entitled parents

'Don't get smart with me': Top Karens of the Week (January 31, 2024)

'Don't get smart with me': Top Karens of the Week (January 31, 2024)

'Don't be such a cry baby...': Mother uses son's credit card, spending $500, leading him to file charges

'Don't be such a cry baby...': Mother uses son's credit card, spending $500, leading him to file charges

'Let's get out of here': Entitled Karen customer throws tantrum over gymnastics suit, then tries to dash without paying

'Let's get out of here': Entitled Karen customer throws tantrum over gymnastics suit, then tries to dash without paying

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Karen demands anchovy-less Caesar salad because of fake food allergy: 'Hold the anchovies!'

family drama bride entitled parents drama brother mother askreddit reddit story wedding angry family sister Reddit rude son Father Mean People - 24059397

'They wouldn't even notice I'm gone': Man cuts off contact with family after being excluded from sister's wedding

customer service karens entitled parents choosing beggars karen-customer customers karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people choosing beggar - 24052741

Guy wants someone to pay him to come and remove his dilapidated shed: 'It will need some attention'

'Spent $112.38 tonight for fish that wasn't done': Funny one-star reviews from Karen customers

'Spent $112.38 tonight for fish that wasn't done': Funny one-star reviews from Karen customers

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Entitled neighbor regrets blocking electric vehicle charging installation after buying his own electric vehicle: 'The council is now refusing to install the charging point'

'CONGRATULATIONS! You mowed': Top Mildly Infuriating Neighbors

'CONGRATULATIONS! You mowed': Top Mildly Infuriating Neighbors

'[Karen] demanded I give the cookie voucher to her': Entitled Mom and son try and fail to crash kid's birthday party and get free stuff

'[Karen] demanded I give the cookie voucher to her': Entitled Mom and son try and fail to crash kid's birthday party, demanding free stuff

'You're not entitled to this spot!': Top Stories of Entitled Karens, Neighbors, and Family Members

'You're not entitled to this spot!': Top Stories of Entitled Karens, Neighbors, and Family Members

'I'm getting sick of my auntie Karen': Karen sabotages niece's efforts to bake for a market by taking over the kitchen space all week

'I'm getting sick of my auntie Karen': Karen sabotages niece's efforts to bake for a market by taking over the kitchen space all week

'Your house is the joke of the neighborhood': Grinch Karen leaves petty note on neighbor's doorstep because of their holiday decorations

'Your house is the joke of the neighborhood': Grinch Karen leaves petty note on neighbor's doorstep because of their holiday decorations

'I can't fire him, because he's my boss': Customer lets her kid wreak havoc in store because she's 'the owner's daughter'

'I can't fire him, because he's my boss': Customer lets her kid wreak havoc in pool store because she's 'the owner's daughter'

'People don't know how to read': Karen refuses to listen to theme park worker's warning about swimming near alligators at her own peril

'People don't know how to read': Karen refuses to listen to theme park worker's warning about swimming near alligators at her own peril

'The customer is king': 20+ retail workers share the craziest demands customers have made on the job

'The customer is king': 20+ retail workers share the craziest demands customers have made on the job