

'All I did was settle the score': IT employee gets manager fired after finding a bug in code that allows entire company to access clientele

'All I did was settle the score': IT employee gets manager fired after finding a bug in code that allows entire company to access clientele

Finding work is harder than it looks. We don't even begin to consider all the little details that go into our future careers when we apply for a job. like, off the top of my mind, a mandatory background check? In the story below, OP runs the risk of losing his job because his background check does not match the information he provided on his resume or in his interviews. However because he was forced to sign a confidentiality agreement with his prior employers, OP failed to disclose some of the…
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coworker enemy employee boss supervisor manager nurse workplace drama fired quit quitting false report probation punishment

'She quit in disgrace': Hardworking nurse gets put on probation when a vindictive coworker files a false report; nurse gets payback by exposing them and making them quit

When a coworker is out to get you, it's not a simple task to evade them. Not only are you trapped in the workplace with this person, seeing their scowling face everyday, but it's not like you can just pressure them to quit. Or can you? In this case, one woman dealt with a vindictive workplace enemy by pulling an uno reverse on them, exposing their terrible work ethic and forcing them to face their lies.
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