
entitled employee

'Someone please get this Karen fired': Girl with fainting disorder gets accosted by employee in the midst of a medical emergency due to having a service dog

'Someone please get this Karen fired': Girl with fainting disorder gets accosted by employee in the midst of a medical emergency due to having a service dog

It seems like Karens only comprehend service animals when it's them buying a vest online and using it for their untrained dog.
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'I gave your job to someone else': Employee returns from sick leave and discovers manager promoted coworker instead of her

'I gave your job to someone else': Employee returns from sick leave and discovers manager promoted coworker instead of her

If being an employee is a challenge, being a manager to several employees is no picnic either. Having to answer to all of their requests, being the person they turn to whenever they have any problem, and yes, even being the person they blame when things go wrong, are all difficult tasks that can really drive a person up the wall. Though the title can be tempting, you have to remember that with great power, comes great responsibility. This person who wrote this Reddit piece is just starting to r…
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reddit, r-AITA, AITA, NTA, YTA, grinch, office-grinch, employee-grinch, co-worker-grinch, holiday-workplace, IT-holiday-work

'Am I the [office Grinch] who stole Xmas?': New hire of only 4 months wants senior IT employee to cover his holiday shift since he doesn't celebrate Christmas, gets a big ‘NO’

Who hasn't had to work a holiday shift? It just comes with the territory . If you're a new hire, you have to put your time in and work some of the hard shifts. That's just how the cookie crumbles. You think you will get the holidays off before the more senior employees who had to give their holidays up years before you? I don't think so, babes. So the audacity of this new hire in this Reddit story is palpable. A senior IT employee usually works the Christmas break and never minded it since he d…
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