

work workplace coworker workers employee employees manager boss bosses fired working job company relatable getting-fired wrongful termination terminated osha

'I'm oddly happy': Brave employee is overwhelmingly encouraged after getting wrongfully fired, going viral for rebelling against a toxic workplace

Nobody wants to get fired around the holidays. It's objectively the worst time to lose your source of income and it's also consequently the worst time to find a NEW job. Since everyone's already enjoying their ‘let’s circle back in 2024' season, you're unlikely to get a sit down with the hiring department in any employment position... unless you're interested in retail. For that reason, most workers don't stage a coup against management during the holidays, but in our next story...
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'I was told it's highly unprofessional to be drunk when I am off on the weekend': Boss calls employee at 9 p.m. on a Saturday, scolds him for drinking with friends

'I was told it's highly unprofessional': Boss calls employee at 9 p.m. on a Saturday, scolds him for drinking with friends

I'm fortunate not to have a job where I have to be on call during the weekends, so when Friday evening hits, my laptop is closed and stowed away until Monday morning. That should've been the case for this OP too, but unfortunately, it wasn't. He was out on a Saturday night celebrating his friend's engagement when he got a call at 9 p.m. from his boss. Considering she was calling his personal phone, not his work phone, he assumed it was an emergency, so he answered...
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salon-employee, salon-employee-quits, bad-boss, employee-quits-through-text, wage-theft, employees, workplace

'I'm quitting... Over text": Sketchy salon owner blows up at stylist for being 15 minutes late, gives her an ultimatum, so stylist peaces out

Never be afraid to confront a sketchy boss. Seriously, in this day and age, in this economy, it truly behooves you to take initiative like that for your own well being. That's the advice this professional hairstylist needs right now. On reddit , she posts about the awful and very sketchy things the salon owner, her boss, keeps pulling. And in her good nature, she doesn't want to think the worst of her boss. But it's very clear to any reader, that this boss is pulling some nefarious things—the t…
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work workplace coworker coworkers employee employees boss manager managers quit quitting working job company business resignation payback revenge reddit

'I give it 3 months before he quits or gets fired': Karma takes over a former employee's department after he quits, revealing a slacker manager's true managerial value

It's frustrating to see someone else take credit for your work at your job. This can be especially frustrating when you know that the guy claiming your good fortune is a total nincompoop that wouldn't survive a day without you in the office.
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boyfriend boss worker workplace-stories employee petty-revenge-reddit malicious compliance revenge work ex girlfriend cheating reddit thread Reddit betrayal - 23257093

'He had done this five other times to different girls': Boyfriend gifts new girlfriend things he stole from his ex, so she calls his work and gets him fired

This story takes an unexpected turn when a woman discovers her seemingly perfect boyfriend is still involved with his ex-girlfriend. When the two women contacted each other, something about the ex-girlfriend's personality reminded the OP of some gifts her boyfriend had given her. So, she decided to ask the ex if she was missing anything. She was. She was missing the exact items that the OP had received from her boyfriend as a “gift”. But then, it's gets worse.
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boss employee manager great resignation work story work working vacation time PTO two week notice payback paid time off vacation - 23260677

'I would be giving up $1,200 in PTO': Guy conceals his resignation so that he can cash out $1,200 in PTO, causing controversy at the Thanksgiving dinner table

When you're little, the difference between ‘right’ and ‘wrong' is usually pretty clear. Stealing your friend's toy is wrong, but returning it to them is the right thing to do. However, playground rules don't apply when you're an adult and every black-and-white decision becomes muddled in a sea of grey.
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reddit petty revenge petty-revenge reddit-thread coworker colleague debt collect accountant bean-counter boss manager payback

'I was prepared to help, however...': Unkind coworker lashes out at the accountant helping him absolve $4,500 in debt; ends up having to pay in full

Rudeness doesn't get you very far in the customer service world. As someone who used to answer phones to help out my company's customers, the ones who opened the call with raw fury rarely saw me go above and beyond to help them. Nobody wants to go out of their way to help someone who's going to act like a meany pants.
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reddit, failblog, r-maliciouscompliance, malicious-compliance, reddit-work-story, blue-collar-worker-story, working-hard, construction, garage-repair

'[He] was not the brightest': Manager gets cheap, so career garage door repairman finagles himself and crew a 2-3 hour lunch and 7+ hours a person in overtime pay

Isn't it funny when managers try to act like the know what they're doing but it's actually painfully obvious that they have NO idea and they are just talking as a power move? It's so comical and, honestly, sad. If you're a clueless manager, let me let you in a on a little secret: nobody cares that you're in charge, they care about getting their job done efficiently and acting their wages. So, as a quick PSA to managers, stop making it about you being high up on the executive ladder, we all know…
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diy diy-project reddit home-improvement lazy customer client employee backfire payback retail customer-service manager management employee boss work

'I was laughing': Lazy DIY customer complains to management about an exemplary hardware store employee after ignoring 80% of his advice on a project, gets called out

Internet tutorials make DIY projects look like a walk in the park. Watching a sped-up video of a professional woodworker dismantling, staining, and rebuilding a piece of street furniture makes upcyclers green with envy, but whenever an amateur grabs the same set of tools, most people realize they're all thumbs.
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hoa workplace-stories employee trash malicious compliance work park karens in the wild reddit thread Reddit garbage truck karen entitled people - 23256581

'Karen accuses me of trespassing and littering at my job': Entitled woman calls cops on worker cleaning up trash in the park

This guy works for an HOA management company, and it's his job to go around to different communities and provide maintenance work. Trash pick-up is part of the job. So, the OP gets to a community park at 7 in the morning to start his job. He knows the park technically opens at 8 a.m., but the garbagemen come at 7:30 a.m., so he has no choice but to show up before it opens to make sure he can get the trash out to the curb in time. Then enters the neighborhood Karen.
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'She was holding the folder and looking confused and scared': Customer insists the DMV's 'grumpiest, most difficult employee' be fired on the spot

'She was holding the folder and looking confused and scared': Customer insists the DMV's 'grumpiest, most difficult employee' be fired on the spot

This story is a peek into the a life of a DMV manager and her least friendly employee. If you've ever been to the DMV before, I'm so sorry. They're usually one giant room full of chairs and workers behind numbered desks. As a customer, you show up ready to renew a license or passport, and then it's time to wait. It's best to bring a book or a crossword puzzle and just expect that you may spend several hours there.
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Optometry glasses retail glasses-sale sale discount malicious-compliance reddit employee boss manager promotion raise payback revenge

'I'm giving people 75-99% discounts': Retail employee saves customers $400+ on prescription glasses, getting payback against a manager who denied her a promotion

As we've all seen over the weekend, because of all of the Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals being shoved down our throats, sometimes companies need to slash their prices in order to make a sale. Discounts drive the consumer populous mad with desire and even if they're only saving 10% with our coupon, most shoppers will stop at nothing to get it redeemed.
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antiwork workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace manager thanksgiving teenagers work movie theater petty toxic-boss overworked-employees workplace reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 23191557

'They decided that a 16-year-old should work 30 hours in 4 days': Understaffed employer gaslights teen into working all Thanksgiving weekend

If you have ever worked part-time or seasonal jobs, you know how hectic schedules can get, especially during holidays when most people take time off to travel or be with their family. The open shifts are sadly diverted to the few employees who can still work, leaving them slammed with overtime for their so-called part-time gig.
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work from home remote work employee manager petty-revenge-reddit annoying phone call spouse revenge work wife hiring husband workplace business - 23191813

'When he'd get a business call...he'd follow me around the house': Woman gets revenge on spouse's annoying habit by flushing a toilet in a hiring manager's ear

Working from home has its perks. But you know how irritating it can get if you've ever tried to do it with other people in the house (like during the pandemic). The couple in the story both work from home, and her spouse has developed the annoying habit of following her around the house whenever he's on a business call. It started off innocent...
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work workpalce coworker employees employee boss manager supervisor working promotion fired terminated position resigned

‘Nobody at work is your friend’: Boss betrays a loyal employee, notifying him that he's fired by asking him to train his replacement

When an employee leaves a company, there's a duty-vacuum that opens up in their wake. All of the responsibilities that that employee once did are now left to the devices of those left behind. Usually, it's simply a nuisance until the higher ups hire someone new, but for some, that opens a door of opportunity into a promotion. Right?!
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employee employees boss salary hospital work coworker raise working money pay  denied money

'I was offered $74 an hour': Penny-pinching hospital denies their top doctor a raise, he seeks another position and gets offered 3x the salary

A long time ago I was working for a small company in a niche industry. I represented 50% of the sales team and between me and my coworker, we balanced and managed a company making millions of dollars a year in sales revenue. Despite the herculean efforts between myself and my other coworker, we both took home a meager salary and made peanuts to the dollar. How is it normal that companies– even small ones –can finagle their team out of money that they're earning simply because of their title?
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