
entitled people karma

Entitled golfer tells clubhouse employee how to do his job, employee makes sure he gets charged more money: 'Enjoy the $40 fee'

Entitled golfer tells clubhouse employee how to do his job, employee makes sure he gets charged more money: 'Enjoy the $40 fee'

Working at a fancy golf club likely means having to deal with obnoxious wealthy folks on a regular basis. This dude must really love that sport to continue enduring the job for over two years in exchange for mediocre pay and some free time on the course. Now, when you have been working in any field for over two years, you probably do not enjoy a random person coming up to you and telling you how to do your job well. Well, that's what happened to this clubhouse employee when an entitled Kevin de…
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‘[He] regretted it': Entitled supervisor at a casino kitchen tries to get dishwasher to work for free, ruins his own career

‘[He] regretted it': Entitled supervisor at a casino kitchen tries to get dishwasher to work for free, ruins his own career

“For anyone out there that thinks [working in a casino] would be a great job, well, I can tell you right now it's not as glamorous as it seems—especially when you are working in the kitchen.”
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Karen gets fined $700,000 for cutting down neighbor's 200-year-old sequoia tree: 'I assume they had to sell their house to pay it off'

Karen gets fined $700,000 for cutting down neighbor's 200-year-old sequoia tree: 'I assume they had to sell their house to pay it off'

This lady paid the price for her egregious mistake. That's an understatement considering she and her family had to sell their house and move back to their old neighborhood in order to pay the steep fine for trespassing and cutting down her neighbor's tree. It turns out that the tree that annoyed her so much was a rare 200-year-old sequoia. I guess you could say she was barking up the wrong tree. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/ProRevenge subreddit by u/j3r3my_r_c00k , who explained how the…
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boss antiwork employee satisfying drama job bosses work coworkers petty revenge entitled people karma Horrible Bosses entitled company business entitled people employment - 35564037

'You owe me money!': Employee wrongfully fired for missing shift he requested off months in advance, causes a scene when entitled boss withholds final paycheck

This entitled boss got the karma she deserved. She spent most of her time bragging to her hourly employees about how rich she is, including being upset that her 3.5 million dollar house 'only' sold for 3.3 million, complaining that her daughter totaled her luxury car only to buy her a brand new one immediately, and so on. Well, the OP (original poster) worked as a chef at her fancy restaurant. He was struggling financially, as he and his girlfriend lived in a small apartment and were expecting…
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Karen claims resident's backyard is her property, neighbor proves otherwise: 'She tried to tell me I parked illegally on my own property'

Karen claims neighbor's backyard is her property, neighbor proves otherwise: 'She tried to tell me I parked illegally on my own property'

In every neighborhood, there is one resident who somehow thinks they are entitled to more property than they actually own. Oftentimes, this person has been living in the area longer than anyone else and therefore thinks they can get away with stretching the truth. No one wants to start a feud, so no one argues with them. However, all this does is give that resident a false sense of authority, and who knows where that can lead them? The next thing you know, they are claiming rights to your entir…
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'[Boss] gave me the power to cancel his vacation plans': 10+ Dramatic instant karma stories

'[Boss] gave me the power to cancel his vacation plans': 10+ Dramatic instant karma stories

You don't have to believe in karma to appreciate the sentiment of it. What goes around comes around, and if you do good things, maybe good things will come back around to you. Next up, this retail worker shared what happened when they got even with a few of their worst customers, writing, “ Feeling a spirit of pettiness overtake me, I fill the cart with M&Ms.”
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‘She went ballistic’: Karen HOA President thinks SAHM neighbor is her free nanny, gets shamed in the middle of the street

‘She went ballistic’: Karen HOA President thinks SAHM neighbor is her free nanny, gets shamed in the middle of the street

Karens can be moms too…
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  City council demands man remove grass from home and the neighboring road or pay the price, man cleverly complies making matters worse

City council demands man remove grass from home and the neighboring road or pay the price, man cleverly complies making matters worse

The responsibilities associated with homeownership are numerous. Each person completes the chores on their list, knowing that doing so will enhance their own quality of life, even though the list may seem long and never-ending to some. However, how would you respond if the city council gave you a challenging task and threatened to punish you for not completing it? Would you defend what is rightfully yours, or would you submit out of fear? According to the original poster (OP), his in-laws have…
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‘[He’s] trying to poke holes in their offer': Employee is convinced not to quit when boss goes back on scheduling issue, but she receives a better offer and quits anyway, boss panics

‘[He’s] trying to poke holes in their offer': Employee is convinced not to quit when boss goes back on scheduling issue, but she receives a better offer and quits anyway, boss panics

Sorry boss, the damage is done.
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15 passive-aggressive notes from neighbors who have had enough: 'Quit blocking our driveway'

15 passive-aggressive notes from neighbors who have had enough: 'Quit blocking our driveway'

Calling one's inconsiderate neighbor out on their nonsense takes a lot of courage. After all, you don't necessarily want to burn any bridges or provoke them to enact some kind of petty revenge on you. On the other hand, letting your neighbors walk all over you is not going to earn anyone's respect, including the people in your own home. At a certain point, standing up for yourself is inevitable, even if it comes with the risk of losing a cordial relationship with an infuriating neighbor. More o…
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17-year-old purposely 'forgets' passport to get out of babysitting duties for family Disneyland trip: '[I] grabbed my passport. I put it in my sock'

17-year-old purposely 'forgets' passport to get out of babysitting duties for family Disneyland trip: '[I] grabbed my passport. I put it in my sock'

All this teenager wanted for her high school graduation was a family trip to Disneyland, but her older sister had other plans for her. Over the past several years, this Redditor found herself having to babysit her sister's kids every time she visited. The family trip to Disneyland was supposed to be her time with her parents doing one final semi-childish activity before going off to college in the fall. Well, her sister decided to crash her event with the kids. It immediately became clear that…
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‘I told them to kick rocks’: Employee quits after 5 years of being denied a promotion, panicked company finally offers him a promotion, but it's too late

‘I told them to kick rocks’: Employee quits after 5 years of being denied a promotion, panicked company finally offers him a promotion, but it's too late

Greedy companies are gonna greedy, but karma still gonna karma.
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'He shorted himself': Electronics specialist inadvertently gets petty revenge on new entitled boss when he corrects him in front of a big wig, boss gets transferred

'He shorted himself': Electronics specialist inadvertently gets petty revenge on new entitled boss when he corrects him in front of a big wig, boss gets transferred

“[New boss] was transferred to the warehouse and [big wig] became our interim manager. I finished the project ahead of time and received a pay bonus.”
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‘You will get what you deserve’: Employee stands firm against rebellious customer's rush for service, causing delays for dozens in line

‘You will get what you deserve’: Employee stands firm against rebellious customer's rush for service, causing delays for dozens in line

The consumer is always right in today's modern environment. But what happens if the client is fundamentally incorrect? Do you firmly stand your ground or do you quietly comply with all of their demands? The story that follows is from a disgruntled employee. The original poster (OP) is employed by Seven-Eleven as a cashier. Although there are benefits and drawbacks to working in customer service, nothing could have prepared OP for the entitled client who refused to pay her bill. For background,…
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18-year-old files report against parents for opening multiple credit cards in his name: 'It turns out I owe over $15,000'

18-year-old files report against parents for opening multiple credit cards in his name: 'It turns out I owe over $15,000'

These parents took family dysfunction to a whole new level. Not only did they open multiple credit cards in their 18-year-old son's name without telling him, but also the mother tried to brush it off by saying her mom did the same thing to her, as if this were some rite of passage when you become an adult. The Redditor discovered that he owed over $15,000 and, of course, his credit score completely plummeted. When he confronted his parents about the whole scheme, they had the audacity to give h…
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‘Sorry, I have no desire to help’: Unjustly fired employee takes 18 coworkers with him and 6 months severance, gets revenge a couple of years later by inadvertently shutting down their website

‘Sorry, I have no desire to help’: Unjustly fired employee takes 18 coworkers with him and 6 months severance, gets revenge a couple of years later by inadvertently shutting down their website

Sometimes justice can come years later and it's just as satisfying.
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