
Update: 'By the end of the day, they will not have an IT company': Client requests IT company should deliver 'any email addressed to me'

Update: 'By the end of the day, they will not have an IT company': Nightmare client orders IT company to deliver 'any email addressed to me'

school students college students Professors test exams missing schools email emails message - 23605509

'Our physics exams were accidentally thrown out': Thousands of students discover their testing center trashed their final exams

‘Fast forward, all my bosses are fired’: Entire chain of command get fired after the employee in charge of inventory is forced by his boss to do a survey

‘Fast forward, all my bosses are fired’: Entire chain of command get fired after the employee in charge of inventory is forced by his boss to do a survey

'It's amazing what can be done when the CEO gets involved': Customer floods company execs with emails to get them to fix their computer

'It's amazing what can be done when the CEO gets involved': Frustrated customer floods company execs with emails to get them to fix their computer

'How do I get you to stop sending me emails?': IT director receives nonstop sales emails from digital software company, maliciously complies to get them to stop contacting him

'How do I get you to stop sending me emails?': IT director receives nonstop sales emails from digital software company, maliciously complies to get them to stop contacting him

'Boss forbids me from emailing/communicating with upper management': Boss tries to control employee's communications, employee uses his own write-up as evidence against her

'Boss forbids me from emailing/communicating with upper management': Boss tries to control employee's communications, employee uses his own write-up as evidence against her

'You gave him too much overtime... you're fired’: Micromanager gets fired after forcing worker to work huge amounts of overtime at odd hours, that resulted in big bills for the company

'You gave him too much overtime... you're fired’: Micromanager gets fired after forcing worker to work huge amounts of overtime at odd hours, that resulted in big bills for the company

‘This is your job now': Car dealership manager sends worker to deliver paperwork, despite lack of approval by higher-ups; customer CCs whole department on matter

‘This is your job now': Car dealership manager sends worker to deliver paperwork, despite lack of approval by higher-ups; customer CCs whole department on matter

'Can you please resend?': Theater patron repeatedly requests tickets from an automated reply email, employee sends her back plenty of replies

'Can you please resend?': Theater patron repeatedly demands tickets from an automated reply email, employee sends her back plenty of replies

'It is like every email is a poem': 25+ Computer-challenged coworkers who needed a helping hand

'It is like every email is a poem': 25+ Computer-challenged coworkers who needed a helping hand

'I won't sign, come back later': Deputy project manager costs company $250k

'I won't sign, come back later': Deputy project manager rejects requests and ignores emails, costs company $250k

'I logged everything in': Boss tells employee he doesn't get anything done, so employee keeps a record of 'everything'

'I logged everything in': Boss tells employee he doesn't get anything done, so employee keeps a record of 'everything'

'You leave too early': Employee starts coming in late to work after boss 'couldn't comprehend' staggered schedules

'You leave too early': Employee starts coming in late to work after boss 'couldn't comprehend' staggered schedules

'[He] doesn't understand the consequences': Boss wants IT worker to shut down company emails all weekend, quickly realizes he locked himself out

'[He] doesn't understand the consequences': Boss demands IT worker shut down company emails all weekend, quickly regrets locking himself out

‘You can't have kids, or you won't get promoted': Boss warns employee they won't be given promotion if they have kids, employee seeks legal advice

‘You can't have kids, or you won't get promoted': Boss warns employee they won't be given promotion if they have kids, employee seeks legal advice

'[She] showed me the texts': Dude gets petty to prank a fake friend

'[She] showed me the texts': Dude gets petty revenge 5 years in the making on a fake friend