

'So you know how to make people cry?': Dude flirts with a group of therapists at a bar, mocks their profession, leaves in tears

'So you know how to make people cry?': Dude flirts with a group of therapists at a bar, mocks their profession, leaves in tears

Will this encounter actually convince a human male to go into therapy? Time will tell.
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'He knows what he did': Guy gets back at paranoid friend who keeps deleting messages, gives her a taste of her own medicine

'He knows what he did': Guy calls out paranoid friend who keeps deleting messages, gives her a taste of her own medicine

Everyone has that friend in the group chat that has really annoying habits.
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'I burped in my manager's face': 20 embarrassing things people did in front of their bosses and crushes

'I burped in my manager's face': 20 embarrassing things people did in front of their bosses and crushes

There's nothing worse than messing up in front of a crush.
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Top Dad Jokes: Father's Day Edition (June 18, 2023)

Top Dad Jokes: Father's Day Edition (June 18, 2023)

For this Father's Day, we ask that you accept your dad's corniness.
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'Probably the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me': First date fails miserably after dude mishears his date's awkward comment

'Probably the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me': First date fails miserably after dude mishears his date's awkward comment

There are lots of things that would stink to hear as feedback from a first date . One guy experienced the shame first hand, naming it among the most embarrassing things to ever happen to him, especially because he really liked this woman . He claims she showed interest in him even when others didn't. But as the OP shared, he truly and spectacularly bombed this first date in numerous ways, and we're cringing hard for him. Read all about this poor guy's first date mistake that he will definitely…
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AITA for telling my boyfriend's friends I make twice what he does, when they called me a gold digger and he didn't defend me?

'I'm not a gold digger': Party bros make sexist jokes about woman, she embarrasses everyone by revealing her finances

After reading this, all we can say is, “Dump your boyfriend."
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'I accidentally sent her a message about her': 20 cringe embarrassing fails in front of your crush

Life is full of embarrassing moments, but if you've ever embarrassed yourself in front of your crush, you know those memories never leave you!
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'I feel like a court jester': Humiliated waitress refuses to sing 'Happy Birthday' to customers, gets scolded by management then required to sing in Italian instead

'I feel like a court jester': Humiliated waitress refuses to sing 'Happy Birthday' to customers, gets scolded by management then required to sing in Italian instead

There's nothing more cringey than that sinking feeling in your gut when you hear restaurant waitstaff emerging from the kitchen with a sparkling dessert in hand and a birthday song on their lips. For some, even when it's not even their birthday, this public hooplah sends them into a fight-or-flight response.
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true story, sad but true, traumarama, trauma, traumatic, story, storytime, tiktok, funny story, humiliation, humiliating, public freakout, embarrassing, embarrassed, embarrassing story

Traumarama: Embarrassed Woman Shares a Very Messy Story From the Colonoscopy Recovery Room

How do you recover from this?
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2 Guys Talk About Hot Girl In Spanish And Find Out She Speaks The Language

2 Brothers Mortified After Talking About A Hot Woman In Spanish, They Later Conclude She's Latina

Other people speak Spanish y'know, the world doesn't revolve around you
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‘My Boss Was a Liar. I Knew I Was Gonna Quit, but First I Needed to Maliciously Comply’ : Employee Humiliates Lying Boss in Front of Coworkers After Finding Hidden Agenda Regarding Work Training

‘My Boss Was a Liar. I Knew I Was Gonna Quit, but First I Needed to Maliciously Comply’ : Employee Humiliates Lying Boss in Front of Coworkers After Finding Hidden Agenda Regarding Work Training

While at work, we expect a certain level of professionalism from our coworkers, including our boss. Many managers tend to have a hidden agenda of sorts, and live in la-la land, blindly assuming they won't get figured out. What was this manager's real motivation for making her employees' lives more difficult? I'm not sure. But she insisted that specific training take place out of State. Now, this was back in 2020, when that wasn't really possible. Moreover, there were mandatory 2-week quarantine…
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AITA for playing a prank on my wife (29F) at my (31M) wedding?

'I don't know if I have a wife anymore': Guy embarrasses new wife so badly at wedding that she won't even answering his messages anymore

How badly can you mess up at your own wedding? This unfortunate dummy found out real quick. This 31 year old OP and his 29 year old spouse decided to tie the knot, and of course that comes with lots of decision making. This misogynistic OP wrote that while he thought up a hilarious joke for his wedding, his fiancé was taking care of the serious stuff. He'd seen one of his buddies write “Help me!” on the bottom of his wedding shoes in the style of “Toy Story,” and as the OP recounts, that was a…
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'This happened in 2002 and I still think about it all the time': 20+ Face-meltingly cringe moments that keep people awake at night

'This happened in 2002 and I still think about it all the time': 20+ Face-meltingly cringe moments that keep people awake at night

It's 2:30 A.M., you have to work tomorrow, but you're staring at the ceiling instead of sleeping…what embarrassing moment in your life are you reflecting on as you lay in the silent darkness?
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'Kevin refuses to read restaurant menus... making the waiter/waitress explain every single dish': Guys shares the dangerously 'ludicrous plans' of his clueless Dad

'Kevin refuses to read restaurant menus... making the waiter/waitress explain every single dish': Guys shares the dangerously 'ludicrous plans' of his clueless Dad

Every Dad is silly in one way or another – that's just part of being a parent! – but this clueless Kevin is the ultimate goofy dad, making dangerous mistakes at every turn.
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'Are your shoes bae or what?': Dad seeks advice on how to embarrass teen daughter with hip lingo, the internet swiftly delivers

'Are your shoes bae or what?': Dad seeks advice on how to embarrass teen daughter with hip lingo, the internet swiftly delivers

Dads everywhere, unite! This side-splitting post got hundreds of comments from people ready to jump into action to help this dad embarrass his daughter . The post is old-but-gold — in the years since it's been posted, a lot of the lingo has gone out of fashion already, making this a hilarious time capsule into the past. Modern day parents can take a note from this dad's book! He got plenty of inspiration to make his teenage daughter cringe and call him uncool. Check out the internet's contribut…
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What's something we all just pretend no one does, but in truth we know we all do it?

'Deliberately delay responses to text messages and e-mails': 30 things we all do but pretend we don't

What are the things we all do that no one talks about?
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