
entitled karen

failblog shopping cart game funny parking lot situation parking lot karen shopping cart karen entitled parking lot customer Reddit entitled karen r-EntitledPeople shopping cart shenanigans entitled people - 22759173

'Tit-for-Tat shopping cart game': Quick-witted dude starts parking lot shenanigans after he ends up crashing into entitled customer's disregarded shopping cart

There are little things everyone can do to make society a better place. Things that cost nothing and hardly take any effort. One of these things is putting the shopping cart back into the shopping cart carrel after you are finished using it. Unfortunately, there are too many lazy and/or entitled people who think after they are finished using the shopping cart, it's not their job nor their duty to put it back. So where does the shopping cart end up after these kinds of people use them? Usually r…
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entitled entitled-people karen petty revenge payback reddit property trespassing home house neighborhood reddit-thread

'GET OFF OUR PROPERTY AND NEVER COME BACK': Couple buys a house from an entitled Karen who refuses to leave them alone, haunting their property and trespassing for years after the sale

Nobody likes when unwanted visitors just ‘stop by’ their house. Usually the perpetrators of an impromptu visit are judgy mother-in-laws, Jehovah's witnesses, girl scouts, and that one pyramid scheming soccer mom you can't seem to shake. To get rid of unwelcome guests, we've come up with smart ways to ward them off, usually starting with polite excuses and escalating our dismissals into snarkier, more underhanded jabs...
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