
entitled people karma

Overworked Mom takes week-long vacation away from family, incompetent husband left scrambling: ‘My partner hasn’t done […] laundry in 10 years’

Overworked Mom takes week-long vacation away from family, incompetent husband left scrambling: ‘My partner hasn’t done […] laundry in 10 years’

This mother needed a vacation away from parenting, and we totally get it. Not only was she the primary caretaker of her three children, but also she was juggling virtually every household duty imaginable with her own part-time job. Objectively speaking, the division of labor within this household was wildly imbalanced, yet somehow, this woman’s husband thinks differently. Sure, he works a full-time job and is technically the primary breadwinner of the family, but even so, you would think he wou…
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Update: 'Guess, what, I am still going on vacation’: Manager tries to cancel PTO that employee got approved 3 months in advance, manager's vacation gets cancelled instead

Update: 'Guess what, I am still going on vacation’: Manager tries to cancel PTO that employee got approved 3 months in advance, manager's vacation gets cancelled instead

“I am also going through everyday torture of her petty comments about my vacation, but I am gonna count it as a victory, as small it is!”
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'What happened to your loyalty?': Penniless divorcee demands successful brother finance his lifestyle and pay down his debt

'What happened to your loyalty?': Penniless divorcee demands successful brother finance his lifestyle and pay down his debt

Yes, your family should come first, but maintaining healthy boundaries is just as important as maintaining a strong family connection. Having stated that what would you do if your brother came to you for assistance but, in truth, refused to take any necessary action to support himself? Would you remain firm in demanding that your sibling learn how to fend for himself, or would you surrender in silence under the pretense of family loyalty? The brother who is frustrated is described in the story…
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Difficult Male Karen throws tantrum at hotel front desk over providing proof of identification: 'Nobody else ever IDs me!'

Difficult Male Karen throws tantrum at hotel front desk over providing proof of identification: 'Nobody else ever IDs me!'

It seems like Gary really needed to make a scene at his corporate retreat! This guy approached the front desk of a hotel, which was almost entirely rented out by his company for the week, when he found himself confronted with a bit of a problem: he was asked to show his ID before he could receive his room key. Normally, any sane person would understand that this is a customary part of the hotel check-in process, yet somehow Gary took issue with this ask. To make matters worse, he had a copy of…
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Karen throws tantrum after local newspaper publishes article about her: 'She tells me I have absolutely no right!'

Karen throws tantrum after local newspaper publishes article about her: 'She tells me I have absolutely no right!'

This Karen needs to check herself because she's not that big of a deal. Imagine your local newspaper publishes an article that, in passing, lists the new board members of the local school. Now imagine that one of those board members, the Karen in question, throws a fit because she feels that she has been wronged. Why, you may ask? Well, apparently, she feels that she needed permission to have her name mentioned in passing like that! Of course, she didn't need permission. She's holding an electe…
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'Justice is served': Dude singles out customer who tries cutting in line by paying for everyone's drink but theirs

'Justice is served': Dude singles out customer who tries cutting in line by paying for everyone's drink but theirs

Not everything in life goes as planned. There are moments when you just have to go with the flow and hope for the best. Having said that, how would you feel if you intended to do a kind deed but were distracted by the arrogance of one individual? In the story that follows, a man who is waiting in line to pay for his coffee expresses his frustration. As the original poster (OP) put it, he had earned a great cup of coffee after receiving the raise that he had been chasing for what seemed like a l…
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‘I got 25000 miles from my email nemesis’: People share the most clever ways to get strangers who use their email addresses to stop

‘I got 25000 miles from my email nemesis’: People share the most clever ways to get strangers who use their email addresses to stop

People with common first and last names all deal with the issue that they have to share their names with a lot of other people around the globe. There must be thousands of people with names like John Smith or Mary Williams, and that can create a lot of issues. One of those issues is presented in this funny petty revenge story. OP (original poster), for years, has been dealing with a person, probably with the same name as her, trying to use her email account. That person doesn't really have acce…
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'Ma'am, what do you want me to do?': Karen accuses passenger on flight of shaking the seat and interrupting her sleep, cue petty payback

'Ma'am, what do you want me to do?': Karen accuses passenger on flight of shaking the seat and interrupting her sleep, cue petty payback

There are certain recurring characters on flights that you cannot escape no matter how hard you try. These characters range from the crying babies to the perpetual coughers to the entitled Karens. Here, we've got a Karen who was attempting to use her tray table as a pillow (already a strange choice). She started to throw a tantrum after accusing the passenger in front of her of intentionally shaking the seat too much, thereby preventing her from getting her much-needed beauty rest. The passenge…
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'Privacy isn't necessary': Top Mildly Infuriating Parenting Moments of the Week (May 16, 2024)

'Privacy isn't necessary': Top Mildly Infuriating Parenting Moments of the Week (May 16, 2024)

There is a specific dynamic that emerges when you spend time at your parents' place as an adult. You start to notice all the crazy house rules, patterns, and habits that make absolutely zero sense. However, no matter how many times you try to explain a more efficient way of doing something, there is nothing you can do to change their minds. Living with my parents during that time back in 2020 resulted in a clash of personalities that thankfully did not lead to complete and total combustion. Sti…
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Karen customer gets a taste of her own medicine at the burger drive thru: 'Hold on a second PLEASE!'

Karen customer gets a taste of her own medicine at the burger drive thru: 'Hold on a second PLEASE!'

Many entitled people walk through life thinking they're the main character of the universe without a single person calling them out on their nonsense. Sure, dealing with entitled people is a difficult endeavor. Why would you want to put yourself through that? Well, the truth of the matter is that it's better for humanity at large to knock these folks down a peg and remind them that they are in no way better than the rest of us. So with that in mind, it comes as no surprise to us that the local…
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Entitled driver blocks accessible ramp, guy gets petty payback and blocks his BMW: '90% of BMW owners give the rest a bad name'

Entitled driver blocks accessible ramp, guy gets petty payback and blocks his BMW: '90% of BMW owners give the rest a bad name'

Sometimes, being a good samaritan and getting petty revenge go hand in hand. Yes, one would think that this would be a strange juxtaposition. However, when an entitled person takes advantage of a vulnerable one, the hero of the story is the guy who gives that entitled dude a taste of his own medicine. Here, we have a BMW driver who parked right in front of the accessible ramp that a frequent churchgoer named Kyle uses to get inside the building. The good samaritan of this story noticed the BMW…
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'You don't get special treatment for completing the race': Marathon employee puts runner in her place when she reaches the finish line and tries to enter staff grounds

'You don't get special treatment for completing the race': Marathon employee puts runner in her place when she reaches the finish line and tries to enter staff grounds

The characteristics we recognize in ourselves but decide not to express are often the characteristics that irritate us most in others. But what would happen if you had no control over the object of your gaze? Do you convey all that's on your mind, or do you treat them in the same manner you would treat yourself—ignore the negative and concentrate on the positive? This is the account of a disgruntled marathon worker. The original poster (OP) was employed for the local marathon. At first, everyth…
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Entitled Karen Bride pressures Instagram user with same name to change her handle: 'I actually don't believe that [is] your name'

Entitled Karen Bride pressures Instagram user with same name to change her handle: 'I actually don't believe that [is] your name'

There is a strange thing that happens to people when they get engaged. They seem to develop a strong case of main character syndrome almost as soon as a ring appears on their finger. This entitled bride tried to pressure an Instagram user with the same name to give up her handle, which the user refused to do because she heard she could get banned by doing that (a totally fair reason). What's particularly entertaining about this Karen is how quickly she went from being slightly audacious to biza…
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'I deal with people like you all the time': Pompous landlord claims tenant only deserves 1/3 of security deposit, tenant sues and wins

'I deal with people like you all the time': Pompous landlord claims tenant only deserves 1/3 of security deposit, tenant sues and wins

It's rare to see a tenant win one over his landlord. All matters of negotiations and disputes may feel stacked against the tenant, but every so often, justice decides to show up and be useful. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/LandlordLove subreddit by u/LS-CRX , who shared the story of how he broke his lease and was almost given just one-third of his security deposit despite a prior agreement. His landlord thought he could get away with claiming that the conditions of the apartment were les…
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‘Count me out…’: Man expects rent-free accommodation in brother's new home despite years of estrangement

‘Count me out…’: Man expects rent-free accommodation in brother's new home despite years of estrangement

Indeed, family is precious, and you should make every effort to love and support them during good times and bad. But when will you be able to acknowledge that your family members might be taking advantage of you with their constant barrage of absurd demands? The story that follows is written from the viewpoint of an angry sibling. The original poster (OP) and his brother did not share a close bond. Perhaps they were tight as children, but since OP embarked on his journey to adulthood, they’ve g…
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Retail worker shares how she shut down 2 different super Karens in 1 day, manager has her back: ‘We laugh about it’

Retail worker shares how she shut down 2 different super Karens in 1 day, manager has her back: ‘We laugh about it’

“We laughed about it but it really was the craziest encounter with entitled people…”
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