
promotion work-story antiwork workplace-stories employee workplace-story tales-from-the-workplace i quit quit workplace quitting employment toxic-work-environment - 20502277

'They refused to believe I had left': Worker leaves their job of 10 years after getting passed up for promotion in favor of a person they trained

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'I don't like your chances': New employer threatens teen after they demand to be paid for their work after quitting due to red flags

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'Business went from $200k to zero': Efficiency experts fire the wrong guy and cost the company their biggest account

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'I [had to] remind him that he confiscated [it]': Boss confiscates employee's phone, wonders why they're not answering it

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'[He was] SUPER EFFICIENT and a valuable asset': Programmer fired for underperformance despite being the most productive, but quietest, on the team

What is the worst holiday gift an employer has given to you.

15+ People share the worst holiday gifts they ever received from an employer

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'She immediately complained to HR': Boss reports worker for fixing problem, worker undoes their fix and quits

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'They were not happy': Employee quits according to their old notice period when employer refuses to give them a new contract

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'I showed myself out': Worker makes themselves irreplaceable, bosses refuse to promote them

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'We don’t get paid past 11': Retail employer wants workers to clock out at closing, ignoring all tasks that need to be completed after close, sparks online discussion

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'I’m more qualified for your job than you are': Candidate bombs interview, gets a wholesome redemption years later

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'They are not qualified': Worker blocks old coworker and boss's applications when they interview at worker's new company

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'She quit so fast': New hire quits when boss promises to honor their leave dates then immediately revokes them

Effective Immediately: All staff must leave their cell phones on and make themselves available when not on shift

Viral thread, 'Consider yourself on call': Employer demands employees leave their personal phones on and be contactable at all hours to come into work

Cheapskate Boss | I worked as a shift supervisor in a department of about 60 employees. Every year there is a designated week to celebrate our profession.

'I saw red': Cheapskate boss forces shift supervisors to pay for company pizza parties and refuses to tip, shift supervisors pays them in pettily dispensed pennies

No sick days. | I am sicker than yesterday. I need rest. No don't say that.

'No. Don't say that.': Employee tries to call out sick, manager begs them to come in