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'They threatened to fire me': Management finds worker's Glassdoor review after they quit

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'I can't do this anymore either': Restaurant worker quits starting mass resignation after boss's text message

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'My boss has their OWN climate controlled office': Boss forces rest of office to sit their preference of freezing cold temperatures

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'No natural light, all day long': Worker quits job because of dismal 'Open Plan' office

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'Someone at work [felt] targeted': HR gets involved when joke about office 'White Elephant' exchange goes wrong

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'1 month later I'm getting phone calls asking for help': Worker gets laid off by employer who panics after things go sideways

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'I'd like to rescind my application': Candidate rescind's application over interviewer's impolite email

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'I was fired [...] right before Christmas for sticking up for myself': Office manager instantly fired for reporting workplace harassment

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'The GM was an unbearable human': Server takes as many customer orders as possible before quitting and walking out

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'Nobody reapplied': New owners layoff all staff and force them to reapply for their jobs, no one does

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'[I] was immediately laid off when the app was complete': Development team gets gutted by new owner as soon as they deliver new app

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'Throwing a Christmas party instead of giving employees a Christmas bonus': 30 workers share what normal workplace practices might become illegal in 50 years

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'Withdrew my application and told them to...': Candidate gives strongly worded response to recruiter's unreasonable request

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'I always put in 8 hours': Micromanaging boss doesn't believe top-performing worker is actually working at home

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'[I cost them an] annual $300k of business': Worker cheated on raise and bonus, costs employer biggest client

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'I was laid off right before raises and bonuses were due': Worker promised raise and bonus, gets fired instead