

'That is what optional means': Foreman surprised when a single employee refuses to work unpaid overtime

'That is what optional means': Foreman surprised when a single employee refuses to work unpaid overtime

Standing up to those in power is a risky move! One electrical worker knows that all too well after they found themself in the unenviable position of being the one speaking truth to power. This person was only able to talk to their boss openly because their workplace has a union. U/algy888 was an electrical worker, and on this project, they got a “super fun” opportunity to install lights on the stairs in movie theaters . First of all, thank you for your service: someone's got to put in those lig…
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‘I told you so’: Kid unplugs computer during a thunderstorm to prevent it from frying, stepdad demands he plugs it back, then blames kid when the computer stops working

‘I told you so’: Kid unplugs computer during a thunderstorm to prevent it from frying, stepdad demands he plugs it back, then blames kid when the computer stops working

Living in an area prone to storms surely teaches you a lot of life hacks and survival skills that other people don't know. If you don't want to lose half of your possessions and unreal amounts of money, you need to educate yourself and learn how to keep everything safe even when something like a hurricane or a thunderstorm hits your area. Some people, simply would not listen to advice about these matters, and when the consequences happen, they also refuse to admit they were wrong, but no one fe…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace electricity electrician factory manufacturing blue collar - 25366021

'Don't touch anything electrical if you're not an electrician': Frustrated foundry workers maliciously comply with electrician's order

There are some things in life that just make sense… and not messing with the spicy death wires when you don't know what you're doing with them is one of them. It makes perfectly logical sense that, rather than playing “Operation” where instead of a startling buzzer sound and a light-up nose the penalty for failure is your own untimely fiery demise, you should just let the guys who know what they're doing do it. Sure, electricians get flack for being grosly overpaid for what they're actually doi…
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‘She was powerless against us’: Flatmates force entitled roommate to move out by shutting down the electricity whenever she is home

‘She was powerless against us’: Flatmates force entitled roommate to move out by shutting down the electricity whenever she is home

There are many ways to calmly deal with an annoying roommate. What most people do, presumable, is just try and ignore that roommate as much as they can, and live as separately as they can. If that does not work, some people might try and work out their issues with their roommates, but knowing people, that is hardly ever the case. The last option is to find a way to get the roommate to move out, without causing much of a scene, and this Reddit story is the perfect example of such an option. This…
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'Cut off our electricity? No problem!': Exes disagree over who will pay electric bill, ex-girlfriend won't answer texts until debt collectors show up

'Cut off our electricity? No problem!': Exes disagree over who will pay electric bill, ex-girlfriend won't answer texts until debt collectors show up

This breakup was pretty messy . Some breakups are simple — you just stop talking and pretend it never happened for a while. Others drag on and on, like the relationship this couple had. Splitting the bills as roommates seems to be a common problem that starts drama. These days, you can send a Venmo request without saying a word to your roommate. It's easy to complete their request, or request some money from them, with a few taps of a button. Because the alternative is asking them in person, wh…
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‘I didn’t give them a heads up': Fed up housemate shuts off power, leaving roommates without electricity after being asked to leave

‘I didn’t give them a heads up': Fed up housemate shuts off power, leaving roommates without electricity after being asked to leave

Blink once, blink twice, and oops, a roommate situation has already gone south… That's how quickly it gets ugly. And wouldn't I know… I've been there and even lived through it to tell the tale. I used to live with a bunch of roommates, some of whom were decent, others annoying, but all hail that one person in particular who has etched themself into the deepest, darkest parts of my brain. She did not take the garbage out once in the 3, short but painful months we lived together. Her clothes were…
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'I fired a guy for trying to drive a scissor lift down the stairs': 25+ Safety watchdogs who were caught off guard

'I fired a guy for trying to drive a scissor lift down the stairs': 25+ Safety watchdogs who were caught off guard by careless companies

Maybe safety measures seem like common knowledge to us, but lots of companies would rather save a few bucks and let their employees take on the risk. That's why there's OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which doles out punishments for workplaces that don't protect their workers. However, OSHA is very understaffed, and there's a lot that slips through the cracks. Have you ever seen videos of demolition workers who are trying to bring down a building by themselves? They wil…
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'I’m hanging up now': Daughter pays for father's expenses, he keeps cutting their calls short, she gets even by cutting off his electricity

'I’m hanging up now': Daughter pays for father's expenses, he keeps cutting their calls short, she gets even by cutting off his electricity

Dealing with your parents' technological challenges is one of the unfortunate realities of being a young person in 2023. Despite having typed and printed out a profoundly specific step-by-step list of how to use the television and various streaming services (including passwords for everything), I still receive calls from my parents at all hours of the evening with incessant questions. Of course, I answer because they're my parents and it's the least I can do. That being said, you would think th…
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‘Here's your electricity bill, then': Landlord pays thousands in electricity after IT business owner gets even with him for refusing to pay $400 in HVAC building maintenance

‘Here's your electricity bill, then': Landlord pays thousands in electricity after IT business owner gets even with him for refusing to pay $400 in HVAC building maintenance

With great power, comes great responsibility, or so they say… well, obviously that quote is lost upon 99 percent of people who actually hold any real power, because oftentimes, with power comes greed. And greed can make you blind to your responsibilities. In this case, OP was an IT business owner, who was renting an office in a fairly nice building, and even though there were a few minor issues here and there, they were fixed, albeit a bit slowly. Then the AC unit that happened to sit above OP'…
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malicious compliance house reddit story builder electricity reddit thread Reddit electrician - 17969413

'I got paid to repair all the violations': "House flipper" wants electrician to mislead inspector after getting someone else to do the work

This electrician quickly realized that they didn't want to work with a short-tempered house flipper after watching the client go off on his business-partner brother. The electrician gave the client his “I don’t want to do this job” price which led the client to go with another electrician. When the client contacted them months later to meet with the inspector, it became instantly apparent that the workmanship was incredibly poor and not up to code. There are endless videos online that display t…
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Electrician Gets Shocked by Everything He Touches in Client’s Home, Sparks Heated Debated Between Professionals and Amateurs

Electrician Gets Shocked by Everything He Touches in Client’s Home, Sparks Heated Debated Between Professionals and Amateurs

Either something is really wrong with the wiring or the house is built on top of a portal to the Upside Down…
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Washing machine working on water turbine power

Man Powers House With Creek And A Washing Machine

Simply awesome.
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Funny fight story review for amazon electric knuckles | < PS Products Knuckle Blaster is 950,000V S Victory! By tdoog May 5, 2013 purchased this after confronted by some punks demanding hand over my money relatively fit guy, but no match them is realized need protect myself day after bought this product went very same Wal-Mart parking lot first mugged approached group hooligans standing outside entrance, concealing my secret weapon.

Electric Knuckles Amazon Review is a Fight for the Ages

The best part is that well over 2,000 people found this review helpful.
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playing it safe not taking risks and saving yourself from trouble

16 Times People Played it Safe And Saved Their Own Ass

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biggest fails and mistakes

15 People Share The Biggest F*ck-Up They've Ever Witnessed

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scary explosion FAIL lighting power lines electricity dangerous - 9195100160
Via highvoltage_industries
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