
lawsuit fired boyfriend girlfriend pregnant baby corporate work work-story tiktok manager managers employee employees boss

'Unleash your inner lawsuit': Man gets promptly fired after telling management that his girlfriend is pregnant, capturing the entire lawsuit-worthy Zoom call on video

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'Hire her and I'm gone': Office Karen turns into the 'boss's pet', getting a coworker fired who later blackballs her for a better position

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'His phone bill was $1,400': Company bean-counters ignore their field salesman's advice; their ignorance costs them $1,400 on their next bill

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'You'll need me... and when you [do] it'll cost you $200 an hour': Boss brags about his salary in front of a priceless IT tech; employee quits on the spot, agreeing to come back only if the boss pays him the same

'I think I did better than expected': Boss instructs deaf employee to transcribe a tape

'I think I did better than expected': Boss instructs deaf employee to transcribe a tape, cue employee's malicious compliance

'Did my employee rage-quit, or did I fire her?': Manager joins HR to figure out what to do about twice-fired employee

'Did my employee rage-quit, or did I fire her?': Manager joins HR to figure out what to do about twice-fired employee

work workplace worker workers employee employees boss bosses manager supervisor quit firedx firing getting fired wages salary raise payback pay

'[My boss] was trying to throw me under the bus': Stellar employee asks for a $2/hour raise then gets fired for 'misconduct'; they're gaslit for a year before winning their case in front of the labor board

'Do not buy the coffee': 20 Fast food employees tell all about the worst items to order

'Do not buy the coffee': 20 Fast food employees tell all about the worst items to order

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'Am I getting fired?': Passive aggressive boss roasts his bartender before quiet firing her over a text; she scores a new non-toxic job

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'And I would NEVER lock my cats outside': Audacious mom attempts to force the company Christmas party host into making drastic changes, gets put in her place

work workplace worker workers employee employees boss bosses manager manager working quitting quit resign resignation nepotism

'I'm quitting this Friday. No notice. My boss will be doomed': Nepotistic boss gets what they deserve after burning their HR director time and time again

work workplace worker workers employee employees boss bosses manager working raise salary pay promotion quit resignation quitting pay workload

'I refuse to settle... I'm applying elsewhere': Hardworking lab technician quits after getting denied a promotion but having his workload doubled anyways

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'Enjoy not being able to use your money': Savage bank teller gets revenge on an unruly customer by following procedure to the T and blocking his account after being accosted over the phone

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‘Guess who's getting billed 16h of work for a 15 minute meeting’: Customer pays their consultant 100x more than expected after requesting a meeting that could have been an email

work workplace coworker coworkers worker employee boss employees boss bosses manager pto supervisor warning working bathroom bathroom-break restroom urgent emergency

After a Particularly Lengthy Bathroom Break a Boss Forces His Employee to Take PTO to Cover Time Lost; Hilarity Ensues in the Comments

work workplace coworker manager managers supervisor supervisors employee employees worker working boss bosses quit quitting payback pto vacation request time-off schedule masters reddit

'It's going on [your] permanent record': Manager threatens their employee after illegally revoking their PTO pay; outraged worker quits, gets their masters degree, and moves on to greener pastures