entitled customers

'You break it, you pay': Customer demands post office replace her key after she breaks it, employee refuses to give in to her demands

'You break it, you pay': Customer demands post office replace her key after she breaks it, employee refuses to give in to her demands

'Fine lady, as you wish': Post office blacklists shopaholic Karen after she accused postman of misdelievering her endless stream of packages

'Fine lady, as you wish': Post office blacklists shopaholic Karen after she accused postman of misdelievering her endless stream of packages

'You need to leave': Customer gets kicked out of a bar after he asked an entitled woman to remove her service dog from the bar top

'You need to leave': Customer gets kicked out of a bar after he asked an entitled woman to remove her service dog from the bar top

customer service cash register workplace-stories jobs job retail retail worker work customers entitled customers workplace entitled change money entitled people - 24081413

'You don't have any change?': Customer asks cashier to pay for part of her order

'The customer is always right—I am the customer!': Entitled customer demands manager drop everything and rearrange store to her liking

'The customer is always right—I am the customer!': Entitled customer demands manager drop everything and rearrange store to her liking

karens waiters server table waiter customers karen-customers entitled customers server life chef food service chefs kitchen entitled food eating dining karen restaurant server entitled people - 24021509

'We know the manager': 25+ Greetings that waiters are tired of hearing from customers

dibs crazy people entitlement goodwill karen-customer entitled customers thrift store karens in the wild shopping carts entitled karen - 23965189

'Didn't you notice it was hidden?': Woman purchases an item at thrift store, Karen publicly throws fit claiming she already called dibs

workplace-stories employee job retail tales-from-the-workplace retail worker reddit story entitled customers workplace tales-from-retail Reddit funny entitled people - 23867909

'Sorry, I'm not a mind reader': Retail worker shares story about a demanding customer who asked them to hand-deliver items, in turn, retail workers share stories where they were expected to read customers' minds

'She immediately morphed into a Karen': Retail worker refuses to surrender her phone to a Karen customer, points her in the direction of ‘customer service’

'She immediately morphed into a Karen': Retail worker refuses to surrender her phone to a Karen customer, points her in the direction of ‘customer service’

restaurant-edict boomer-customers waiter entitled-boomers karen-customers server-story entitled customers waitress Reddit tales from your server karen service industry entitled-karens - 21122565

'These were free... and you're going to complain? Come on!': Servers discuss how free things actually bring the Karen out of customers

customer support reviews customer service karens amazon reviews funny reviews karen-customer customers 1-star-review customer entitled customers - 20488965

'Does not even turn on': Confused buyer leaves 1-star review for a fake phone because it doesn't work

customer service pro revenge retail revenge karen-customer revenge-stories fire entitled customers entitled entitled people work-story workplace-stories workplace-story - 20476677

'[One] crushes the front of his hood...': BMW driver refuses to stop blocking emergency parking, firefighters crush his car

karens entitled customer talesfromretail bike shop 1-star-reviews retail customers 1-star-review customer entitled customers entitled karen customer support customer service karen-customer retail-stories - 20459269

Guy leaves bike shop 1-star review for helping him for free

plant-theif plants mother-daughter-bonding plant-shop entitled customers small-plant-shop workplace karen-served Reddit karma-to-karen karen-story plant-shop-karen - 20379397

'Karen was fuming and muttering incomprehensibly': Small mom-and-daughter plant shop win battle over Karen thief throwing a tantrum

servers entitled customers service-industry-nightmare service-industry-horror-story waitress Reddit tales from your server service industry entitled-karens - 20092421

'Anything I don't want to do is a code violation': Servers share horror stories of entitled customers staying late after close and how they handled it

service industry nightmares

'Who are the rudest customers you've met?': Service Industry Employees Share Their Most Nightmare Experiences with Extremely Entitled Customers at Work

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