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'Good boss and a good human being': All-star employee commutes 4 hours to work, until her boss battles HR for months to advocate for her to work remote full time

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Manager insists all personal phone calls be directed to them in an effort to stop employees needing their phones at work, predictably backfires: 'No phones allowed at work, tell them to call me directly!'

jobs malicious compliance workplace malicious compliance Jobs employment issues antiwork Horrible Bosses employment-discussion job employee employees overworked-employees

'Try to pile on more work to increase your bonus? Not gonna happen...': Manager tries to put the work of 12 people onto a 7 person team to get a bigger bonus, supervisor won't let that happen

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'Are you kidding me?': Dentist of 8 years expected to train new hire, quits after learning employee makes the same salary with zero experience

‘I reached my breaking point’: Boss constantly singles out overworked employee, they plan to resign, only to be told by family that quitting is ‘the easy way out’

‘I reached my breaking point’: Boss constantly singles out overworked employee, they plan to resign, only to be told by family that quitting is ‘the easy way out’

 ‘No vacation for you!’: Overworked employee gets back at micromanager by quitting without notice the day before manager's big vacation, leaving him no choice but to cancel it

‘No vacation for you!’: Overworked employee gets back at micromanager by quitting without notice the day before manager's big vacation, leaving him no choice but to cancel it

‘You are no longer needed’: Employee gets fired by coworker via texts, so they criticize company's unprofessional conduct in response, gets blocked

‘You are no longer needed’: Employee gets fired by coworker via texts, so they criticize company's unprofessional conduct in response, gets blocked

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30 WFH Memes for Remote Employees Who’ve Perfected Waking Up 2 Minutes Before a Zoom Call

‘I was hired and fired within 3 hours’: Employee finishes first day on the job only to receive a message from manager informing them the position is no longer available, gets advised to lawyer up

‘I was hired and fired within 3 hours’: Employee finishes first day on the job only to receive a message from manager informing them the position is no longer available, gets advised to lawyer up

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Vigilante esthetician gets wrongfully fired and then shuts down her nefarious boss, prompting over $100,000 in losses and a criminal record: ‘[He was] impersonating a doctor!’

'Let this be a learning experience': New hire quits on the spot after they get their first paycheck and discover it's 50% lower than manager promised on the job posting

'Let this be a learning experience': New hire quits on the spot after they get their first paycheck and discover it's 50% lower than manager promised on the job posting

Guest demands discounted rate on last hotel room, only for the room to be booked while he attempts to bargain, leading to a dispute in the lobby: ‘You snooze you lose’

Guest demands discounted rate on last hotel room, only for the room to be booked while he attempts to bargain, leading to a dispute in the lobby: ‘You snooze you lose’

'Help the boss out? No thanks': Employee demanded to clock out despite having to stay at work for another hour, she accuses company of wage theft in response

'Help the boss out? No thanks': Employee demanded to clock out despite having to stay at work for another hour, she accuses company of wage theft in response

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'She's one of those super aggressive types that wants to be CEO before she is 45': Gen X employee gets revenge on overbearing boss by scheduling emails to send all throughout the night

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Nightmare Karen Client Begs Her Ex-Account Manager for Free Service a Year After Canceling, Claiming He Owes it to Her ‘Because of Many Years of Friendship’

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'[She] told me to watch my tone speaking to elders': New hotel employee gets longtime Karen fired after exposing her to boss for dumping work on coworkers