entitled parents

AITA for pulling my daughter from a waterpark trip because her teacher made her stay with a kid she doesn't like?

'Teacher is a piece of work': Terrible teacher makes 9-year-old deal with difficult student on field trip, parents retaliate

Top Trending Entitled Moms of the Week (February 2, 2023)

Top Trending Entitled Moms of the Week (February 2, 2023)

workplace-stories entitled parents drama workplace workplace drama karen entitled people employment - 19149573

Entitled Karen coworker insists woman's out of work commitments are less important than her children, sparks office drama

nsane entitled parents mother terrible-parrent parenting entitled Parenting Fail entitled people parenting-stories

'Get a better job': Terrible mother borrows car from son and shames him when he wants to drive it to work

AITA for getting into a dispute with the daycare staff over my child's nap schedule?

'Your expectations are not realistic': Entitled Karen Mom fights with daycare stuff over nap time

karens facebook-drama entitled parents drama neighborhood neighborhood-drama karens in the wild story entitled Bad Neighbor karen Valentines day - 19119621

Karen tries to get "excluding" adults only Valentine's Day neighborhood event cancelled because her kids can't come

customer support customer service entitled parents malicious compliance revenge customers petty revenge entitled family entitled people - 19104773

Entitled Family Demands Medical Assistance, Embarrassed by Over-the-Top Emergency Medical Response

Entitled Parent Ruins Christmas By Stealing My Son's Nintendo Switch

'She stormed off screaming': Disastrous sister-in-law steals child's new Nintendo Switch that they just received for Christmas

AITA for moving my son into a rental apartment after finding out that his dad's been cancelling his job applications?

'[He] deserves a life of his own': Unhinged Dad refuses to let fully grown son leave the house, Mom saves the day

Entitled Boomer upset neighborhood children won't shovel his drive in -4 degree freezing temperatures, gets roasted

'You're crazy': Entitled Boomer upset neighborhood children won't shovel his drive in -4 degree freezing temperatures, gets roasted

20 Entitled People, Karens, and Choosing Beggars Who Wanted Everything For Nothing

20 Entitled People, Karens, and Choosing Beggars Who Wanted Everything For Nothing

Entitled angry mom doesn’t want my floor fixed (3ft-3ft hole by my bed)

'Your mom is nuts': Unhinged Mom refuses to fix huge hole in kid's bedroom

UPDATE: AITA for not going to my parents wedding before they get divorced again?

Update! 'Call me when they get their next divorce': Parents keep getting divorced and remarried, daughter calls them out

I'm not getting my partner's side of the family anything for Christmas, and his mum is furious - and I'm enjoying the drama.

'When it came time for gifts I got everyone something but her': Woman gets petty revenge on partner's entitled mother by not getting her a Christmas gift

AITA for taking an Uber to a wedding so I wouldn't be late?

'I am over dealing with them:' Guy gets blamed for not getting his entitled parents to his sister's wedding on time

AITA for asking my sister to modify our vacation plans to accommodate my pregnant wife?

'It's really upsetting': Entitled couple gets all expenses paid trip to France for niece's graduation, wants it rescheduled so pregnant wife can ski, gets roasted and deletes their account