now you know what rotten [food] tastes like'

Dad Insults Mom's Cooking, Mom Serves Dad Rotten Beans and Divorce Papers: 'Now you know what rotten [food] tastes like'

Never criticize the person who makes you dinner; otherwise, you might be in for a rotten surprise. This Redditor recounted the tale of how their father relentlessly critiqued his wife's beans whenever she made them. They seemed to be perfectly fine for everyone else in the family, but for him, they were always “rotten.” So OP's mother decided it was time to give him a taste of his own medicine and to show him what rotten beans actually tasted like. The best part of the story is the subsequent r…
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'Take that unaware guy': Internet applauds customer of a local coffee shop who sneakily gets entitled customer on his phone to tip 25%

It is 2024, if you are an American and don't know how to properly tip, then shame on you. 20% is the minimum. Period. Nobody cares if you had to send your plate back multiple times, that service industry employee is working to pay their rent. The least you can do is give them $5. Like, stop being so entitled. This entitled customer got a beautiful act of petty revenge thrust upon him, and he probably never even realized it. You see, this guy was not only not going to tip, but he was also holdin…
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‘Uno reverse card played’: New woodwork shop president fires employee for discovering insider theft, employee then tricks company out of $11,000 and wins $400

Want to have a good laugh about a shady company getting its comeuppance? Then, boy, did we find the story for you! There's no laugh quite as hearty as one you have reading about a nefarious upper management getting what they deserve. This upper management team started going downhill when a new president was hired . A members-funded woodwork shop in Australia had a very expensive piece of machinery that nobody knew how to use. A couple of employees took it upon themselves to learn and fix up thi…
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'Your store had to refund [me] $10,000': Customer gets back at power-tripping manager's nonsense policy

'Your store had to refund [me] $10,000': Customer gets back at power-tripping manager's nonsense policy

Stores with ridiculous policies are practically begging for drama. The only thing worse in a retail conflict than an entitled customer is a manager on a power trip. Most of the time when you find yourself in a situation like this, you roll your eyes and accept the bogus policy, but every once in a while, you just cannot bring yourself to go along with such nonsense. That's when these managers need to be careful because this is perhaps the only time when irate customers are justified in trying t…
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'My friend here took half [of your money]': Realtor snubs interested buyer, loses 50% of her commission

Have you ever seen the classic Julia Roberts film Pretty Woman ? Remember the scene where she walks into a fancy retail shop and the women refuse to serve her because they thought she looked too poor, but then got hooked up by Richard Gere's character? Then she went back to that store and told them they made a big “HUGE" mistake. Well, that is what happened here but in real life and with an entitled realtor instead of retail workers.
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'Took her a few hours to get the knots out': Woman throws long hair into stranger's lap during a show, he gets even by tying her hair in knots

'Knot a bad revenge at all': Woman throws her long hair into stranger's lap during a show, he gets even by tying her hair in knots

This form of revenge was not only petty, but it was also knotty. Sometimes, when you're in a public performance setting like a movie theater or a play, people are unintentionally disruptive and annoying in a way that can ruin the whole experience for others. We know this phenomenon all too well, from the folks who text after they have been told to silence their cell phones to the people who have absolutely no concept of personal space. Like it or not, there are unspoken rules of how to behave i…
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Update: Couple Discovers Petty Neighbor Poisoned Their Lawn, They Tip off the Authorities

Update: Couple Discovers Petty Neighbor Poisoned Their Lawn, They Tip off the Authorities

The juicy back-and-forth between warring neighbors will never stop being entertaining. Whether it's the small town gossiping or petty grievances over mail and property lines, we are accustomed to coming across stories of entitled, anti-neighborly behavior here at FAIL Blog. That being said, it is rare to come across a multi-part saga in which one resident chooses to go so far as to poison the grass on their neighbor's lawn. Not only does that qualify as extremely anti-neighborly behavior, but a…
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