
entitled people karma

Resident hides neighbor’s trash can to prevent sanitation workers from having to empty it as 'punishment' for taking out the trash after hours, neighborly dispute ensues

Resident hides neighbor’s trash can to prevent sanitation workers from having to empty it as 'punishment' for taking out the trash after hours, neighborly dispute ensues

A neighborly dispute might develop into a vicious rivalry or just harmless fun. Whatever the situation, though, nobody can deny that it makes for a fantastic story in the end. The story that follows is an account of a frustrated neighbor. The Original Poster (OP) relays the time that his neighbor unintentionally sparked a neighborhood conflict over a trash can. In other words, the neighbors, who served as the community's ‘garbage police’, decided when every single resident of the street had to…
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'You will respect me': 47-year-old Nurse Karen throws tantrum at younger coworker, embarrasses herself in front of a patient

'You will respect me': 47-year-old Nurse Karen throws tantrum at younger coworker, embarrasses herself in front of a patient

Having a Karen coworker feels like going into battle every single day of the work week. You have to walk into your place of work ready and prepared to be lectured, condescended to, and poorly treated. If the Karen in question is your equal, don't worry: she'll still talk down to you no matter what. Having a Karen for a coworker is largely about picking and choosing when to defend yourself and when to be the bigger person and let her nonsense go in one ear and out the other. Generally, you want…
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'This isn't a paid gig': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (March 25, 2024)

'This isn't a paid gig': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (March 25, 2024)

People seem to be asking for a lot more than they can give these days. We understand that sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures, but most of these instances really just come down to entitled people with a whole lot of audacity. Hopefully, they can read the comments and see what the sane folks on the internet are telling them because that's the only way choosing beggars will come to learn that they are acting like choosing beggars. Otherwise, they will simply resume their “ignora…
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Mother gets back at childless ex-husband who pressured her to have kids early: 'I want to send him a "Happy Birthday" message from me & my son'

Mother gets back at childless ex-husband who pressured her to have kids early: 'I want to send him a "Happy Birthday" message from me & my son'

This might have been a situation where the higher road was worth taking. As tempting as it is to twist the knife and be your fullest, pettiest self, there is a limit to how far one should go. It's easy to roll your eyes at the concept, but happiness is the best form of revenge at the end of the day. This mother of a now toddler realized that her ex-husband's 30th birthday was approaching. They hadn't seen each other in two years since their divorce was officially finalized. Their marriage fell…
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'His face went white when he saw me': Wannabe slumlord finally gets his comeuppance 10 years later from a tenant he never thought he'd see again

'His face went white when he saw me': Wannabe slumlord finally gets his comeuppance 10 years later from a tenant he never thought he'd see again

Isn't it great when karma gives you a front seat?
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‘Dude, I know it's you…’: Man confronts neighbor who attempted to steal his TV, neighborly dispute ensues

‘Dude, I know it's you…’: Man confronts neighbor who attempted to steal his TV, neighborly dispute ensues

When buying a house, one of the most crucial things to think about is the neighbors. Depending on the quality of your neighbors, your tenor may be enjoyable at best or excruciating at worst. The story that follows describes an account of a disgruntled individual who found out that his elderly neighbor had stolen his television. The Original Poster (OP) was looking forward to receiving an extravagant, brand-new television that he had ordered. But when OP received a response from the seller confi…
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‘It's your duty as a brother’: Privileged parents attempt to take advantage of their son to give their preferred child financial independence

‘It's your duty as a brother’: Privileged parents attempt to take advantage of their son to give their preferred child financial independence

Families are supposed to be your pillar of support, your safe haven, your anchor. But in actuality, not every family is the idealized, Hallmark-movie type of family. How would you react if your family simply wanted you to be there to maintain their opulent way of life? The story that follows is an account of a frustrated son. There has always been tension between the Original Poster (OP) and his parents. But as OP grew older and more mature, the relationship grew increasingly strained and the r…
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'They dinged my car': Guy gets even with bad driver, makes it impossible for him to pull out of his parking spot

'They dinged my car': Guy gets even with bad driver, makes it impossible for him to pull out of his parking spot

It's remarkable how immature people get when they're called out on their nonsense! We tend to associate this kind of “it wasn't me!” behavior with children when their parents catch them breaking the rules. However, we should be honest with ourselves at this point and admit that adults do this literally all the time. Here, we have an insensitive dude who aggressively got out of his car and dinged the neighboring driver's car in the parking lot. The other driver saw it happen and looked at them i…
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 ‘Get off your high horse’: Condescending teen claims to be better than the hardworking door-to-door salespeople, employee teaches young teen a lesson in humility

‘Get off your high horse’: Condescending teen claims to be better than the hardworking door-to-door salespeople, employee teaches young teen a lesson in humility

While not all occupations are ideal, they enable you to pay your bills and make ends meet, therefore we should never criticize someone based solely on their line of work. Most likely, every diligent person strives to support both themselves and their family. So, how would you respond if a young, entitled employee willingly showed up for work and declared that the job was not worth his time and effort? The story that follows is the tale of a grumpy yet diligent worker. An arrogant adolescent who…
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'I said no...': Demanding dude approaches passenger on flight to switch seats so he can sit with his wife, dispute follows after passenger refuses

'I said no...': Demanding dude approaches passenger on flight to switch seats so he can sit with his wife, dispute follows after passenger refuses

When organizing a trip, there are many factors to take into account. The list is endless and includes the hotel, the vehicle to collect you from the airport, the various activities, and the restaurants. But despite their evident importance, the flights are an important component that is occasionally overlooked. The flights and seats you book should be carefully considered when making travel plans, as they have the power to make or break the remainder of your trip. The story that follows is an a…
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HOA Karen tries to get neighbor to take down "cheap" and "sloppy" lights: 'Please don't take this personally'

HOA Karen tries to get neighbor to take down "cheap" and "sloppy" lights: 'Please don't take this personally'

Having an HOA board member as your next-door neighbor can definitely make you feel like you're constantly being watched. It seems like the kind of thing a homeowner should be made aware of prior to signing anything. Think of it as feeling like your boss is hovering over you all day every day, waiting for you to make a mistake. However, instead of this being in your office, it's in your home. This Reddit thread was posted by a homeowner who received an aggressive email from their HOA Karen neigh…
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'Teach that girl some manners!’: Grocery store karen offers father daughter duo unwelcome ‘advice’ while they wait in line for checkout, resulting in grocery store face off

'Teach that girl some manners!’: Grocery store karen offers father daughter duo unwelcome ‘advice’ while they wait in line for checkout, resulting in grocery store face off

Some folks enjoy stirring up strife and mayhem. We all know who these folks are, even though it may sound harsh. However, what do you do if you encounter those people? Do you give in so as to avoid a confrontation, or do you approach the Karen head-on with courage and confidence? The story that follows relates to the account of a clever father who decides to confront the grocery store Karen directly. The Original Poster (OP) had visited a grocery store with his baby daughter. To pass the time w…
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'Just taking out the trash...': Man executes cunning plan to get back at neighbor who stole his parking space

'Just taking out the trash...': Man executes cunning plan to get back at neighbor who stole his parking space

A parking space can make or break your day. Because of this, there is no limit to the amount of effort one is ready to put in order to score a decent parking spot. Having said that, how would you react if someone tried to take over your parking spot? Would you fight to reclaim what is rightfully yours, or would you just accept defeat? The next story tells the tale of a displeased man who has had his parking space snatched away. For more than a year, the Original Poster (OP) has been parked in t…
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'[I made] his plane ride as unpleasant as possible': Passenger gets back at the Kevin in front of him for yelling at a crying baby

'[I made] his plane ride as unpleasant as possible': Passenger gets back at the Kevin in front of him for yelling at a crying baby

People can get easily annoyed on flights, but some things are simply out of everyone's control. If you're stuck in the middle seat, people are going to have to use the bathroom and you will inevitably have to move. It's no one's fault; it's literally human nature. Similarly, if there is a baby on a plane, the baby is bound to get upset and cry. That's what babies do and it's not necessarily the parents' fault. You would be just like them in their situation, so keep that in mind before you start…
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'I sneezed at least 100 times on our 45 minute date': 20 cringeworthy first date mishaps

'I sneezed at least 100 times on our 45 minute date': 20 cringeworthy first date mishaps

These stories collectively serve as a compelling argument for hiring a dating coach. Obviously, dating is not something that comes easily to everyone. It's the age-old “practice makes perfect” thing. What can I say? The internal struggle of how to become the most grounded, authentic version of oneself without being entirely fake and inauthentic in the process can drive anyone crazy.
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'I'll keep it safe for you...': Irresponsible woman tries getting her hands on the $20,000 her daughter won in a lawsuit

'I'll keep it safe for you...': Irresponsible woman tries getting her hands on the $20,000 her daughter won in a lawsuit

Life is a roller coaster; there will always be good times and bad times. What matters most is knowing how to take care of yourself to the best of your ability, with the knowledge and resources you need at your fingertips. In the story that follows, a daughter is fighting her mother for money that is rightfully hers. For the most part of her life, the Original Poster (OP) has had difficulty getting along with her mother. However, following an unfortunate incident, OP went to court and was succes…
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