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'[I] saw an angry email from my boss and decided... nope!': 10+ Workers share why they quit their jobs to look for new opportunities

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'I got fired right after coming back from leave': Worker gets fired immediately after returning from leave

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'[The worker] got a pay stub for about 15 paychecks': Manager figures out executives are cheating workers on overtime, gets it all back

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'I've already started applying for jobs': Overworked worker denied a raise despite high performance and initative

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'I don't need excuses, just get it done today': Worker told by their boss to do nothing else but sit on hold, happily obliges

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'[I got] fired because I wouldn't pet [a] customer's dog': Contractor gets fired for not petting a client's dog when client lies about the exchange

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'How is this becoming so common?': Shocked social media manager declines after being asked for full list of list of tasks following interview

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Incompetent boss claims worker is defrauding the company over three-minute late clock-out

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'What do I do?': Candidate told after "multiple interviews" that the salary range listed was incorrect

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'[The shift] wasn't even mine': Worker gets written up after missing shift due to a family emergency, gets a new job and quits next day

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'OK, I'll take more breaks then': Manager tells worker not to drink at their desk, worker leaves their desk more often

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'Update: HR called me begging me to come back': Boss fires developer during tantrum and deletes their account, HR calls when everything stops working

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'He had to know every detail': Boss gets fired for wasting time and money after demanding he be included in all communication

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'He’s upset my head might be somewhere else': Boss tries to use worker's hobby of painting miniatures against them

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'The interviewer was surprised': Candidate does their research, surprises interviewer by firmly requesting role's salary range

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'We only do deliveries over the phone': Cashier refuses to take delivery order in person, customer calls from the lobby