
jobs malicious compliance machinist work trades supervisor workplace Horrible Bosses shift work manufacturing employment - 21980421

'I didn't come in early': Shrewd supervisor gets back at employer by working scheduled hours

workplace-stories toxic-workplace manager malicious compliance workplace employment - 22042885

'I got it in writing': Manager demands BBQ cook clock-out early to cut their hours, their kitchen goes uncleaned and work goes unfinished

workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion work new job interviews hiring interview employment - 21309445

'They still scheduled me': Employer refuses to honor new worker's negotiated leave, refusing to remove them from the schedule

corporate workplace-stories in-the-workplace terrible-bosses workplace Horrible Bosses corporate-life employment - 21932037

'I was called in to explain my "long lunch" to my boss': Worker reprimanded for doing work errands to help the business during their lunch

toxic-workplace manager work workplace-discussion employment-issues workplace employment - 21963525

'I was told that I wouldn't get the increased pay': Employee gets written up while filling in for boss, boss gets upset when they "write them" back

jobs job candidates work interviews job-seeker workplace-discussion workplace job interview employment - 21484805

'I walked out of my interview today': Candidate walks out of an interview after interviewer is 15 minutes late

homework antiwork workplace-stories toxic-workplace work coworkers technology workplace Tech employment - 21809669

'Is there any way I can tell him no?': Micromanaging boss wants remote access to worker's personal computer

terrible coworkers jobs hr community-answers coworkers graduate workplace-issues workplace coworker employment - 21830661

'Our boss has told me to stay out of her way': Clueless graduate reports coworker to HR for refusing to answer her endless questions

customer service tales-from-the-front-desk tech support fired talesfromthefrontdesk it toxic-boss IT guy workplace Tech employment - 21789445

'The IT system had failed and no backups were done': IT guy banned from helping with unmanaged tasks at previous job, entire system goes down and boss gets fired

workplace-stories manager tales-from-the-workplace ceo toxic-boss workplace-discussion Horrible Bosses employment - 21788933

'My boss takes all of the credit for my work': Worker told by CEO that they're not doing enough... because their boss takes credit for all their contributions

customer service in-the-workplace i quit quit employment-issues workplace quitting employment service industry - 21790213

[I] dropped the uniform on his desk and walked home': Bakery worker told they can't quit while wearing their uniform, so they quit and leave in their boxers instead

"Got subtly shamed for leaving for more money."

'They pulled the corporate version of negging on me': Worker shamed by current employer for getting a new job after being denied a raise

workplace-stories manager retail work food service service workplace employment service industry - 21753605

'Someone changed my schedule without my knowledge': Shift worker gets accused of a no-call, no-show on their day off

Director told me I had to prove myself for a promotion. So I proved myself to another company for a 25% base pay increase and double the bonus

'A 25% base pay increase': Worker gets denied promotion, gets a new job instead... effectively promoting themself, others share their stories

'[They]... would listen to one song on loop the whole day': 25+ Employees share their coworker's most perplexing habits

'[They] would listen to one song on loop the whole day': 25+ Employees share their coworker's most annoying habits

15+ Empowered workers who told their bosses to 'Fire me...I dare you'

'Boss never called me lazy again': 15+ Empowered workers who told their bosses to 'Fire me...I dare you'